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Principles Quotes

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Search men’s governing principles, and consider the wise, what they shun and what they cleave to  (Principles Quotes) The two principles of truth, reason and senses, are not only both not genuine, but are engaged in mutual deception. The senses deceive reason through false appearances, and the senses are disturbed by passions, which produce false impressions  (Principles Quotes) And so we shall have to do more than register and more than vote; we shall have to create leaders who embody virtues we can respect, who have moral and ethical principles we can applaud with enthusiasm  (Principles Quotes) It’s impossible to be loyal to your family, your friends, your country, and your principles, all at the same time  (Principles Quotes) Be careful of selfish motives. You can mistake them for principles and end up dying for them  (Principles Quotes) When your principles seem to be demanding suicide, clearly it’s time to check your premises  (Principles Quotes) I believe the world grows near its end, yet is neither old nor decayed, nor will ever perish upon the ruins of its own principles  (Principles Quotes) When one cultivates to the utmost the principles of his nature, and exercises them on the principle of reciprocity, he is not far from the path  (Principles Quotes) In a word, neither death, nor exile, nor pain, nor anything of this kind is the real cause of our doing or not doing any action, but our inward opinions and principles  (Principles Quotes) The trouble with selfish motives is that they harden into principles, and you end up sending your kids to war for them  (Principles Quotes) The cause of all human evils is the not being able to apply general principles to special cases  (Principles Quotes) He who is as faithful to his principles as he is to himself is the true partisan  (Principles Quotes) General principles are not the less true or important because from their nature they elude immediate observation; they are like the air, which is not the less necessary because we neither see nor feel it  (Principles Quotes) Ideas and principles that do harm are as a rule, though not always, cloaks for evil passions  (Principles Quotes) Principles aren’t of much account anyway, except at election time. After that you hang them up to let them season  (Principles Quotes) All religions have honored the beggar. For he proves that in a matter at the same time as prosaic and holy, banal and regenerative as the giving of alms, intellect and morality, consistency and principles are miserably inadequate  (Principles Quotes) Wisdom is your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other  (Principles Quotes) Combinations of wickedness would overwhelm the world, by the advantage which licentious principles afford, did not those who have long practised perfidy grow faithless to each other  (Principles Quotes) As to precedents, to be sure they will increase in course of time; but the more precedents there are, the less occasion is there for law; that is to say, the less occasion is there for investigating principles  (Principles Quotes) For a truly effective social campaign, a brand needs to embrace the first principles of marketing, which involves brand definition and consistent storytelling  (Principles Quotes) I tend to approach things from a physics framework. And physics teaches you to reason from first principles rather than by analogy  (Principles Quotes) Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour... If at my convenience I might break them, what would be their worth?  (Principles Quotes) Remember that rights are moral principles which define and protect a man’s freedom of action, but impose no obligations on other men  (Principles Quotes) Like love, the light or guidance of truth that influences us exists only in living form, not in principles or rules or expectations or advice, however widely circulated  (Principles Quotes) Resistances do not derive from a few heterogeneous principles; but neither are they a lure or a promise that is of necessity betrayed. They are the odd term in relations of power; they are inscribed in the latter as an irreducible opposite  (Principles Quotes) Mom and dad say I should make my life an example of the principles I believe in. But every time I do, they tell me to stop it  (Principles Quotes) In politics, as in every other sphere of life, there are two important principles for a man of any sense: don’t cherish too many illusions, and never stop believing that every little bit helps  (Principles Quotes) And so, today, if the state can no longer appeal to the old moral principles that belong to the Christian tradition, it will be forced to create a new official faith and new moral principles which will be binding on its citizens  (Principles Quotes) Being from Africa is the best thing that could have ever, ever happened to me. I cannot see it any other way. All of my fundamental principles that were instilled in me in my home, from my childhood, are still with me  (Principles Quotes) Magic could not be measured and explained in scientific terms, for magic grew through destroying the very natural principles that made science as people knew it impossible  (Principles Quotes)
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