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Prioritise Quotes

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Sometimes you can't prioritise family and you feel guilty  (Prioritise Quotes) I wouldn't say I was organised at all. I just have to prioritise. Is it more important for them to be organised, or to have their dinner, do you know what I mean?  (Prioritise Quotes) Australia must prioritise education spending. It is not a question of whether or not we have the money, it is a question of how we choose to spend it  (Prioritise Quotes) I am kept awake by the list of possibilities for shooting more photos and deciding what I must prioritise next  (Prioritise Quotes) Work out what is truly important to you. Research shows people with consistently high happiness scores prioritise their life according to the things they value. They’ve worked out what is most important to them and don’t allow themselves to get sidetracked  (Prioritise Quotes) I prioritise story over science, but not at the expense of being really stupid about it  (Prioritise Quotes) Whatever you are doing, give it all of your attention. Prioritise what you’re going to do carefully, and then be in the moment.  (Prioritise Quotes)