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Private Quotes

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A citizenship of wholesale delegation and abdication to public and private power systems, such as prevails now, makes such periodic checks as elections little more than rituals  (Private Quotes) We feel public misfortunes just so far as they affect our private circumstances, and nothing of this nature appeals more directly to us than the loss of money  (Private Quotes) Maybe the private life wasn’t forever. Maybe everyone got it for a little while and then spent the rest of their lives remembering  (Private Quotes) And soon a branch, part of a hidden scene, the leafy mind, that long was tightly furled, will turn its private substance into green, and young shoots spread upon our inner world  (Private Quotes) Intellectual property is an important legal and cultural issue. Society as a whole has complex issues to face here: private ownership vs. open source, and so on  (Private Quotes) Perhaps the noblest private act is the unheralded effort to... open our hearts once they’ve closed, to open our souls once they’ve shied away  (Private Quotes) Who should be trusted, when one’s right hand Is perjured to the bosom? Proteus, I am sorry I must never trust thee more, but count the world a stranger for thy sake. The private wound is deepest. O time most accurst, ‘mongst all foes that a friend should be the worst!  (Private Quotes) Above all we should not forget that government is an evil, a usurpation upon the private judgement and individual conscience of mankind  (Private Quotes) And it is no less true, that personal security and private property rest entirely upon the wisdom, the stability, and the integrity of the courts of justice  (Private Quotes) As a mom, I always feel I have to protect them. I talk about them because they are the most important things in my life but they are private people. I won’t use them for my own press  (Private Quotes) But I didn’t ask to have somebody nose around in my private life. I didn’t even ask to be famous. All I asked was to be able to earn a living making people laugh  (Private Quotes) Duty is the great business of a sea officer; all private considerations must give way to it, however painful it may be  (Private Quotes) Even private persons in due season, with discretion and temper, may reprove others, whom they observe to commit sin, or follow bad courses, out of charitable design, and with hope to reclaim them  (Private Quotes) Friendship’s the privilege of private men; for wretched greatness knows no blessing so substantial  (Private Quotes) How do you explain the bond between man and wife? Well, for one thing, it’s private. What people do in their own marriage is their own business  (Private Quotes) I am very fortunate I can send my kids to private school, but everybody does not have the money. If you cannot get your kid in a good school today, your kids are going to be behind the eight ball  (Private Quotes) I did private study for about a month, five days a week, six hours a day. I came to understand the character in ways that I never would’ve previous to that. I was so innocent in respect to ways of creating characters  (Private Quotes) I have no problems with private schools. I graduated from one and so did my mother. Private schools are useful and we often use public funds to pay for their infrastructures and other common needs  (Private Quotes) I have shared my whole life. My private and my show business life. It helps me actually to feel my songs and to go on with my dreams  (Private Quotes) In better times the religion of the tribe or state has nothing in common with the private and foreign superstitions or magical rites that savage terror may dictate to the individual  (Private Quotes) Indeed, our particular concept of private property, which deters us from exhausting the positive resources of the earth, favors pollution  (Private Quotes) International lending banks need to focus on areas where private investment doesn’t go, such as infrastructure projects, education and poverty relief  (Private Quotes) Just in our lifetime our society has become looser and more private, it becomes extremely difficult to hold to any permanent commitment whatever, least of all to organized religion  (Private Quotes) My dad and mom believed that you do what you have to do in private and don’t make a big deal out of it. Just try to help people as much as you can  (Private Quotes) Private religious speech can’t be discriminated against. It has to be treated equally with secular speech  (Private Quotes) The house has to please everyone, contrary to the work of art which does not. The work is a private matter for the artist. The house is not  (Private Quotes) The interior of the house personifies the private world; the exterior of it is part of the outside world  (Private Quotes) The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable, but mandatory  (Private Quotes) The private sector can go forward, if it must, with destruction of embryos for questionable and ethically challenged science. But spend the people’s money on proven blood cord, bone marrow, germ cell, and adult cell research  (Private Quotes) When we want to have our own style of living, it is nobody’s business but ours. What we do in private is our private business  (Private Quotes)
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