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Private Quotes

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Most poetry in the modern age has retreated to the private sphere, turning its back on the political realm  (Private Quotes) Back in the days when the market was a kind of secular God and all the world thrilled to behold the amazing powers of private capital, the idea of privatizing highways and airports and other bits of our transportation infrastructure made a certain kind of sense  (Private Quotes) For me, as I suspect for most people, there comes a point where you have enough. If you’ve got £20 million, why keep going until you’ve got £100 million or £1,000 million? Does anyone need another vast yacht or private jet or a house full of gold?  (Private Quotes) I’ve always been a private person, and I’ve always valued my private life  (Private Quotes) I was brought up with considerable discipline, and I was taught it wasn’t proper to display certain very private emotions in public  (Private Quotes) I’m a very private person, and you have a lot of people looking into your personal life, away from football. That’s the one thing that I don’t like, but I always remember how lucky we are that we’re playing football  (Private Quotes) With 1.7 million private sector jobs lost and half a million jobs shipped overseas over the past three years, we must take action to spur job creation and restore economic prosperity  (Private Quotes) For email, the old postcard rule applies. Nobody else is supposed to read your postcards, but you’d be a fool if you wrote anything private on one  (Private Quotes) Living modestly in a suburban neighborhood while trying to support four children through private school is not extravagant or living large  (Private Quotes) It takes years for me to trust; I know that about myself. A lot of it is because I am so private, and so reluctant to make myself vulnerable  (Private Quotes) The world when I was 13 wasn’t truly driven by tabloid magazines and social media and reality shows. I was able to have a little more of a private life  (Private Quotes) When someone takes a private photo, on a private cell phone, it should remain just that: private  (Private Quotes) Do whatever rejuvenates you. It might be a cooking class, cocktails with the girls, or just private time with the hubby. We all have our moments where we run out of steam because we’ve given everything we’ve got to everyone else. Whoever decided that was a good thing? It’s not. Everyone needs to refuel  (Private Quotes) I just want to stay in my hotel room, read my book. I enjoy that private time  (Private Quotes) There are those who think that the private lives of candidates are none of our business. But when those candidates ask us for our attention as they explain their plans for how they will represent us, no one should be surprised at our interest in how they represent themselves  (Private Quotes) Private life is private life. Off the pitch, there is private life, and the rest is social life, where of course you have to behave responsibly  (Private Quotes) You can’t assume any place you go is private because the means of surveillance are becoming so affordable and so invisible  (Private Quotes) Our spirits have their own private way of understanding each other, of becoming intimate, while our external persons are still trapped in the commerce of ordinary words, in the slavery of social rules. Souls have their own needs and their own ambitions, which the body ignores when it sees that it’s impossible to satisfy them or achieve them  (Private Quotes) Each of us wages a private battle each day between the grand fantasies we have for ourselves and what actually happens  (Private Quotes) The conclusion I have reached is that, above all, dogs are witnesses. They are allowed access to our most private moments. They are there when we think we are alone. Think of what they could tell us. They sit on the laps of presidents. They see acts of love and violence, quarrels and feuds, and the secret play of children. If they could tell us everything they have seen, all of the gaps of our lives would stitch themselves together  (Private Quotes) The future teachers I try to recruit are those show have refused to let themselves be neutered in this way, either in their private lives or in the lives that they intend to lead in school. When they begin to teach, they come into their classrooms with a sense of affirmation of the goodness and the fullness of existence, with a sense of satisfaction in discovering the unexpected in their students, and with a longing to surprise the world, their kids, even themselves, with their capacity to leave each place they’ve been... a better and more joyful place than it was when they entered it  (Private Quotes) The line between the public life and the private life has been erased, due to the rapid decline of manners and courtesy. There is a certain crudeness and crassness that has suddenly become accepted behavior, even desirable  (Private Quotes) She wished there was some place where she could go to hum it out loud. Some kind of music was too private to sing in a house cram fall of people. It was funny, too, how lonesome a person could be in a crowded house  (Private Quotes) The use of sea and air is common to all; neither can a title to the ocean belong to any people or private persons, forasmuch as neither nature nor public use and custom permit any possession therof  (Private Quotes) I’m a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister. I’m a real person operating in the world. For me to discuss the most private thing feels wrong. It feels like I’m betraying myself and my children  (Private Quotes) I’m infatuated with you, I cannot deny it. Physically speaking, you’re a very attractive man. But I don’t like you, the vast majority of the time. So far as I can gather, you behave abominably in public and are only marginally better in private. I only find you remotely tolerable when you’re kissing me  (Private Quotes) Rome tolerated every abominable practice, embraced every foul idea in the name of freedom and the rights of the common man. Citizens no longer carried on deviant behavior in private, but pridefully displayed it in public. It was those with moral values who could no longer freely walk in a public park without having to witness a revolting display. What happened to the public censors who protected the majority of citizenry from moral decadence? Did freedom have to mean abolishing common decency? Did freedom mean anyone could do anything they wanted anytime they wanted, without consequences?  (Private Quotes) Even friends need private spaces, if only within the depths of their own souls, where no one else is allowed to intrude  (Private Quotes) It’s important to have your private enjoyments because sometimes that’s all we have  (Private Quotes) Fool witch once, shame on you. Fool witch twice, oozing sores and an eternal rash in private areas  (Private Quotes)
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