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Private Quotes

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Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. It is not for the sake of a good public administration that it is required, but for the security in the pursuit of the highest objects of civil society, and of private life  (Private Quotes) In our private lives in the last decade, we’ve gone through enormous change that has affected everything, from the way we do business to how we view intelligence and attention. We have to rethink it all in a more interactive, networked, and collaborative way  (Private Quotes) Who wants good people in government? Good people should be in the private sector. Helping us out, helping themselves out in the private sector. We want schmoes in government. We want people who can’t find the doorknob. Why waste productive people, as well as looting the taxpayer?  (Private Quotes) I have a cause higher and nobler than my own, a cause to which all private interests and concerns must be subordinated  (Private Quotes) We really can’t boil a man’s life down to seasonal divisions of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Seasons cycle perennially, and we enjoy them because they recur. We should understand a man’s life this way too. An elderly person may yet see new springs and summers. On the other hand, some young people never escape winter. Others become ensnared by their own private autumns  (Private Quotes) It’s odd to spend your vacation with someone else’s music especially when you’re alone. You’re free to let loose, unobserved, but someone else has chosen the words you belt out in private, the rythms you can dance to like a fool  (Private Quotes) C also supports the notion of friends: cooperative classes that are permitted to see each other’s private parts  (Private Quotes) Standardization, instead of individualization. Cheap books, instead of private press editions. Active literature, instead of passive leather bindings  (Private Quotes) To know that children are suffering and going without food is intolerable in a society such as ours. I hope that all our leaders, in both the public and private sectors, will work tirelessly to eradicate hunger. We all have a responsibility to bring back life to our most precious natural resource  (Private Quotes) Man is always inclined to regard the small circle in which he lives as the center of the world and to make his particular, private life the standard of the universe and to make his particular, private life the standard of the universe. But he must give up this vain pretense, this petty provincial way of thinking and judging  (Private Quotes) Getting an audience requires luck as well as talent. Some artists are private and shy. It costs them too much  (Private Quotes) Everyone lives three versions of themselves; a public life, a private life and a secret life  (Private Quotes) A photographer’s best pictures are from deep inside him, and also some of the worst. Some photographers enjoy distinguished careers without ever taking personal photographs. Others, audaciously and arrogantly and courageously discharge their most private feelings through photography. Trouble is, sometimes it all adds up to baloney  (Private Quotes) I’ve certainly had less practice at fatherhood than I have at acting, but in fatherhood, at least my failures are private!  (Private Quotes) I don’t believe any religion should be exclusive or feel superior in any way, or be judgmental. It should be a quiet, private thing  (Private Quotes) While this has been a private part of my family’s life, it is now clear a media story will soon emerge. My father tragically ended his life while battling terminal cancer in 1979  (Private Quotes) A poem is a private story, after all, no matter how apparently public. The reader is always overhearing a confession  (Private Quotes) I don’t have a life of my own. I’ve put myself and my life at the service of the people. If necessity dictates I run, I run.. go to jail, I go to jail.. die, I die.My private aspirations are exactly the general aspirations of the people  (Private Quotes) I’ve been covering the art industry for nine years, and I still don’t feel like I have a clear grasp on what an art consultant does. What’s the difference between a dealer and an art consultant? Who are they? What’s their day to day like? So I asked a few private dealers, consultants and curators to talk about what they do. Everyone told me a different story  (Private Quotes) Since bad men find the rule of kings no less burdensome than that of tyrants, the recognition of the right of private citizens to kill tyrants involves rather more chance of losing a king than of being relieved of a tyrant  (Private Quotes) What we say in private we must be willing to say with a heart burning with love and honor before the face of our leaders. If not, we will poison our spirits and it will manifest in the presence of our leaders  (Private Quotes) A private faith that does not act in the face of oppression is no faith at all  (Private Quotes) We are all, in the private kingdom of our hearts, desperate for the company of a wise, true friend. Someone who isn’t embarrassed by our emotions, or her own, who recognizes that life is short and all that we have to offer, in the end, is love  (Private Quotes) Write about the thing that scares you most or your most private confession and you’ll never have a problem coming up with decent fiction  (Private Quotes) Food that is necessary for man’s existence is as sacred as life itself. Everything that is indispensable for its preservation is the common property of society as a whole. It is only the surplus that is private property and can be safely left to individual commercial enterprise  (Private Quotes) I live a very normal regimented life that focuses on my training and my private life so I squeeze the insane stuff in around that  (Private Quotes) All space must be attached to a value, to a public dimension. There is no private space. The only private space that you can imagine is the human mind  (Private Quotes) What is necessary for the pubic realm is to shield it from the private interests which have intruded upon it in the most brutal and aggressive form  (Private Quotes) When a cricketer gets hit in the private parts, he hopes the pain will go away very soon but the swelling doesn’t!  (Private Quotes) The only things that distinguish the photographer from everybody else are his pictures: they alone are the basis for our special interest in him. If pictures cannot be understood without knowing details of the artist’s private life, then that is a reason for faulting them; major art, by definition, can stand independent of its maker  (Private Quotes)
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