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Private Quotes

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The events of human life, whether public or private, are so intimately linked to architecture that most observers can reconstruct nations or individuals in all the truth of their habits from the remains of their monuments or from their domestic relics  (Private Quotes) Under private property, each tries to establish over the other an alien power, so as thereby to find satisfaction of his own selfish need. The increase in the quantity of objects is therefore accompanied by an extension of the realm of the alien powers to which man is subjected, and every new product represents a new potentiality of mutual swindling and mutual plundering  (Private Quotes) The foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality, and the preeminence of free government be exemplified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens, and command the respect of the world  (Private Quotes) Education is here placed among the articles of public care, not that it would be proposed to take its ordinary branches out of the hands of private enterprise, which manages so much better all the concerns to which it is equal, but a public institution can alone supply those sciences which, though rarely called for, are yet necessary to complete the circle, all the parts of which contribute to the improvement of the country, and some of them to its preservation  (Private Quotes) All my life I have worked to be able to earn my living, but I thought that one could do good painting without attracting attention to one’s private life. Certainly, an artist wishes to raise himself intellectually as much as possible, but the man must remain obscure. The pleasure must be found in the work  (Private Quotes) Inference is founded upon obvious reasons. Regard to reputation has a less active influence, when the infamy of a bad action is to be divided upon a number, than when it is to fall singly upon one. A spirit of faction... will often hurry the persons of whom they were composed into improprieties and excesses for which they would blush in a private capacity  (Private Quotes) Although it is difficult to pinpoint the physical base or location of awareness, it is perhaps the most precious thing concealed within our brains. And it is something that the individual alone can feel and experience. Each of us cherishes it highly, yet it is private  (Private Quotes) The tendency of a national bank is to increase public and private credit. The former gives power to the state, for the protection of its rights and interests: and the latter facilitates and extends the operations of commerce among individuals. Industry is increased, commodities are multiplied, agriculture and manufacturers flourish: and herein consists the true wealth and prosperity of a state  (Private Quotes) I don’t want to know about the lives of other actors and I don’t want people to know too much about me. If we don’t know about the private lives of other actors, that leaves us as clean slates when it comes to playing characters. That’s the point, they can create these other characters and I can believe them. I think if you’re a good enough actor, that’s the way to longevity in the film business. Keep everybody guessing  (Private Quotes) A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalysed thought. And that’s a problem because privacy matters, privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be  (Private Quotes) Once we have surrendered our senses and nervous systems to the private manipulation of those who would try to benefit from taking a lease on our eyes and ears and nerves, we don’t really have any rights left. Leasing our eyes and ears and nerves to commercial interests is like handing over the common speech to a private corporation, or like giving the earth’s atmosphere to a company as a monopoly  (Private Quotes) The market economy is the social system of the division of labor under private ownership of the means of production. Everybody acts on his own behalf; but everybodys actions aim at the satisfaction of other peoples needs as well as at the satisfaction of his own. Everybody in acting serves his fellow citizens  (Private Quotes) There are drones flying over the air randomly that are recording everything that’s happening on what we consider our private property. That type of technology has to stimulate us to think about what is it that we cherish in privacy, and how far we want to protect it and from whom  (Private Quotes) Inflation is not caused by the actions of private citizens, but by the government: by an artificial expansion of the money supply required to support deficit spending. No private embezzlers or bank robbers in history have ever plundered people’s savings on a scale comparable to the plunder perpetrated by the fiscal policies of statist governments  (Private Quotes) That the foundation of our national policy should be laid in private morality. If individuals be not influenced by moral principles, it is in vain to look for public virtue; it is, therefore, the duty of legislators to enforce, both by precept and example, the utility, as well as the necessity, of a strict adherence to the rules of distributive justice  (Private Quotes) Most of the writers I know are weird hybrids. There’s a strong streak of egomania coupled with extreme shyness. Writing’s kind of like exhibitionism in private. And there’s also a strange loneliness, and a desire to have some kind of conversation with people, but not a real great ability to do it in person  (Private Quotes) The electors see their representative not only as a legislator for the state but also as the natural protector of local interests in the legislature; indeed, they almost seem to think that he has a power of attorney to represent each constituent, and they trust him to be as eager in their private interests as in those of the country  (Private Quotes) So I am totally aware that when I defend the autonomy of art I’m going counter to my own development. It’s more an instinctive reaction, meant to protect the private aspect of the work, the part I am most interested in and which nowadays is at risk in our culture  (Private Quotes) You know, we’re very private, and I think that we really separate and try to keep our privacy to ourselves. There’s things that people assume a lot of times, and we understand that people are interested, but we really try to keep our family life private as much as we can  (Private Quotes) Second, when comparing private school and public school test scores, it’s like apples and oranges. Public schools have to take everyone, but private schools can be selective. It’s not accurate or fair to compare the job they do  (Private Quotes) They defined what was private and what was public and they would move it whenever they wished  (Private Quotes) I’m not willing to say I want to return to private life because I’m too old to begin telling lies now  (Private Quotes) Where the roots of private virtue are diseased, the fruit of public probity cannot but be corrupt  (Private Quotes) For the first time in history, a private company is organizing a mission to the moon. This mission will inspire countries of the world, citizens, our youth  (Private Quotes) I got access to a private tour of the zoo. I got to go in a cage with a koala, which I highly recommend  (Private Quotes) People just want to know something, anything. It’s all the stuff you never want to talk about, the private stuff  (Private Quotes) Everybody says they want to have private providers and we’re saying fine. Let the states negotiate on behalf of a population in your state to drive down your costs. Don’t just give subsidies to insurance companies for expensive insurance  (Private Quotes) For most of my life, I did deliberately lead a private life and inadvertently led a public life  (Private Quotes) I can’t comment on any outside perception. I’m happy to come out and talk about movies that I’ve worked on in a setting like this. Otherwise, I have my own life that I live which is very different and private  (Private Quotes) Well, we’re trying to patch and fix and put a cast on a broken system here. You can call it what you want, but we’ll continue to purchase power in a private market  (Private Quotes)
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