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Private Quotes

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Despite the barrage of information about me that is publicly available, I live a surprisingly private and anonymous life  (Private Quotes) If 300 million people were to offer up the details of their private lives, you would need to hire another 300 million people just to keep up  (Private Quotes) Hopefully I can go back and forth from the United States to Asia. I feel joint productions could be the way of the future. I’ll need a private plane to charter the international waters!  (Private Quotes) I think good private equity investors create a lot more economic value than they destroy  (Private Quotes) About my books, that’s all that I think the public has, in its normal way, to know. My private life is, by definition, private  (Private Quotes) I very much dislike being interviewed by the kind of journalist who tries to dig into your private life  (Private Quotes) People tell me all the time that I look forbidding or aloof. That doesn’t bother me much - I am fairly private, withdrawn, and... distant, I guess. But, um, I think that’s okay  (Private Quotes) I trained in Toronto with a private acting teacher, who was wonderful, for years growing up  (Private Quotes) I went to an all-girls private school, where we played field hockey and lacrosse  (Private Quotes) Would I put my daughter in a private all-girl school? No. Would I put her in a private co-ed school? Yes. Would I put her in the school I went to? No way  (Private Quotes) We do many things at the federal level that would be considered dishonest and illegal if done in the private sector  (Private Quotes) But you see, that’s the gilded prison of fashion. We’re riding in private jets, and meantime I was so incredibly, painfully sad and lonely  (Private Quotes) In all my public and private acts as your president, I expect to follow my instincts of openness and candor with full confidence that honesty is always the best policy in the end  (Private Quotes) Nominally, there is one executive for every eight federal employees, a ratio that would bankrupt many private industries  (Private Quotes) The temptations are great to simply retreat to the domain of private life and give up on our public problems  (Private Quotes) Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards  (Private Quotes) Nearly all legislation involves a weighing of public needs as against private desires; and likewise a weighing of relative social values  (Private Quotes) Love is a great force in private life; it is indeed the greatest of all things; but love in public affairs does not work  (Private Quotes) It is the private opinion of this court that not only is the late defendant sane but that he is the sanest man in this entire jurisdiction  (Private Quotes) Maybe each human being lives in a unique world, a private world, a world different from those inhabited and experienced by all other humans  (Private Quotes) Guns are always the best method for a private suicide... Drugs are too chancy. You might miscalculate the dosage and just have a good time  (Private Quotes) I don’t have any stigma attached to my body. When I’m in my own private space, I have very little on  (Private Quotes) I have been fiercely private, in part because I could never understand how a journalist could be otherwise. I was also the mother of small children, and security concerns were paramount  (Private Quotes) In the private sanctuary of one’s own conscience lies that spirit, that determination to cast off the old person and to measure up to the statue of true potential  (Private Quotes) Aha! What villains are these, that trespass upon my private lands! Come to scorn at my fall, perchance? Draw, you knaves, you dogs!  (Private Quotes) But every once in a while, from out of the blue, someone reaches the quiet place where you spend your private time and changes the way you see yourself  (Private Quotes) If a man’s public record be a clear one, if he has kept his pledges before the world, I do not inquire what his private life may have been  (Private Quotes) While the invisible hand looks after the private sector, the invisible foot kicks the public sector to pieces  (Private Quotes) What is the cause of most backslidings? I believe, as a general rule, one of the chief causes is neglect of private prayer  (Private Quotes) I’ve learned... that sometimes coming public with certain things, it inspires other people. And sometimes I want to keep things private... but then I found out that it helps other families  (Private Quotes)
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