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I’m completely against hacking into anyone’s private messages unless it’s whoever I’m dating  (Private Quotes) Obama is from this group that resents the private sector, resents the capitalistic means of production  (Private Quotes) There is no personal right to be armed for private purposes unrelated to the service in a well regulated militia  (Private Quotes) Abortion’s a private decision. But I just think it shouldn’t be federalized  (Private Quotes) If you don’t want to have your private life splashed everywhere, why go to the restaurants and the places you know you’re going to be photographed  (Private Quotes) No public character has ever stood the revelation of private utterance and correspondence  (Private Quotes) Future public education will require involvement and collaboration among various local, civic, private and nonprofit entities, a concept I like to refer to as community entrepreneurship  (Private Quotes) I think it’s difficult, if you’re a quite private person like I am, to write about your life very intimately  (Private Quotes) The reason there are so few good talkers in public is that there are so few thinkers in private  (Private Quotes) Adani Enterprises is well on track to realize its aim of emerging as India’s largest private sector energy and logistics conglomerate  (Private Quotes) The court’s recent understanding of religion as a private matter for individuals has plainly become malnourished and impoverished  (Private Quotes) The three most important things a man has are, briefly, his private parts, his money, and his religious opinions  (Private Quotes) You contemplate and you wander without any worries, between heaven and earth, in your own private world, and in this way you acquire supreme freedom  (Private Quotes) For the stage displays the first vigorous expression, as the natural thing and without conspicuous restraint, of private individuality  (Private Quotes) The fantasy of the wedding day is that it represents undeniable public and private truth that you have been chosen. For that one day, you are the most valuable creature in the world - a treasure, a princess, a prize  (Private Quotes) I was actually privately in the White House like invited by Clinton to screen Independence Day, so I know how the private residence looks. I didn’t snap a picture, but I have a photographic memory and then I could take a guided tour in the West Wing  (Private Quotes) Albania in 1994 was the strangest place I’ve ever seen. It was like walking into the looking glass: falling apart, paranoid people, anarchy, no one farming, full of thieves. It was beyond any Third World country. They were living in their own private nightmare  (Private Quotes) Modern secular thought has its own dualism: It treats only the physical world as knowable and testable, while locking everything else - mind, spirit, morality, meaning - into the realm of private, subjective feelings. The so-called fact/value split  (Private Quotes) Notable American Women is a weird nougat of a book that suggests Coetzee, Kafka, Beckett, Barthelme, O’Brien, Orwell, Paley, Borges-and none of them exactly. Finally you just have to chew it for its own private juice  (Private Quotes) My research clearly reveals that if we want to put inner-city workers to work immediately, we just can’t rely on the private sector. They don’t want to touch them; they don’t want to hire them  (Private Quotes) In Milly Barranger, Margaret Webster has found the perfect biographer. In Margaret Webster, Milly Barranger has found her perfect subject. She brings to vivid life a fascinating and important theater figure whose public and private lives were of equal interest. In this carefully researched book, Webster’s colleagues, lovers, and friends shine as brightly as she did. I wish she were here to read it  (Private Quotes) We join Armenians around the world as we remember the terrible massacres suffered in 1915-1923 at the hands of the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. The United States responded to this crime against humanity by leading diplomatic and private relief efforts  (Private Quotes) In almost every enterprise, government has provided business with opportunities for private gain at public expense. Government nurtures private capital accumulation through a process of subsidies, supports, and deficit spending and an increasingly inequitable tax system  (Private Quotes) If you are a kid in Beverly Hills, (I am not putting down people who live in Beverly Hills) if that kid knows private school and a credit card... you can’t say the kid is taking life for granted. He is taking the life that was given to him  (Private Quotes) My parents are very successful, and I went to the nicest private school in the Seattle area. I was lucky. But I never had any trust funds of any kind, though my dad did pay my tuition at Harvard, which was quite expensive  (Private Quotes) I prefer things that are private, so I love recording and I love making films, as a filmmaker, because it uses every bit of what you have experienced or know, whether it’s graphics composition, decorating, psychology, storytelling, or whatever it is. It’s a wonderful thing  (Private Quotes) It is such a disappointment in American political reaction and actions. When some of our politicians are flying around the country in private airplanes all the time, using public services as their mode of private transportation, and then criticizing us who are in business  (Private Quotes) What, really, is wanted from a neighborhood? Convenience, certainly, an absence of major aggravation, to be sure. But perhaps mostof all, ideally, what is wanted is a comfortable background, a breathing space of intermission between the intensities of private life and the calculations of public life  (Private Quotes) Removing religious symbols from public places is not neutrality. On the contrary, it sends a highly negative message - that religion is something shameful, embarrassing, or at best strictly private  (Private Quotes) Mitt Romney is a businessman, a turnaround artist, a CEO. That is who he is. The former governor has experience in the public and private sector  (Private Quotes)
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