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Private Quotes

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My address book of dealers and private collectors, smugglers and fixers, agents, runners and the peculiar assortment of art hangers-on was longer than anyone else’s in the field.  (Private Quotes) As humans we look at things and think about what we’ve looked at. We treasure it in a kind of private art gallery.  (Private Quotes) By giving the leadership to the private sector in a capitalistic society, we’re going to measure the value of art by how many products we can sell.  (Private Quotes) In your opinion, where do private and political life, personal history and History meet? You know the answer, Maya. You say it unhesitatingly - in art and literature.  (Private Quotes) Real photography is a wonderfully inclusive, democratic medium, whereas art photography is more often a private pursuit by conmen.  (Private Quotes) People often say ‘I live for my art.’ Bullshit! If you are given a talent it’s to be used. It’s not in the private domain.  (Private Quotes) Ask any teenage girl to describe her perfect bedroom, and you’ll get answers like ‘a room with a private phone line, a place to hang out with friends, and for it to be way-cool and funky.’ Ask parents the same question, and ‘a locked door that opens on their 21st birthday’ might top the list!  (Private Quotes) At the same time that I love meeting people and stuff, I’m a very private person  (Private Quotes) It would be madness to let the purposes or the methods of private enterprise set the habits of the age of atomic energy.  (Private Quotes) I’m infatuated with you, I cannot deny it. Physically speaking, you’re a very attractive man. But I don’t like you, the vast majority of the time. So far as I can gather, you behave abominably in public and are only marginally better in private. I only find you remotely tolerable when you’re kissing me.  (Private Quotes) The average American has separated his private life from his existence as a member of his society, and leaves that to the specialists in the government to take care of.  (Private Quotes) Actually, if you take the average American, and studies have shown that, he is really concerned only with private affairs; that is to say, with his health, his money and family affairs.  (Private Quotes) The era during which only governments could put hardware on the Moon is coming to an end. There are 26 private teams competing for the $30 million Google Lunar X-Prize - to be awarded for sending a robotic spacecraft to this nearby world that can roam at least 500 meters, and send back data such as a photo.  (Private Quotes) I feel like nowadays everyone perceives you the same way. You can’t even have a private life away from your family; it’s like everything is very hands-on!  (Private Quotes) When someone respects you, s/he confronts you in private before taking you in public and/or stabbing in the back and backbiting you...  (Private Quotes) There are corporate private investigators, companies doing very forensic background checks on people. They buy data, they get their own data... They don’t want their industry publicised.  (Private Quotes) I think it’s a bad business decision to exclude anybody from your restaurant - but, at the same time, I do believe in private ownership.  (Private Quotes) Curiosity was a bad character trait for a private investigator to have. It created work.  (Private Quotes) The keynote of simple folk is bad manners, familiarity. They intrude on one’s private soul.  (Private Quotes) I’ve always loved clothes, especially handbags and shoes. I’d rather save my money on clothing and wear crap, but have the handbags and shoes. I used to buy a Ferragamo or Louis Vuitton bag every job that I got. Now I have a child, and we pay for private school, so I’ve had to scale back!  (Private Quotes) You balance the budget by restraining the growth of government and encouraging the growth of the private sector.  (Private Quotes) It is just that all my life I have been so involved in my work that I guess one could say in general that, whenever I had to balance my private life and my profession, my profession always won out.  (Private Quotes) My mom was concerned that us four little black girls have a really well-balanced life. She wanted us to be around people like us, but we also went to private school and traveled all the time. Now I fit in most places because I’ve been most places.  (Private Quotes) Barbra Streisand developed overwhelming performance anxiety at the height of her career; for 27 years she refused to perform for the general public, appearing live only in private clubs and at charity events, where she presumably believed the pressure on her was less intense.  (Private Quotes) One of the market’s virtues, and the reason it enables so much peaceful interaction and cooperation among such a great variety of peoples, is that it demands of its participants only that they observe a relatively few basic principles, among them honesty, the sanctity of contracts, and respect for private property.  (Private Quotes) At a purely practical level, history is important because it provides the basic skills needed for students to go further in sociology, politics, international relations and economics. History is also an ideal discipline for almost all careers in the law, the civil service and the private sector.  (Private Quotes) While this has been a private part of my family’s life, it is now clear a media story will soon emerge. My father tragically ended his life while battling terminal cancer in 1979.  (Private Quotes) Both my husband and I give a lot of ourselves in what we do because that is our public lives; but in my private life, I have an intrinsic right to be left alone.  (Private Quotes) ... If Islam is to be reconciled with modernity, these voices must be encouraged until they swell into a roar. Many of them speak of another Islam, their personal, private faith. The restoration of religion to the sphere of the personal, its depoliticization, is the nettle that all Muslim societies must grasp in order to become modern.  (Private Quotes) Being honest when you’re dealing with others is easier to do because your honesty is on the table for all to view...Being honest with yourself is more difficult because you only have to justify it in private where no one can see it.  (Private Quotes)
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