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Private Quotes

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Yes, it’s a very difficult thing to do, to promote a record, do television shows, and to still want to remain private, it’s really quite difficult to explain to people what you’re trying to do. I mean I’d actually quite like to be a recluse, but you know, you’ve got to promote the record as well.  (Private Quotes) I spent my whole life in the private sector, 25 years in the private sector. I understand that when government takes more money out of the hands of people, it makes it more difficult for them to buy things. If they can’t buy things, the economy doesn’t grow. If the economy doesn’t grow, we don’t put Americans to work.  (Private Quotes) The Fourth Amendment is quite clear on the notion that search and seizure must not be unreasonable. It is difficult to think of something more unreasonable than searching the private phone records and digital information of citizens who are suspected of nothing.  (Private Quotes) A national security letter cannot be used to authorize eavesdropping or to read the contents of e-mail. But it does permit investigators to trace revealing paths through the private affairs of a modern digital citizen.  (Private Quotes) There are big parts of my life that I don’t share. I don’t share myself eating dinner with my family. I don’t talk about who I’m dating. That’s private; that’s me.  (Private Quotes) When I start to write, words have become physical presence. It was to see if I could bring that private world to life that found its first expression through reading. I really dislike the romantic notion of the artist.  (Private Quotes) My own mother, my sister and nearly all the women in my family had full-time jobs as mothers. They were wonderful at it. They drove their children back and forth to soccer, skating lessons, piano lessons, private schools, but I sensed, even in my own mother, a kind of distant dissatisfaction.  (Private Quotes) It’s easy to see why dog rescue is a mushrooming culture. Turning a troubled person’s life around is difficult, but rescuers with commitment and time and a few dollars can radically alter the fate of a dog. And there are millions of dogs - nearly 10 million in the shelter system, many others mistreated in private homes - in need of rescuing.  (Private Quotes) How do you explain the bond between man and wife? Well, for one thing, it’s private. What people do in their own marriage is their own business.  (Private Quotes) You no more have the right to risk others by failing to vaccinate than you do by sending your child to school with a hunting knife. Vaccination isn’t a private choice but a civic obligation.  (Private Quotes) There is no greater stupidity than for people...to marry and so surrender themselves to the small miseries of domestic and private life.  (Private Quotes) I really don’t mind what people assume about me. I really think that my brain is my private thing. I don’t need the approval of people. I don’t need people to think I’m intelligent. And I’m not that intelligent.  (Private Quotes) I’m a private person so wasn’t the type of person who could talk to people and be like this is going on at home, I want this shirt, this girl don’t like me, etc. I just rap about it!  (Private Quotes) I don’t mind if people don’t like me. Well, I might a little ... but I really mind it when somebody uses their position at Time magazine to tell 10 million people they don’t like me. I know what it’s like to have your private life painted in the worst possible light in front of a lot of people.  (Private Quotes) When you gotta go out and make a movie to pay for the kid’s private school and for the three ex-wives, don’t talk to me about your artistry. It’s their job. It’s not my job. It’s my calling.  (Private Quotes) The reason the American people don’t trust Hillary Clinton is they’re looking at the pay to play politics she operated with the Clinton foundation through the private server.  (Private Quotes) No outward doors of a man’s house can in general be broken open to execute any civil process; though in criminal cases the public safety supersedes the private.  (Private Quotes) The backstage play, in which the private lives of theater people are put onstage for the world to see, is one of the diciest of dramatic genres.  (Private Quotes) I think it’s important to keep things private, and there are certain boundaries I feel very particular about drawing. It may seem fastidious, but my experience of talking to the press is that I need those boundaries to remain very clear.  (Private Quotes) People think it’s funny that I enjoy dreaming so much. I just use it as a form of entertainment. It’s very private. I don’t see my dreams as separate. I mean, half the time I’m wandering around dreaming anyway.  (Private Quotes) What’s problematic about playing stadiums and driving around in private jets and drinking champagne at 8 o’clock in the morning? What’s wrong with that? I haven’t got a problem with that. I can’t fathom why people would.  (Private Quotes) Runners exalt the marathon as a public test of private will, when months or years of solitary training, early mornings, lost weekends, rain and pain mature into triumph or surrender. That’s one reason the race-day crowds matter, the friends who come to cheer and stomp and flap their signs and push the runners on.  (Private Quotes) According to the Bible, God created the heavens and the Earth. It is man’s prerogative - and woman’s - to create their own particular and private hell.  (Private Quotes) I’m more private than people realize. I’m not that easy to get to know.  (Private Quotes) Why, who cries out on pride that can therein tax any private party? Doth it not flow as hugely as the sea till the weary very means do ebb?  (Private Quotes) [The economic crisis ] gave people the option to put money into private accounts  (Private Quotes) In the economic sphere, the program demanded thorough decentralization and managerial independence of enterprises, as well as legalization of small-scale private enterprise, especially in the service sector.  (Private Quotes) Private industry’s job is to make money. Private industry’s job is to create a huge economic engine.  (Private Quotes) As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.  (Private Quotes) Confronted with economic problems, politicians always blame the private sector first ... [even] blaming the problem on the solution.  (Private Quotes)
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