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Private Quotes

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We’ve always been modestly leveraged, and we’ve never believed in a great deal of leverage on either our private equity business or on our investment banking business. And I think it really goes back to my uncle and dad growing up in the Depression and just seeing what happened to people who were overly levered.  (Private Quotes) I think a lot of times people who jump from one movie to another don’t enjoy their private life. It’s a great way to escape reality. But I enjoy my life.  (Private Quotes) The Court’s majority holds that the Establishment Clause is no bar to Ohio’s payment of tuition at private religious elementary and middle schools under a scheme that systematically provides tax money to support the schools’ religious missions.  (Private Quotes) I believe in privacy, I believe that people especially when it comes to private emails, personal emails, et cetera, I think people have a right to that privacy.  (Private Quotes) I felt like I was living in some sort of video game and people pre-empting every move I made, obviously as a result of accessing my private information.  (Private Quotes) My father’s very public life as Famous Amos was the opposite of that of his ex-wife, my mother Shirley, who was fighting a very private, solitary battle with mental illness.  (Private Quotes) In the U.S., the term ‘general aviation’ means its exact opposite, the way ‘public school’ does in England. An English public school is private and, on top of that, exclusive. Likewise, general-aviation airports in the U.S. are for everyone but the general public.  (Private Quotes) We need to just study what other countries have done. There are examples of a strong partnership between the defence establishment and the private industry.  (Private Quotes) Italy and France could lop off their excessive wealth through a one-time tax on private wealth  (Private Quotes) Every picture I make, every experience of my private life, every lesson I learn are the keys to my future. And I have faith in it.  (Private Quotes) Actually, I was the seventh private explorer but the first Canadian ‘space clown.’ I never dreamed of going into space; I just dreamed of traveling. But I admit that space is an incredible destination and the absolute traveling experience.  (Private Quotes) I think a lot about the private emotions of black people - what we feel and yet is rarely publicly expressed.  (Private Quotes) Translating any insights I have for strangers’ lives into positive action in my own has proved a challenge. While I’ve learned a lot about what everyone else is thinking, I fail miserably to use such knowledge in my private relationships.  (Private Quotes) On the other hand, when I give it closer thought, I realize I’m not enough of a dictator to conduct an orchestra because it requires a pretty awful person. When you read these biographies of famous conductors, they are all awful people who fail in their private relationships.  (Private Quotes) My job as an actor is for you, so why should my private life be for you, too? That’s not fair.  (Private Quotes) Those who embrace belief in Christ Jesus are bound together in Him, in a real yet incomplete way, in his Body, the Church. Faith is never a solitary activity, nor can it be simply private. Faith in Christ always draws us into a community and has a public dimension.  (Private Quotes) It’s strange that the newspapers don’t see a connection between their false revelations about my private life and my need for seclusion and security.  (Private Quotes) The bottom line is that weather events not only threaten private property and family budgets, but they also can decimate public resources and government coffers.  (Private Quotes) I’ve had moments in my life when I’ve thought if I wasn’t acting, if I wasn’t doing what I do and I had a career in the private sector and I didn’t have a family, that I do have some tendencies where I could really kind of have a monastic existence and be okay with it.  (Private Quotes) In a normal family, surprise means presents, cake and a party. My family, surprise means homelessness, abandonment and destruction of private property. Sometimes we have cake. We’re not losers.  (Private Quotes) I was trying to support a family with writing. I didn’t have a private income. I had no other profession.  (Private Quotes) I see easyHotel as one of the best, most natural extensions of the ‘easy’ brand from the airline. EasyHotel is raising money to accelerate growth at a much faster rate than I could have grown it as a private company, whilst enabling me to spend more time on my diversified portfolio of other investments.  (Private Quotes) Nominally, there is one executive for every eight federal employees, a ratio that would bankrupt many private industries.  (Private Quotes) I know this, the Federal Reserve is private and the I.R.S. is screwing us.  (Private Quotes) Once the government runs out of foreign and private sector bidders for new Treasurys, the Federal Reserve will be the only buyer, and the hyper-inflation cat will be completely out of the bag.  (Private Quotes) You know, it doesn’t take a genius in the private sector to know that you can save literally hundreds of billions of dollars in federal spending if you can make it more responsive. That’s the main job.  (Private Quotes) What is acted out on the female body parallels the larger practices of domination, fragmentation, and conquest against the earth body, which is being polluted, strip-mined, deforested, and cut up into parcels of private property. Equally, this pattern points to the fragmentation of the psyche, which ultimately underlies and enables all of this damage.  (Private Quotes) The fifth amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that no private property shall be taken for a public use without the payment of just compensation.  (Private Quotes) I’m such a private person, and sexuality is such a private thing. A sex scene is much harder than a fight scene. It’s one thing to say, ‘Kick higher,’ but ‘Kiss harder’ - that’s just crazy.  (Private Quotes) I am private because I’m still figuring things out. I’m young! I’m making it up as I go!  (Private Quotes)
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