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Private Quotes

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I found myself getting more publicly shy when the gala events and big crowds started. Some people embrace it. To me, it’s not worth enough to risk my private life being public.  (Private Quotes) I don’t think you get successful to brag and throw what you have in the world’s face. That’s all private.  (Private Quotes) Ghost stories are always listened to and well received in private, but pitilessly disavowed in public. For my own part, ignorant as I am of the way in which the human spirit enters the world and the way in which he goes out of it, I dare not deny the truth of many such narratives.  (Private Quotes) The Reagan-Bush years have exalted private gain over public obligation, special interests over the common good, wealth and fame over work and family. The 1980s ushered in a Gilded Age of greed and selfishness, of irresponsibility and excess, and of neglect.  (Private Quotes) I had lived in that part of London that used to be called Islington since I was eight. I attended a private school for girls, leaving at sixteen to work. That was in the year 2056. AS 127, if you use the Scion calendar.  (Private Quotes) When I was in college at Carnegie Mellon, I wanted to be a chemist. So I became one. I worked in a laboratory and went to graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh. Then I taught science at a private girls’ school. I had three children and waited until all three were in school before I started writing.  (Private Quotes) Everybody says they want to have private providers and we’re saying fine. Let the states negotiate on behalf of a population in your state to drive down your costs. Don’t just give subsidies to insurance companies for expensive insurance.  (Private Quotes) Because you want to have competition to drive down the price. You want innovation. You have the ability to get people to agree that it’s worth having a public plan. You could get private insurers to cover this population, but you couldn’t without giving the population leverage in the marketplace.  (Private Quotes) We’ve got to figure out a way that we give a private sphere for our public leaders. We’re not gonna get the best people in public life if we don’t do that.  (Private Quotes) Both of our nations [America and Germany] were proud to join the Paris Climate Agreement which the world should work to implement quickly. Continued global leadership on climate in addition to increasing private investment and clean energy is gonna be critical to meeting this growing threat.  (Private Quotes) I went to a failing school, and by the grace of God, my mother was able to put me into private school, and had she not, I would probably be in a gang or dead right now, because that was the road I was going down.  (Private Quotes) With a private company, you’ve got to get into who’s investing and what’s the balance sheet like. So going public is a positive thing from the perspective of the sales organization.  (Private Quotes) One of the things that probably drew me to writing was that it was something you could get on with by yourself. Publishing means going public. But the actual activity could scarcely be more invisible. And private.  (Private Quotes) We’re going to give [veterans] the right to see their private doctor, get taken care of it, perhaps the private or public hospital.  (Private Quotes) I always told people in the private sector, ‘You can be the smartest person in the world, you can have the very best ideas, but if you can’t sell them and you can’t get other people to work with you, you’re not going to succeed.’  (Private Quotes) Politicians, bureaucrats, editors, new commentators, ‘economists’ teachers,’ and other word artists who denounce private enterprise and praise socialism are their own worst enemies...these attackers are unwittingly destroying the sources of their own livelihood. They kill the geese that lay the golden eggs - and don’t know it!  (Private Quotes) There’s a good argument to be made that companies that are private, where they’re run by partnerships, where everybody has true stake in them and they’re not playing with other people’s money, that by default it’s a safer system, because you really have skin in the game. You really own the company.  (Private Quotes) I survived because I never took on big responsibilities in my private life. In the early days, I lived on two or three pounds a week and learned to cook - and I’m a good cook - because I had to. Even when I went on holiday, I stayed in other people’s houses.  (Private Quotes) I’d like to go back to poetry again. I really, really revere good poetry. It’s been my private discipline.  (Private Quotes) If you want a good education, go to private schools. If you can’t afford it, tough luck. You can go to the public school.  (Private Quotes) Good evening, and welcome to a private showing of three paintings, displayed here for the first time. Each is a collectors’ item in its own way - not because of any special artistic quality, but because each captures on a canvas, and suspends in time and space, a frozen moment of a nightmare.  (Private Quotes) Oh! a private buffoon is a light-hearted loon, If you listen to popular rumour; From morning to night he’s so joyous and bright, And he bubbles with wit and good humour!  (Private Quotes) China has created very good investment tools, including an entire network of very large funds. The Russian Private Investment Fund works with some of those funds, with China’s largest investment funds.  (Private Quotes) I have real good parents. I have two brothers, and we got good educations. My parents didn’t have a whole lot of money, but they spent the money they had on private school for us, Catholic school.  (Private Quotes) Government charity gives the most to those who refuse to help themselves; private charity gives less.  (Private Quotes) The Great Depression, like most other periods of severe unemployment, was produced by government mismanagement rather than by any inherent instability of the private economy.  (Private Quotes) My own belief is that the way we grow the economy, create jobs, create wealth is in the private sector. The government doesn’t do that.  (Private Quotes) We don’t measure our people’s success in how they’re doing in government. We measure how they are doing in the real world and the private sector economy.  (Private Quotes) The rationale for the vast network of government welfare programs as well as regulation and control over private enterprise is based on the socialist analysis of the market economy.  (Private Quotes) Remove God from the world of ideas. Remove government, politics from society. Keep sex, humor, utilities. Let private property go.  (Private Quotes)
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