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Private Quotes

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I think there’s room for both private exploration and group work in Yoga  (Private Quotes) One of the nice things about being a private company is operating without the intensity of public glare. It’s hard to grow a company under a microscope of constant second guessing.  (Private Quotes) We are shrinking the size of the federal government as a percent of our economy from over 21 percent of the economy to 19 percent of the economy. At the same time, we’re growing the private economy.  (Private Quotes) Private property and the market system are good not only to promote innovation and to promote growth; private property and the market system are good for our personal freedom.  (Private Quotes) In Poland we still believe - and this certainly applies to my government - that greater competitiveness, and greater growth and savings are possible in an economy which is as sparely regulated as possible, where freedom, competition and private ownership are key values.  (Private Quotes) Not to our surprise, we discover that gun crime in Britain is up 10.9 percent since the disarmament of the private citizen.  (Private Quotes) I prefer for a woman’s most private of areas to have as much hair as Carlos Santana’s entire band, head to toe, circa 1972.  (Private Quotes) Happiness is precious, and so I prefer to keep mine private. In a world where everyone shares everything, I can think of a lot of happy moments, but they’re mine.  (Private Quotes) I’m not an overly happy person. There are times when I’m happy, and that’s usually in my private life.  (Private Quotes) Harrison Ford invited me to fly on his private plane to Los Angeles, and he’s great to work with. He’s really down to earth, and we got to know each other quite well.  (Private Quotes) I’m a very private person. I like staying home and doing my stuff. I hate people invading on my privacy. I hate talking about my private life.  (Private Quotes) The artist’s talent sits uneasy as an object of public acclaim, having been so long an object of private despair.  (Private Quotes) That’s what acting is - it’s about having the courage to allow your audience into the private moments of your characters’ lives.  (Private Quotes) I have never run a public company. I spent my entire life working for a private company.  (Private Quotes) I have no private interest in the reception of my inventions by the world, having never made, nor proposed to make, the least profit by any of them.  (Private Quotes) If it’s nice out, I swim pretty much every day for about half an hour. I have a great pool; it’s very private and not too many people use it.  (Private Quotes) When we want to have our own style of living, it is nobody’s business but ours. What we do in private is our private business.  (Private Quotes) I have a house, with two big plasma-screen TVs, two dogs, a grill, chessboard. I like to keep it low-key: invite friends over, order some Papa John’s pizzas and Coors Light, play poker and ping-pong and chill. I’m pretty private.  (Private Quotes) In the 20s they were telling us we’d all have our own private plane and take vacations to the moon.  (Private Quotes) But the intimacy, the smallness, also made me feel shut out; and I found myself hurrying past the inviting little doorways with my head down, very aware of all the convivial Sunday-morning lives unrolling around me in private.  (Private Quotes) Canada is currently the only major industrialized country in the world that does not allow any private administration of health care services that are provided by the public system.  (Private Quotes) I feel bad because I haven’t been able to say anything to the fans to let them no why I’ve been absent. I’m torn as I’m quite private. I’m not feeling well. I’m having some health issues. So please keep me in your prayers.  (Private Quotes) From a population point of view, it’s actually very important that as few people as possible get the flu. People getting the flu is not a private matter. The risk for healthy people is really about your friends and neighbors and fellow travelers.  (Private Quotes) To get discounts on some drugs, private insurers are willing to pay top prices for blockbuster pharmaceuticals like Vioxx, despite the fact that Vioxx was rumored to cause fatal strokes and heart attacks.  (Private Quotes) In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus offers more than God’s personal email or private cell number - He offers us a heart transplant.  (Private Quotes) Perhaps the noblest private act is the unheralded effort to ... open our hearts once they’ve closed, to open our souls once they’ve shied away.  (Private Quotes) It’s quite astonishing how much money people make in the hedge fund business and in the private equity field, and how well-off affluent families really are.  (Private Quotes) In America, we have subsidized private jets, big banks and hedge fund managers. Wouldn’t it make more sense to subsidize kids?  (Private Quotes) I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn’t be here today.  (Private Quotes)
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