Problem Quotes

Text Quotes
That's the problem with being born in New York, the old newsman observed a little sadly. You've got no New York to run away to (Problem Quotes)
Every experience proves that the real problem of our existence lies in the fact that we ought to love one another, but do not (Problem Quotes)
It wasn't that Microsoft was so brilliant or clever in copying the Mac, it's that the Mac was a sitting duck for 10 years. That's Apple's problem: Their differentiation evaporated (Problem Quotes)
No. It's not your job to convince him. It's his job to believe it. This is his shortcoming, not yours. He needs to think well enough of himself to believe it. And that's always been a problem for him (Problem Quotes)
The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can't change your mind, because God sure isn't going to change His (Problem Quotes)
The problem is that too often the only people who can act don't want change. Power doesn't so much corrupt as it breeds conservatism (Problem Quotes)
One should always be skeptical. That's always been our problem. We have too many believers. Believers in what? In everything (Problem Quotes)
The Peacekeepers had a tradition that every problem had a solution. It was a nice slogan. Wasn't true, but it sounded good (Problem Quotes)
It is not faith per se that creates the problem; it is conviction, the notion that one cannot be wrong, that opposing views are necessarily invalid and may even be intolerable (Problem Quotes)
Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn't listening (Problem Quotes)
I've a problem with the word charity because I think that NGOs, as I prefer calling them, really do take the work of moral and social responsibilities that ought to be taken on by governments (Problem Quotes)
The problem with not having anybody to tell you what to do, I understood, is that there was nobody to tell you what not to do (Problem Quotes)
In my opinion, a problem derails your life and an inconvenience is not being able to get a nice seat on the un-derailed train (Problem Quotes)
We have it. The smoking gun. The evidence. The potential weapon of mass destruction we have been looking for as our pretext of invading Iraq. There's just one problem - it's in North Korea (Problem Quotes)
Look, we're both snake oil salesman to a certain extent, but we do label the show as snake oil here. Isn't there a problem selling snake oil as vitamin tonic? (Problem Quotes)
The problem with the Tea Party is they're all ignorant hillbillies who drink moonshine and ride around on mules. And they believe in stereotypes too (Problem Quotes)
The biographer's problem is that he never knows enough. The autobiographer's problem is that he knows too much (Problem Quotes)
The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We could swear they are real (Problem Quotes)
The problem with all these fiercely individualistic girls was that they were all exactly the same (Problem Quotes)
We are a nation divided which is obvious. The problem is, the division is keeping this monarchy in place (Problem Quotes)
I don't believe there's any problem in this country, no matter how tough it is, that Americans, when they roll up their sleeves, can't completely ignore (Problem Quotes)
The problem with winter sports is that - follow me closely here - they generally take place in winter (Problem Quotes)
The problem with writing about religion is that you run the risk of offending sincerely religious people, and then they come after you with machetes (Problem Quotes)
American consumers have no problem with carcinogens, but they will not purchase any product, including floor wax, that has fat in it (Problem Quotes)
Hardware: where the people in your company's software section will tell you the problem is. Software: where the people in your company's hardware section will tell you the problem is (Problem Quotes)
The problem is, when Oprah lost all that weight, her head didn't get any smaller. and so she looks kind of like a person carrying a balloon (Problem Quotes)
The solution of the problem of life is life itself. Life is not attained by reason and analysis but first of all by living (Problem Quotes)
For me to be a saint means to be myself. Therefore the problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am and of discovering my true self (Problem Quotes)
A science fiction story is a story built around human beings, with a human problem and a human solution, which would not have happened at all without its scientific content (Problem Quotes)
There is only one problem on which all my existence, my peace, my happiness depend: to discover myself in discovering God. If I find Him I will find myself and if I find my true self I will find Him (Problem Quotes)