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I do not believe in excuses. I believe in hard work as the prime solvent of life’s problems  (Problems Quotes) I have no problems with private schools. I graduated from one and so did my mother. Private schools are useful and we often use public funds to pay for their infrastructures and other common needs  (Problems Quotes) I never doubted that equal rights was the right direction. Most reforms, most problems are complicated. But to me there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality  (Problems Quotes) I think beauty comes from within. If you’re happy and look at life in the best way you can, even when there are problems, it can make you beautiful on the outside  (Problems Quotes) I think life is full of challenges and problems. I don’t believe that anyone is perfect. We all make mistakes. It’s not a bed of roses, and you have to work real hard at it  (Problems Quotes) I think sometimes in life we want to ignore the problems of society and just think about the good. I believe in positive thinking and affirmative living, I also think it’s really important to remember all of our disenfranchised members of society  (Problems Quotes) I’d rather have happiness than money. People ask for it. Sometimes when I don’t have it. I make other people’s problems my problem because they want me to; they ask me to  (Problems Quotes) If a poem is not memorable, there’s probably something wrong. One of the problems of free verse is that much of the free verse poetry is not memorable  (Problems Quotes) If we become too scared to confront the chief problems of our time, there is no hope of ever solving them  (Problems Quotes) If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges  (Problems Quotes) If you make every game a life and death proposition, you’re going to have problems. For one thing, you’ll be dead a lot  (Problems Quotes) If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don’t understand the problems and you don’t understand the technology  (Problems Quotes) In a free society, government reflects the soul of its people. If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways. Our major social problems are not the cause of our decadence. They are a reflection of it  (Problems Quotes) Indiscriminate firing by police on people is absolute barbarism. Instead of solving their problems, the government is trying to suppress the people by force  (Problems Quotes) Japan actually is an aging population, and so as the population has aged, they have had a lot more problems with health  (Problems Quotes) Marriage is an attempt to solve problems together which you didn’t even have when you were on your own  (Problems Quotes) Maybe it’s like becoming one with the cigar. You lose yourself in it; everything fades away: your worries, your problems, your thoughts. They fade into the smoke, and the cigar and you are at peace  (Problems Quotes) Most of man’s problems upon this planet, in the long history of the race, have been met and solved either partially or as a whole by experiment based on common sense and carried out with courage  (Problems Quotes) My attitude toward graduate students was different, I must say. I used graduate students as colleagues: I gave them the best problems to work on, and I encouraged them  (Problems Quotes) Nothing is as dangerous in architecture as dealing with separated problems. If we split life into separated problems we split the possibilities to make good building art  (Problems Quotes) One of my biggest problems this season was with the clutch at the start of the race. I hate to risk the car  (Problems Quotes) Peace congresses often start by dealing with some of the less important questions in excessive detail, so at the end there is no time to discuss the most important problems  (Problems Quotes) Peace doesn’t mean that you will not have problems. Peace means that your problems will not have you  (Problems Quotes) Perhaps trying to move away from my problems and focus on the positive is the best I can do  (Problems Quotes) Really you just gotta keep chugging along and keep a positive attitude and get through all the problems. You gotta face them, otherwise you don’t get through  (Problems Quotes) Recounting of a life story, a mind thinking aloud leads one inevitably to the consideration of problems which are no longer psychological but spiritual  (Problems Quotes) Sometimes it can be bad to have too much family. Everybody gets involved in your problems, giving their opinion, gossiping, and making drama. But when bad things happen, they will be there to support you  (Problems Quotes) The great paradox of the 21st century is that, in this age of powerful technology, the biggest problems we face internationally are problems of the human soul  (Problems Quotes) The most difficult problems are naturally not involved in the search for forms for contemporary life. It is a question of working our way to forms behind which real human values lie  (Problems Quotes) The most important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the reparation of the evils and damages by technology of yesterday  (Problems Quotes)
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