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The nature of life is to face us with ourselves, until we are able to handle the problems that knocked us into the dirt yesterday  (Problems Quotes) As long as the mind and ego control the direction of creating, there will always be problems in the outer world, for the ego thinks only of itself and lives in duality. But when the heart is in control, everything comes back to balance, for the heart feels and knows only the oneness of life  (Problems Quotes) It’s a big world. Don’t get trapped by tiny dreams and feeble problems. Time for big prayers and bold faith  (Problems Quotes) Not only is bowhunting fun and a real challenge, but it’s good for you. The exercise in the fresh air, the chance to get away from everyday pressures and problems, a return to the basic relationships between man and his environment  (Problems Quotes) Problems, obstacles, and challenges can either become the markers of our limits and limitations, or they can become the springboard into a whole new world  (Problems Quotes) If everyone practiced cherishing others, many of the major problems of the world would be solved in a few years  (Problems Quotes) The advantages? Exercise, no parking problems, gas prices, it’s fun. An automobile is expensive. You have to find a place to park and it’s not fun. So why not ride a bicycle? I recommend it  (Problems Quotes) I feel with loving compassion the problems of others without getting caught up emotionally in their predicaments that are offering them messages they need for their growth  (Problems Quotes) We often spend so much time coping with problems along our path that we forget why we are on that path in the first place. The result is that we only have a dim, or even inaccurate, view of what’s really important to us  (Problems Quotes) My ideology was, if I just make very happy music, very happy music, then people will forget about whatever their problems are. I will forget about my problems  (Problems Quotes) Divine love makes us true to ourselves and to others... Divine love is the solution to our difficulties and problems. It frees us from every kind of binding. It makes us speak truly, think truly, and act truly. It makes us feel one with the whole universe. Divine love purifies our hearts and glorifies our being  (Problems Quotes) Peace doesn’t mean you won’t have problems. It’s means problems won’t have you  (Problems Quotes) Without those hackers, we wouldn’t solve the problems we need to solve, especially security  (Problems Quotes) When you approach your baby with an attitude of respect, you let him know what you intend to do and give him a chance to respond. You assume he is competent and involve him in his care and let him, as much as possible, solve his own problems. You give him plenty of physical freedom and you don’t push development  (Problems Quotes) You can’t fix a bad script after you start shooting. The problems on the page only get bigger as they move to the big screen  (Problems Quotes) If you have a good spine, the gods will chase you. Nobody has psychological or emotional problems, everyone has a bad spine  (Problems Quotes) Producing quality compost is the most important job on the organic farm. A lot of the problems I see on farms I visit could be solved by making better compost  (Problems Quotes) Every time you answer the phone, someone is crying, someone is raging, someone is begging you to solve their problems  (Problems Quotes) You do it with your own two hands, so there’s a sense of pride. You really do forget all our problems, because you’re focusing on the food  (Problems Quotes) Walking is my main method of relaxation. I don’t go over my lines or try to solve the world’s problems, I just enjoy the scenery and the wildlife  (Problems Quotes) Before my marriage, I didn’t think about all the obligations that were awaiting me. My experience has proved useful and I think that I have a natural propensity to feel compassion for people and their problems  (Problems Quotes) I always sort of create practical problems so that I don’t have to see a film I’ve just done. I’m too vulnerable, too fragile. People see your work, and there’s nothing you can do. You’re completely exposed  (Problems Quotes) The various levels of problems and issues are interwoven, so that solving any one of them without simultaneously addressing the others rarely works for long  (Problems Quotes) If any feel that as psychiatrists directing a hospital for alcoholics we appear somewhat sentimental, let them stand with us a while on the firing line, see the tragedies, the despairing wives, the little children; let the solving of these problems become a part of their daily work, and even of their sleeping moments, and the most cynical will not wonder that we have accepted and encouraged this movement. We feel, after years of experience, that we have found nothing which has contributed more to the rehabilitation of these men than the altruistic movement now growing up among them  (Problems Quotes) We believe, and so suggested a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker. These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it, once having lost their self confidence, their reliance upon things human, their problems pile up on them and become astonishingly difficult to solve  (Problems Quotes) Some of our problems can no more be solved correctly by majority opinion than can a problem in arithmetic and there are few problems that cannot be solved according to what is just and right without resort to popular opinion  (Problems Quotes) Recognizing and preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issue. Because of its impact on wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, men’s health is truly a family issue  (Problems Quotes) Writing is not magic. It’s a craft, a process, a set of steps. As with any process, things sometimes break down. Even in a good story, the writer runs into problems. So the act of writing always includes problem solving  (Problems Quotes) The cause of happiness and the solution to our problems do not lie in knowledge of material things. Happiness and suffering are states of mind, and so their main causes cannot be found outside the mind. If we want to be truly happy and free from suffering, we must learn how to control our mind  (Problems Quotes) Everywhere I looked life seemed to be full of problems and they were just going to go on and on. It was never going to get any better  (Problems Quotes)
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