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When you’re trying to solve a problem on a new product type, you become completely focused on problems that seem a number of steps removed from the main product. That problem solving can appear a little abstract, and it is easy to lose sight of the product  (Problems Quotes) The only way to survive is to intently focus on how the art world operates. Once you understand how things work, you can find a solution to the problems you are facing  (Problems Quotes) If you want to cry, then cry. Decide by yourself whether you are important or not. Even if other people value you, nobody can do anything for you. Ultimately, it’s your problem so if you live without regrets, then over time I think that your problems would disappear  (Problems Quotes) Historically, in my generation, all of my heroes and heroines have had issues and problems. We all do  (Problems Quotes) Homosexuals die decades younger than heterosexuals, from a host of maladies. They suffer mental problems ranging from depression to psychosis, and have suicide rates many times that of heterosexuals  (Problems Quotes) Another discovery which came out of my investigation was the fact that when one gives his or her order to produce a definite result and stands by that order, it seems to have the effect of giving one what might be termed a second sight which enables him or her to see right through ordinary problems. What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when one is in that state of mind in which he or she knows exactly what one wants and is fully determined not to quit until he or she finds it  (Problems Quotes) If everyone sincerely practices the path of compassion and wisdom, all their problems will be solved. I guarantee this  (Problems Quotes) After decades spent in rewrite rooms surrounded by other shouting writers, I discovered that I work best alone. I like being in charge of my time, working out the problems according to my own rhythms and being able to nap. That’s a big one, the napping on demand!  (Problems Quotes) If you’re a struggling artist having money problems just superglue a brick in the middle of a blanket, and call it art. Someone will buy it  (Problems Quotes) I sincerely believe that no problem is bigger than man, and problems are blown out of proportion by man himself  (Problems Quotes) If you want to uncover problems you don’t know about, take a few moments and look closely at the areas you haven’t examined for a while. I guarantee you problems will be there  (Problems Quotes) By educating women to use all their brains, men will not only be just, but will also ensure the future of a new social order in which women will apply their intelligence and warm feelings to the problems of living. Men are fools to entrust the upbringing of their sons, whom they expect to grow up to love freedom, to women who have never known freedom themselves  (Problems Quotes) When a friend needs consoling, do not give in to the temptation of telling stories similar to theirs of disaster or bereavement. It is something people often do to show empathy but nothing is more tiresome than other people’s problems when you want to focus on your own. Listening is by far the best form of consolation  (Problems Quotes) Globalization could be the answer to many of the world’s seemingly intractable problems. But this requires strong democratic foundations based on a political will to ensure equity and justice  (Problems Quotes) Whatever it is probably won’t go away, so we might as well live and laugh through it. When we double over laughing, we’re bending so we won’t break. If you think your particular troubles are too heavy and too traumatic to laugh about, remember that laughing is like changing a baby’s diaper. It doesn’t solve any problems permanently, but it makes things more acceptable for awhile  (Problems Quotes) I could do nothing without my problems; they toughen my mind. In fact, I tell my assistants not to bring me their successes for they weaken me, but rather to bring me their problems, for they strengthen me  (Problems Quotes) When a child encounters something he or she does not want, that child has all kinds of maneuvers to avoid it, such as crying, hiding, or fighting... Unless we are taught to face our problems directly and work through them, the pattern of avoidance will be repeated; it can be a natural, accepted way to act  (Problems Quotes) Don’t hope for a life without problems. An easy life results in a judgmental and lazy mind  (Problems Quotes) When we learn to smile at life, we shall find that the problems we encounter dissolve  (Problems Quotes) Do not go looking for problems to feed your soul. Just let life be your teacher. It will nourish you with its inevitable difficulties. How will you know whether you are letting life teach you and nourish you? If your physical senses become more sensitive to the beauty you see, the words of love you hear, and the life you feel touching your body and soul, then you know you have discovered the great value of misfortune  (Problems Quotes) As with any other great force of nature, there is both glory and danger in the stories we tell ourselves. Some are toxic and keep our problems festering. Others are tonic and bring us beyond the limitations of our previous history. To be in a life of our own definition, we must be able to discover which stories we are following and determine which ones help us grow the most interesting possibilities  (Problems Quotes) A designer must always think about the unfortunate production engineer who will have to manufacture what you have designed; try to understand his problems  (Problems Quotes) There is one solution to all of our problems: Teaching our kids clarity of thought and political representation in democracy. That’s it  (Problems Quotes) I’m not naive enough to pretend that on its own cinema can capture the very soul of significant social and cultural problems  (Problems Quotes) I’ve always had to force myself to make friends and speak to people. My parents were quiet, and it took me a while to get used to the fact that people talk about their feelings, their problems  (Problems Quotes) One of the problems we have is children are not in school long enough in the day and during the year  (Problems Quotes) The human race will begin solving its problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously  (Problems Quotes) It has always been the role of government to help solve problems, including and especially health crises. Obesity is a health epidemic across our country, and we have a responsibility as a government and a society to do all we can to promote good nutrition and healthy eating so we can reverse this alarming trend  (Problems Quotes) A lot of the characters I play have problems, they are marginalised, they have serious psychological problems, problems with relationships, with childhood. These are big subjects, big subjects. You can’t balk at work like that. As an actor, that’s as good as it gets  (Problems Quotes) Every generation feels it has the problems that will destroy it. That’s because we can perceive them a long time before we have the ability to fix them  (Problems Quotes)
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