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There are people that go ahead, that see problems before the rest, that take decisions before the rest  (Problems Quotes) Consensus isn’t just about agreement. It’s about changing things around: You get a proposal, you work something out, people foresee problems, you do creative synthesis. At the end of it, you come up with something that everyone thinks is okay. Most people like it, and nobody hates it  (Problems Quotes) Startups are often very undercapitalised, but I found that to be very beneficial because it forces you not to throw money at problems. Instead, you learn all the nuts and bolts of what you’re doing and become an expert  (Problems Quotes) While I am a capitalist at heart and I have no problems with commercialization as such, I believe that while it’s okay if education becomes a profitable business, it’s not okay if it becomes corrupt  (Problems Quotes) Let us use our energy and our initiative to solve our problems without relying on prayers and wishful thinking. When we have faith in ourselves, we will find we do not have to have faith in gods  (Problems Quotes) If you walk along the street you will encounter a number of scientific problems. Of these, about 80 per cent are insoluble, while 19½ per cent are trivial. There is then perhaps half a per cent where skill, persistence, courage, creativity and originality can make a difference. It is always the task of the academic to swim in that half a per cent, asking the questions through which some progress can be made  (Problems Quotes) Experience hobbles progress and leads to abandonment of difficult problems; it encourages the initiated to walk on the shady side of the street in the direction of experiences that have been pleasant. Youth without experience attacks the unsolved problems which maturer age with experience avoids, and from the labors of youth comes progress. Youth has dreams and visions, and will not be denied  (Problems Quotes) For men to focus on controlling women’s reproduction to solve a society’s problems seems nothing short of mad or, at best, superstitious. But men’s superstition or insanity has real and dire consequences for the women who are its object. And states, too, home in on women’s bodies, perhaps to create the illusion that men are in control of uncontrollable forces. Indeed, almost all governments try to control women’s bodies and regulate their appearance in some way  (Problems Quotes) As long as mankind is made up of independent individuals with free will, there cannot be any social status quo. Men will develop new urges, and these will give rise to new problems, which will require ever new solutions. Human life implies adventure, and there is no adventure without struggles and dangers  (Problems Quotes) I have problems because I’m very expressive, and usually red lipstick gets on my teeth and face  (Problems Quotes) I never understood that if you sweat as much as I used to every night, you drain your body of salts. So I got very, very, seriously ill. I got to the stage where I was almost hospitalized with serious problems  (Problems Quotes) Anyone who has problems, or worries, anyone who laughs and cries, anyone who feels can write. It’s only talking on paper... talking about the things that matter to us  (Problems Quotes) I admit that invective is one of my pleasures. This only brings me problems in life, but that’s it. I attack, I insult. I have a gift for that, for insults, for provocation. So I am tempted to use it  (Problems Quotes) Ignorance is my least favorite thing. I really think it’s at the core of all our problems  (Problems Quotes) If I could only fly, you see, a lot of my problems would be gone. When you think of just how much I’d save on shoes alone  (Problems Quotes) When there is tension, arguments and money problems, it’s tough to do your work. Some people thrive on that. I don’t  (Problems Quotes) Songwriting helps me sort out my personal problems. With acting, you’re just a tool for someone’s ideas  (Problems Quotes) Today, our attention is less than the television advertisement. We’re looking at six or seven problems constantly. We’re living in the disturbed societies of cities. I think modern technology is one of the worst things human beings have invented  (Problems Quotes) Walking around on the moon was significantly easier than we’d thought it would be. There weren’t any balance problems, so you weren’t tumbling over  (Problems Quotes) Again and again, universities have put a low priority on the very programs and initiatives that are needed most to increase productivity and competitiveness, improve the quality of government, and overcome the problems of illiteracy, miseducation, and unemployment  (Problems Quotes) The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels  (Problems Quotes) I like telling stories about people with problems. I can’t really put it much simpler than that  (Problems Quotes) My life is perfectly happy and giggly and I’m perfectly grateful every day; if there are problems to have, the ones I have are the ones to have; I’m lucky  (Problems Quotes) No problems are ever resolved by violence. It only aggravates the pain and the hurt on every side  (Problems Quotes) We talk about, you know, diet and that we shouldn’t give our kids big things and obesity and fast food. Well, you know there are people who don’t have that problem because they’re not getting any food! We have so many deep problems and issues facing humanity  (Problems Quotes) When students leave college, they are like children who know nothing about the problems of life, and don’t have a political stance  (Problems Quotes) The boy’s got problems, the boy’s got stress, the boy’s got a.38 hidden in his desk  (Problems Quotes) Mystery is an inescapable ingredient of mathematics. Mathematics is full of unanswered questions, which far outnumber known theorems and results. It’s the nature of mathematics to pose more problems than it can solve. Indeed, mathematics itself may be built on small islands of truth comprising the pieces of mathematics that can be validated by relatively short proofs. All else is speculation  (Problems Quotes) It seems like the right thing to do is tackle problems other people aren’t working on  (Problems Quotes) Usually in stories there are big problems in the beginning or couples are pulling away, there’s a lot of bitterness  (Problems Quotes)
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