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What really matters is not whether we have problems, but how we go through them. We must keep going on to make it through whatever we are facing  (Problems Quotes) A lot of problems in the world would be solved if we talked to each other instead of about each other  (Problems Quotes) Kid problems are when you’re bummed because girls don’t like you or something silly, but then you get older and people start dying and going broke and whatever. People get sick. When you get older these things just happen  (Problems Quotes) Solutions to all biological problems are greatly advanced by the sequencing work and the new tools that are created  (Problems Quotes) I don’t find it easy dealing with people with drug problems. It helps if you’re all taking drugs, all the same drugs  (Problems Quotes) When your institution is under threat, you feel you have a lot of hostility, you feel things are slipping away, you have got internal problems, there’s a tendency to turn inward and to focus on yourselves  (Problems Quotes) One of my biggest problems is I get bored too easily, and I like to experiment too much, to the point where I confuse myself and I confuse my fans  (Problems Quotes) I’m a parent. I think we’re responsible for the problems that young people have. I believe that. I don’t blame them for any of it. I blame us for what we haven’t done as mothers and fathers, not sticking together as a unit  (Problems Quotes) One of the problems with dealing with anarchism is that there are many people whose ideas are anarchist, but who do not necessarily call themselves anarchists  (Problems Quotes) Successful people are not people without problems. They are people who have learned to solve their problems  (Problems Quotes) Fifty years ago, teachers said their top discipline problems were talking, chewing gum, making noise, and running in the halls. The current list, by contrast, sounds like a cross between a rap sheet and the seven deadly sins  (Problems Quotes) I think the notion that liquidity of tradable common stock is a great contributor to capitalism is mostly twaddle. The liquidity gives us these crazy booms, so it has as many problems as virtues  (Problems Quotes) We need people who can see straight ahead and deep into the problems. Those are the experts. But we also need peripheral vision and experts are generally not very good at providing peripheral vision  (Problems Quotes) I feel it’s part of my job to make the problems of the poor compelling  (Problems Quotes) What does literature do for me? I think I solve problems in my writing. They may be my problems, but perhaps others share them, and in the process of working these through, I hope to entertain  (Problems Quotes) Nebraskans have very strong opinions, but we sit down around a table and we solve our problems  (Problems Quotes) Politicians are terrified of losing touch with folks back home but content to be clueless about governments failure to fix real problems  (Problems Quotes) When you are intelligent and beautiful you face a lot of problems. If you are beautiful and stupid then it’s easy  (Problems Quotes) It seems that we’re better at finding someone to blame for our problems than we are at finding creative solutions to fix them  (Problems Quotes) I have been working on two problems for three years: one of them for 8 or 9 years, and one of them for 3, 4, 5 years  (Problems Quotes) If you have the door to your office closed, you get more work done today and tomorrow, and you are more productive than most. But ten years later somehow, you don’t quite know what problems are worth working on  (Problems Quotes) Most of us never stop to consider our blessings; rather, we spend the day only thinking about our problems. But since you have to be alive to have problems, be grateful for the opportunity to have them  (Problems Quotes) Footballers are an easy target. They are offered big lines of credit. Every sport is vulnerable; its such a big gambling industry, and there are problems with syndicates in other countries  (Problems Quotes) The average human’s fundamental project is to find someone else to blame for their problems  (Problems Quotes) If man has not found ways to deal with environmental problems such as water and air pollution by 1998, it will be too late. The future is not determined and it lies in our own hands  (Problems Quotes) Only the very ignorant are perfectly satisfied that they know. To the common man the great problems are easy. He has no trouble in accounting for the universe. He can tell you the origin and destiny of man and the why and wherefore of things  (Problems Quotes) If all currencies are moving up or down together, the question is: relative to what? Gold is the canary in the coal mine. It signals problems with respect to currency markets. Central banks should pay attention to it  (Problems Quotes) If you can’t learn to enjoy your life when you have problems, you may never enjoy it because we’ll always have problems  (Problems Quotes) Where people of goodwill get together and transcend their differences for the common good, peaceful and just solutions can be found even for those problems which seem most intractable  (Problems Quotes) I have seen that traditional approaches to charity and aid don’t solve problems of poverty. In fact, too often they create dependence  (Problems Quotes)
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