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Philanthropy should be taking much bigger risks that business. If these are easy problems, business and government can come in and solve them  (Problems Quotes) Personally, I’d like to see more of our leaders take a technocratic approach to solving our biggest problems  (Problems Quotes) In low-income countries, the main problems you have is infectious diseases  (Problems Quotes) When a country has the skill and self-confidence to take action against its biggest problems, it makes outsiders eager to be a part of it  (Problems Quotes) Fortunately, problems are an everyday part of our life. Consider this: If there were no problems, most of us would be unemployed  (Problems Quotes) My work always presents problems in our society. Those problems may be anything from injustice to freedom, and everything related to humanity  (Problems Quotes) One of my problems is I am getting so mature that I have to pick up a TV and toss it through the coffee table just to remind people of who I am. I want to go ranting and screaming into the grave  (Problems Quotes) It’s kind of a terrible irony, in a way, that the solution to America’s problems was World War II  (Problems Quotes) Pakistan is riddled with problems that are rooted in the disproportionate power of the state. Aid has only boosted that power  (Problems Quotes) The idea is to improve somebody’s day. That’s how I’ve always viewed my job. I’m a distraction therapist. I make people’s problems go away for just a little bit  (Problems Quotes) In a way, I had a very good and normal childhood. I had loving and caring parents. But I had a lot of quirks or problems when I was growing up. I had phobias and obsessions  (Problems Quotes) In the African-American community, we struggle with a lot of health problems that have a lot to do with our diet  (Problems Quotes) American actresses have more problems than I do; I’m lucky to be able to play what I want for a smaller audience, because I have my own country to do that in  (Problems Quotes) I’m also very proud to be a part of a trilogy of films that, if they do nothing else, allow people to check their problems at the door, sit down and have a good time  (Problems Quotes) There has been a tendency through the years for reason and moderation to prevail as long as things are going tolerably well or as long as our problems seem clear and finite and manageable  (Problems Quotes) But sadly, one of the problems with being on public radio is that people tend to think you’re being sincere all the time  (Problems Quotes) One cannot escape the harsh fact that as a ministerial profession, the priesthood has very serious problems. They are not new. They did not develop yesterday or last year  (Problems Quotes) The temptations are great to simply retreat to the domain of private life and give up on our public problems  (Problems Quotes) We wanted to enjoy what we were doing and we had business things we had to straighten out and personnel problems and it sort of took a little time to do it  (Problems Quotes) The three major administrative problems on a campus are sex for the students, athletics for the alumni, and parking for the faculty  (Problems Quotes) The most important thing I learned as a foreign correspondent in about 80 countries is that it takes a very shallow knowledge of history to think that there are solutions to most problems  (Problems Quotes) No organization works if the toilets don’t work, but I don’t believe that finding solutions to business problems is my job  (Problems Quotes) Human problems are complex. If something isn’t complex it doesn’t qualify as problematic. Very simple bad things are not worth troubling ourselves about  (Problems Quotes) Solve the big problems inside the small ones. And it is from the small issues that a pattern can be shaped in solving the big ones  (Problems Quotes) Look at the problems such as they are issues, and see those issues as they are opportunities and you have to step into them  (Problems Quotes) In this present culture, we need to find the means to work and live together with less aggression if we are to resolve the serious problems that afflict and impede us  (Problems Quotes) In virtually every organization, regardless of mission and function, people are frustrated by problems that seem unsolvable  (Problems Quotes) But perhaps that’s always the way with math problems, and we just have to find new ones to capture our attention  (Problems Quotes) We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems  (Problems Quotes) The fact is that we don’t want to be free. What is responsible for our problems is the fear of losing what we have and what we know  (Problems Quotes)
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