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People are not hungry because we don’t produce enough. People are hungry for political reasons  (Produce Quotes) True creative cities produce the legacy of an idea that does what funding cannot do: to foster  (Produce Quotes) It’s impossible to write and produce a record when your parents are dying. I really tried, I really, really tried, but it just wouldn’t come  (Produce Quotes) Another discovery which came out of my investigation was the fact that when one gives his or her order to produce a definite result and stands by that order, it seems to have the effect of giving one what might be termed a second sight which enables him or her to see right through ordinary problems. What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when one is in that state of mind in which he or she knows exactly what one wants and is fully determined not to quit until he or she finds it  (Produce Quotes) Kind words produce happiness. How often have we ourselves been made happy by kind words, in a manner and to an extent which we are unable to explain!  (Produce Quotes) Saints are like trees. They do not call to anyone, neither do they send anyone away. They give shelter to whoever cares to come, be it a man, woman, child, or an animal. If you sit under a tree it will protect you from the weather, from the scorching sun as well as from the pouring rain, and it will give you flowers and fruit. Whether a human being enjoys them or a bird tastes of them matters little to the tree; its produce is there for anyone who comes and takes it  (Produce Quotes) Theatre should be a taxing experience: the greatest achievement of a writer is to produce a character who creates anxiety  (Produce Quotes) I’m not much interested in extrapolating science and technology; I merely use extrapolation as a means of putting people into new quandaries which produce colorful pressures and conflicts  (Produce Quotes) If you’re playing any real person, live or dead, you certainly have a responsibility to produce that reputation in some way  (Produce Quotes) I produce the way I would love to be produced: In ways to create the best conditions to make your movie, but also to create a space in which the director calls the shots  (Produce Quotes) Tobacco, in its various forms, is one of the most mischievous of all drugs. There is perhaps no other drug which injures the body in so many ways and so universally as does tobacco. Some drugs offer a small degree of compensation for the evil effects which they produce; but tobacco has not a single redeeming feature and gives nothing in return  (Produce Quotes) Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently, which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology  (Produce Quotes) I fell in love with electronics, which for me was the terra incognita, because I had never heard such sounds. If you’d asked me 50 years ago, I would have said the future of music is only electronic, but I would have been wrong. I learnt how to produce everything I needed with live instrumentalists, so I don’t need electronics  (Produce Quotes) ... we are obliged to produce the truth by the power that demands truth and needs it in order to function: we are constrained, we are condemned to admit the truth or to discover it. Power constantly asks questions and questions us; it constantly investigates and records; it institutionalizes the search for the truth, professionalizes it, and rewards it.... In a different sense, we are also subject to the truth in the sense that truth lays down the law: it is the discourse of truth that decides, at least in part; it conveys and propels effects of power  (Produce Quotes) No one can learn tolerance in a climate of irresponsibility, which does not produce democracy. The act of tolerating requires a climate in which limits may be established, in which there are principles to be respected. That is why tolerance is not coexistence with the intolerable. Under an authoritarian regime, in which authority is abused, or a permissive one, in which freedom is not limited, one can hardly learn tolerance. Tolerance requires respect, discipline, and ethics  (Produce Quotes) Officials of governments that use or produce landmines should be forced to see the reality of how landmines hurt people and make them suffer, because this would surely make them stop  (Produce Quotes) My writing day has grown shorter as I’ve aged, although it seems to produce the same number of pages  (Produce Quotes) The problem with digital architecture is that an algorithm can produce endless variations, so an architect has many choices  (Produce Quotes) Separate two particles, place them at opposite ends of the universe, produce some effect in one, and the other will be identically affected  (Produce Quotes) I never had an interest in being a mayor ‘cause that’s a real job. You have to produce. That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years  (Produce Quotes) Inevitably, people tell me that poor folks are lazy or unintelligent, that they are somehow deserving of their poverty. However, if you begin to look at the sociological literature on poverty, a more complex picture emerges. Poverty and unemployment are part and parcel of our economic order. Without them, capitalism would cease to function effectively, and in order to continue to function, the system itself must produce poverty and an army of underemployed or unemployed people  (Produce Quotes) It’s just a lot of fun to be able to see your ideas come into fruition. And to see people translate the things that come out of my mind vocally. And to be able to produce vocals and give people my point of view musically. And to be able to sit in the crowd and see people sing the song that I wrote, it’s an amazing feeling  (Produce Quotes) The world’s history is constant, like the laws of nature, and simple, like the souls of men. The same conditions continually produce the same results  (Produce Quotes) Those who only do what they feel like, don’t do much. To be successful at anything you must take action even when you don’t feel like it, knowing it is the action itself that will produce the motivation you need to follow through  (Produce Quotes) If you want more energy, put yourself in situations where energy is required. Your body will naturally respond and always produce the energy you need, but not if you’re just sitting around complaining about not having enough energy  (Produce Quotes) It’s true, we are a highly professional force and we can produce highly lethal fighting forces, but I defy you to find more dedicated humanitarians or better friends when the chips are down  (Produce Quotes) Sitting around idly contemplating doesn’t produce much. In work you can discipline your attention, forget about your misery  (Produce Quotes) I do craft songs, that this is designed. It’s almost like the song was written to produce this desired effect. And it probably really works for somebody. It’s maybe somebody’s favorite tune, and it’s really hard to come down on that, even if I feel a little embarrassed for it. Because some songs are written like a commercial, and that can be a little strange  (Produce Quotes) The brave are born from the brave and good. In steers and in horses is to be found the excellence of their sire; nor do savage eagles produce a peaceful dove  (Produce Quotes) Enough if every age produce two or three critics of this esoteric class, with here and there a reader to understand them  (Produce Quotes)
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