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I hope always to be busy, even if only directing an orchestra in the pit. However, I should prefer to produce movies or be the directing head of a radio corporation  (Produce Quotes) When people aren’t having any fun, they seldom produce good work. Kill the grimness with laughter. Encourage exuberance. Get rid of sad dogs that spread gloom  (Produce Quotes) I love to produce a track and then play it for the crowd; that’s the biggest kick for me!  (Produce Quotes) The artist who imagines that he puts his best into a portrait in order to produce something good, which will be a pleasure to the sitter and to himself, will have some bitter experiences  (Produce Quotes) One would think that plants belonging to the same genus would always produce identical or at least similar oils. But this is by no means so  (Produce Quotes) Carbohydrates, and especially refined ones like sugar, make you produce lots of extra insulin. I’ve been keeping my intake really low ever since I discovered this. I’ve cut out all starch such as potatoes, noodles, rice, bread and pasta  (Produce Quotes) Amazing things happen when you pull individual pieces of information together into larger linked datasets: meaning emerges, as you produce facts from figures  (Produce Quotes) No longer associated simply with objects and appearances, design is increasingly understood in a much wider sense as the human capacity to plan and produce desired outcomes  (Produce Quotes) The notion that journalism can regularly produce a product that violates the fundamental interests of media owners and advertisers... is absurd  (Produce Quotes) I had never read in public, never given an interview. I was doing it all and trying to produce the next book and raise three young kids and had another child on the way  (Produce Quotes) One of the important principles I live by is the idea that you have to contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditions you intend to produce  (Produce Quotes) Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to see anything in us that we don’t see in ourselves. Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself  (Produce Quotes) The globe has been circumnavigated, but no man ever yet has; you may survey a kingdom and note the result in maps, but all the savants in the world could not produce a reliable map of the poorest human personality  (Produce Quotes) We all know that the nation can’t divide more than the people produce, but as individuals we try to get more than our share and that’s how we get ahead  (Produce Quotes) I believe there are monsters born in the world to human parents... The face and body may be perfect, but if a twisted gene or a malformed egg can produce physical monsters, may not the same process produce a malformed soul?  (Produce Quotes) People of talent resemble a musical instrument more closely than they do a musician. Without outside help, they produce not a single sound, but given even the slightest touch, and a magnificent tune emanates from them  (Produce Quotes) Sometimes there is a common threat that can produce a common interest in putting aside all the differences in trying to find a constructive solution  (Produce Quotes) I would assume that there is a greater amount of joy for you in being able to write and help produce your own stuff and make a decent living, but not get rich versus always doing the other stuff that you don’t write, and make more money  (Produce Quotes) Those who are compelled to paint by force, without being in the necessary mood, can produce only ungainly works, because this profession requires an unruffled temper  (Produce Quotes) Miserable mortals who like leaves at one moment flame with life eating the produce of the land and at another moment weakly perish  (Produce Quotes) I would like to produce films, but I feel I am an unsuccessful producer. Thats the fact  (Produce Quotes) It is when their age of passions is past that great men produce their masterpieces, just as it is after volcanic eruptions that the soil is most fertile  (Produce Quotes) Slavery always has, and always will produce insurrections wherever it exists, because it is a violation of the natural order of things  (Produce Quotes) Obedience is not creation, and thus can never produce salvation. Obedience is a response, while creation is pure choice, undictated, unrequired. Pure choice produces salvation through the pure creation of highest idea in this moment now  (Produce Quotes) Flowers produce an effect on me which can only be produced in an equal degree by music  (Produce Quotes) No perfect solution is, not merely in practice, but in principle, possible in human affairs, and any determined attempt to produce it is likely to lead to suffering, disillusionment and failure  (Produce Quotes) No man can quite emancipate himself from his age and country, or produce a model in which the education, the religion, the politics, usages, and arts, of his times shall have no share  (Produce Quotes) And this lies in the nature of things: What people are potentially is revealed in actuality by what they produce  (Produce Quotes) When the machine of a human being is turned on, it seems to produce a protagonist, just as a television produces an image  (Produce Quotes) Those who claim to discover everything but produce no proofs of the same may be confuted as having actually pretended to discover the impossible  (Produce Quotes)
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