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We’re exposed and carry in our bodies multiple chemicals, and we have to understand how they interact. Both how they individually interact and the thousands of effects they can produce when they interact with the receptors that run our bodies  (Produce Quotes) I want to continue to produce film, television, and theater, and to make the most amazing music that I’ve made in my life  (Produce Quotes) I spent a long time working in the movies to figure out that kind of acting and also how to write and produce for the screen  (Produce Quotes) The projects I look for to produce or direct would not be ones in which I would want to act  (Produce Quotes) When I write I know that I’m going to have to produce 40 percent more than I need  (Produce Quotes) The ad industry thinks their clients are their customers. They think the companies who pay for the production are the ones they are supposed to serve. So the ads they produce make their clients happy... but infuriate the rest of us  (Produce Quotes) The irony is, the advertising industry knows everyone hates what they produce. This is why they keep looking for new ways to force people to stay tuned  (Produce Quotes) I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they’ll create their own program, and when the people create a program, you get action  (Produce Quotes) In my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out with a cry of pain. How strange, I thought that the same cause should produce such opposite effects  (Produce Quotes) Alas... I too have known love, that ruler of hearts, that soul of our soul: it’s never brought me anything except one kiss and twenty kicks in the rump. How could such a beautiful cause produce such an abominable effect on you?  (Produce Quotes) It has always seemed to me that so long as you produce your dramatic effect, accuracy of detail matters little. I have never striven for it and I have made some bad mistakes in consequence. What matter if I hold my readers?  (Produce Quotes) Human beings are strange creatures. As people come across one another they produce various outcomes. Good things, sometimes. And other times, bad  (Produce Quotes) ... the greatest shortage in our society is an instinct to produce. To create solutions and hustle them out the door. To touch the humanity inside and connect to the humans in the marketplace  (Produce Quotes) A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan  (Produce Quotes) Additionally, Smart Irrigation Month serves to recognize advances in irrigation technology and practices that produce not only more but also higher quality plants with less water  (Produce Quotes) I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays and have things arranged for them that they seem so forlornly unable to produce their own ideas  (Produce Quotes) Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love  (Produce Quotes) For me, I would rather read a good book, from a contented author. I don’t really care what it takes to produce that  (Produce Quotes) No world is without sacrifices. But if we produce casualties, we would also sustain casualties of our own  (Produce Quotes) No; for instead of delivering myself up to the full enjoyment of the as others do, I am always troubling my head about how I could produce the same effect upon canvas; and as that can never be done, it is mere vanity and vexation of spirit  (Produce Quotes) The philosopher is a person who refuses no pleasures which do not produce greater sorrows, and who knows how to create new ones  (Produce Quotes) The painter will produce pictures of little merit if he takes the works of others as his standard  (Produce Quotes) I am very little inclined on any occasion to say anything unless I hope to produce some good by it  (Produce Quotes) I believe man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature. I produce my own view in the belief that it may be something like the truth  (Produce Quotes) The more women help one another, the more we help ourselves. Acting like a coalition truly does produce results. Any coalition of support must also include men, many of whom care about gender inequality as much as women do  (Produce Quotes) Exercise and application produce order in our affairs, health of body, cheerfulness of mind, and these make us precious to our friends  (Produce Quotes) Not evil, but good, has come to the race from the accumulation of wealth by those who have the ability and energy that produce it  (Produce Quotes) As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be productive without cultivation, so the mind without culture can never produce good fruit  (Produce Quotes) I learned to produce whether I wanted to or not. It would be easy to say oh, I have writer’s block, oh, I have to wait for my muse. I don’t. Chain that muse to your desk and get the job done  (Produce Quotes) When a nation gives birth to a man who is able to produce a great thought, another is born who is able to understand and admire it  (Produce Quotes)
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