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Those who aim at faultless regularity will only produce mediocrity, and no one ever approaches perfection except by stealth, and unknown to themselves  (Produce Quotes) Indeed some degree of affectation is as necessary to the mind as dress is to the body; we must overact our part in some measure, in order to produce any effect at all  (Produce Quotes) Morals excite passions, and produce or prevent actions. Reason of itself is utterly impotent in this particular. The rules of morality, therefore, are not conclusions of our reason  (Produce Quotes) I consider that interest is determined by the increment of produce which it enables a labourer to obtain, and is altogether independent of the total return which he receives for this labour  (Produce Quotes) Man needs to be saved from his own wisdom as much as from his own righteousness, for they produce one and the same corruption  (Produce Quotes) Cities produce ferocious men, because they produce corrupt men; the mountains, the forest, and the sea, render men savage; they develop the fierce, but yet do not destroy the human  (Produce Quotes) Some degree of affection is as necessary to the mind as dress is to the body; we must overact our part in some measure, in order to produce any effect at all  (Produce Quotes) Admiration must be kept up by the novelty that at first produce it;... There must always be the impression that more remains  (Produce Quotes) All cultural explorers... Start off from specific roots which color their vision and define the allegiances of the work of art they produce  (Produce Quotes) What has once happened, will invariably happen again, when the same circumstances which combined to produce it, shall again combine in the same way  (Produce Quotes) There is nothing more disgraceful than that an old man should have nothing to produce as a proof that he has lived long except his years  (Produce Quotes) As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be productive without culture, so the mind, without cultivation, can never produce good fruit  (Produce Quotes) The little flower that opens in the meadows lives and dies in a season; but what agencies have concentrated themselves to produce it! So the human soul lives in the midst of heavenly help  (Produce Quotes) Power exercised with violence has seldom been of long duration, but temper and moderation generally produce permanence in all things  (Produce Quotes) Shakespeare is dangerous to young poets; they cannot but reproduce him, while they fancy that they produce themselves  (Produce Quotes) Politeness is fictitious benevolence. Depend upon it, the want of it never fails to produce something disagreeable to one or other  (Produce Quotes) A single seed of fact will produce in a season or two a harvest of calumnies; but sensible men will pay no attention to them  (Produce Quotes) The highest problem of every art is, by means of appearances, to produce the illusion of a loftier reality  (Produce Quotes) The useful encourages itself; for the multitude produce it, and no one can dispense with it: The beautiful must be encouraged; for few can set it forth, and many need it  (Produce Quotes) Every age might perhaps produce one or two geniuses, if they were not sunk under the censure and obloquy of plodding, servile, imitating pedants  (Produce Quotes) The mind of man uneducated is like a rich field uncultivated; and as the one, when suffered to run to waste, will generally produce the rankest weeds, in proportion to the fertility of the soil  (Produce Quotes) I’ll have you know that the most delicate flowers often produce the strongest scent when crushed  (Produce Quotes) Today continuing poverty and distress are a deeper and more important cause of international tensions, of the conditions that can produce war, than previously  (Produce Quotes) Yes, free markets tend to produce unequal incomes. We should not be ashamed of that. On the contrary, our system is the envy of the world and should be a source of pride  (Produce Quotes) The American work ethic is something to be admired. Our workforce, regardless of position, works hard to produce the best product and serve customers to the best of their ability  (Produce Quotes) I always sought out organic produce because to me it always tasted better; the quality was better - if you got it fresh  (Produce Quotes) I identify more as a musician than as a singer, because I play piano and percussion, and I engineer and produce everything that I do  (Produce Quotes) I’m looking to produce more stuff: TV shows, commercials, music videos and short films. I’m building my catalog so I can have some fun in between the times that I get to a movie  (Produce Quotes) I know Los Angeles has it better than Chicago when it comes to produce year round  (Produce Quotes) Inner city education must change. Our responsibility is not merely to provide access to knowledge; we must produce educated people  (Produce Quotes)
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