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Produce Quotes

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The TV business is like the produce section of the market. Today everything is fresh and glistening and firm. And tomorrow, when they find a bruise on you, they toss you out.  (Produce Quotes) The vision that we and the Rothschilds have for India is to link Indian fields to the world and put the produce, as fresh as it can be, on Western tables in 4-5 days.  (Produce Quotes) I only produce movies that have something stylistically different, so that I can learn from the experience of producing.  (Produce Quotes) For whoever habitually suppresses the truth in the interests of tact will produce a deformity from the womb of his thought.  (Produce Quotes) The fruit of the Spirit is the natural produce of his gracious inward influence, the spontaneous and inevitable result of his uniting us to Jesus Christ.  (Produce Quotes) The desired Islamic state might be likened to an orchard planted with olive and palm trees that will take a relatively long time to produce fruit.  (Produce Quotes) Because peace is a fruit of the Spirit, we are dependent upon the Spirit’s work in our lives to produce the desire and the means to pursue peace. But we are also responsible to use the means He has given us and to take all practical steps to attain both peace within and peace with others.  (Produce Quotes) But there’s no substitute for a full-time dad. Dads who are fully engaged with their kids overwhelmingly tend to produce children who believe in themselves and live full lives.  (Produce Quotes) My mother worked full-time running a foundation, but she found all the time in the world to have supper ready every night, feed us shirred eggs on the weekends, and produce a leg of lamb for my fourth-grade Bedouin feast at school.  (Produce Quotes) When people aren’t having any fun, they seldom produce good work. Kill the grimness with laughter. Encourage exuberance. Get rid of sad dogs that spread gloom.  (Produce Quotes) Fundamental renegotiation is very, very unlikely to produce any significant change  (Produce Quotes) ... it is a fundamental principle of testing that you must know in advance the answer each test case is supposed to produce. If you don’t, you are not testing; you are experimenting.  (Produce Quotes) I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.  (Produce Quotes) We all know that the nation can’t divide more than the people produce, but as individuals we try to get more than our share and that’s how we get ahead.  (Produce Quotes) Make an effort to exert yourself-everyday. Don’t fail because you never allowed yourself to get started! Don’t avoid success because you think the responsibility might be too much-just focus and get going! You’d be surprised at what intelligent effort can produce.  (Produce Quotes) I learned to produce whether I wanted to or not. It would be easy to say oh, I have writer’s block, oh, I have to wait for my muse. I don’t. Chain that muse to your desk and get the job done.  (Produce Quotes) I’m from a little island off of Massachusetts, Nantucket. It’s hard getting into the music business from there, but my parents took me to songwriting festivals because I would write and produce my own music.  (Produce Quotes) When a private entity does not produce the desired results, it [is] done away with. But a public entity gets bigger.  (Produce Quotes) You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results.  (Produce Quotes) TV has gotten perhaps better than your average film script, but at the same time, it’s fun to give it all you’ve got for a few months and produce a story.  (Produce Quotes) Some dreamers demand that scientists only discover things that can be used for good. That is impossible. Science gives us a powerful vocabulary, and it is impossible to produce a vocabulary with which one can only say nice things.  (Produce Quotes) We are entering a new phase in human history - one in which fewer and fewer workers will be needed to produce the goods and services for the global population.  (Produce Quotes) Capitalism, though it may not always give the scientific worker a living wage, will always protect him, as being one of the geese which produce golden eggs for its table.  (Produce Quotes) Most agencies run scared, most of the time. . . .Frightened people are powerless to produce good advertising. . . . If I were aclient, I would do everything in my power to emancipate my agencies from fear, even to the extent of giving them long-term contracts.  (Produce Quotes) It can’t be stressed enough that in order to produce great graphics, you have to have a good product and a good client capable of making decisions.  (Produce Quotes) The mind is a magnetic field. When it a attract good thoughts, it will produce good deeds.  (Produce Quotes) If a woman can, by careful selection of a father and nourishment of herself, produce a citizen with efficient senses, sound organs and a good digestion, she should clearly be secured a sufficient reward for that natural service to make her willing to undertake and repeat it.  (Produce Quotes) A man cannot have the energy to produce good art without having the energy to wish to pass beyond it.  (Produce Quotes) When you get a good night’s sleep and wake up ready to produce throughout the day  (Produce Quotes) No philosophy based on an incorrect view of the nature of man is likely to produce social good  (Produce Quotes)
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