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It is very doubtful whether man is enough of a political animal to produce a good, sensible, serious and efficient constitution. All the evidence is against it.  (Produce Quotes) If I just produce the transparent ideal accepted by the Western experts, a process of privatization which will be very good but never happen, that means nothing.  (Produce Quotes) I often say to people that producing is the best-paid form of cowardice. When you produce things, you almost always get credit if it’s a good record, but you hardly ever get the blame if it’s not! You don’t really take responsibility for your work.  (Produce Quotes) I still have a lot of faith that there’s very few people who are savvy enough to actually produce a good sounding copy of the record.  (Produce Quotes) I’m open to starting restaurants anywhere as long as the produce that’s readily available is high quality. For example, I’m never doing a restaurant in Shanghai because I saw the produce available there, and it’s just not good. I won’t do a restaurant in Moscow for the same reason.  (Produce Quotes) I love to be creative and to put flesh onto the ideas that are inside of me. And there are not that many great programs that are coming out through Hollywood, and I’m tired of waiting around for someone to hand me a good script, so I’m going to go and produce something.  (Produce Quotes) Hell means torture; torture means badness. Goodness cannot create or produce badness. Hell does not belong to God; it has been invented by the horrific and sick minded people.  (Produce Quotes) Now, when you look at somebody, it’s not simply, ‘Are you like me or unlike me? Has your culture produced great artists? What are your rituals?’ It’s: ‘Is your culture safe or not? Will it produce terrorists?’  (Produce Quotes) It depends as there’s many different types of chefs, some who cook for awards and others who cook to make their restaurant a great business. There are those who cook for a lifestyle, they’ll have come through pubs and they like to have the connection to the farmers and the chickens and the natural produce. So for each chef it’ll be slightly different.  (Produce Quotes) It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena.  (Produce Quotes) I see the Baldrige process as a powerful set of mechanisms for disciplined people engaged in disciplined thought and taking disciplined action to create great organizations that produce exceptional results.  (Produce Quotes) The oceans are the planet’s last great living wilderness, man’s only remaining frontier on earth, and perhaps his last chance to produce himself a rational species.  (Produce Quotes) The City of London and Wall Street are not going to be great places to be in the next two or three decades. It’s going to be the people who produce real goods in charge ” the farmers and the miners.  (Produce Quotes) A merely great intellect can produce prose, but not poetry, not one line  (Produce Quotes) Great upheavals produce shock waves that widen cracks in political, economic, and security orders. Sometimes the old orders break. Yet it can be in the power of leaders and peoples to shape the directions of change.  (Produce Quotes) Why should their pain produce such marvelous beauty? he wonders. Or is all beauty created through pain? Is that the secret of great art, both human and Melnibonen?  (Produce Quotes) Natural selection acts solely by accumulating slight successive favorable variations, it can produce no great or sudden modification; it can act only by very short steps.  (Produce Quotes) The more grateful you are for everything good that comes into your life, the more closely you place your mind in contact with that power in life that can produce greater good.  (Produce Quotes) If mankind’s greatest achievement is to produce more spaces for mankind to live in, I do not think I am so impressed.  (Produce Quotes) Derek Bok asks the right question, ‘What policies would produce the greatest happiness?’ and he gives great and often startling answers, combining his deep knowledge of politics with the new findings of happiness research.  (Produce Quotes) The printing press had a very liberatory effect that meant individuals - small groups could produce radical pamphlets - could use it for organizing.  (Produce Quotes) The Marshall guitar amplifier doesn’t just get louder when you turn it up. It distorts the sound to produce a whole range of new harmonics, effectively turning a plucked string instrument into a bowed one.  (Produce Quotes) I was very eager to produce an oscillator for short waves. I was doing science with microwaves, and I would get down to a few millimetres in wavelength, but I wanted to get shorter wavelengths; I wanted to get into the infra-red because I saw there was a lot more to be done there.  (Produce Quotes) We can produce imagery to share the beauty of the oceans and what is there to protect. We can also expose the truths about overharvest, climate change, and habitat loss to give oceans a voice.  (Produce Quotes) If cattle and horses, or lions, had hands, or were able to draw with their feet and produce the works which men do, horses would draw the forms of gods like horses, and cattle like cattle, and they would make the gods’ bodies the same shape as their own.  (Produce Quotes) It’s not my job to produce results. But it is my job to lay my hands on the sick, the oppressed, and to preach the Gospel.  (Produce Quotes) I’m happy with my place in the firmament here. I like to produce movies and that’s where I want to be.  (Produce Quotes) When I’m recording something (especially because I produce my own music) I might consider how hard it would be to replicate a song on stage.  (Produce Quotes) Every musical movement that is big enough has to produce some good musicians who wouldn’t have had the incentive to start playing without it.  (Produce Quotes) To produce a primary [karmic] cause which is potentially capable of having an effect, three things are necessary: intention, the actual action, and then satisfaction.  (Produce Quotes)
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