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Producer Quotes

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My grandfather was a movie producer, and so I grew up on movie sets  (Producer Quotes) Ultimately, I am very filmmaker oriented, as a producer  (Producer Quotes) I am more a friend of art than a producer of painting  (Producer Quotes) A producer should only be there to enable an artist to be himself  (Producer Quotes) To say someone is a producer... it’s kind of a slippery term  (Producer Quotes) An associate producer is the only guy in Hollywood who will associate with a producer  (Producer Quotes) The beauty of having a producer is that you have someone who says, you're finished  (Producer Quotes) In war, the army is not merely a pure consumer, but a negative producer  (Producer Quotes) War is both the product of an earlier corruption, and a producer of new corruptions  (Producer Quotes) You know, what a producer does is one of the great mysteries in life, so anyone can be one  (Producer Quotes) I love to improvise when it’s appropriate and encouraged by a producer  (Producer Quotes) I have never pressurized a producer to do me any favor  (Producer Quotes) I’d like to be an assistant producer to a reality show  (Producer Quotes) If no producer, no movie  (Producer Quotes) I’m just a musician and a record producer  (Producer Quotes) After three albums, you should shoot your producer  (Producer Quotes) All the inspiration I ever needed was a phone call from a producer  (Producer Quotes) The record producer is the music world’s equivalent of a film director  (Producer Quotes) I only get involved with projects as a producer if I feel creatively inspired  (Producer Quotes) I never turned down anything and never argued with any producer or director  (Producer Quotes) I had set a goal of being a producer by 25  (Producer Quotes) Give the individual the power to be a producer as well as a consumer  (Producer Quotes) The average performer stops when they face fear. Iconic producer accelerates once they get frightened  (Producer Quotes) If you are a guillotine producer, watch out your head; because wickedness is a boomerang  (Producer Quotes) You must become the producer, director and actor in the unfolding story of your life  (Producer Quotes) I’d like to get out of here without having to talk to the producer  (Producer Quotes) We had some marvelous outtakes, but the producer had destroyed them all  (Producer Quotes) The customer invents nothing. New products and new services come from the producer  (Producer Quotes) Immediately after the Floyd experience, I became a pop record producer  (Producer Quotes) I never want to be the producer that I too often got  (Producer Quotes)
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