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Producer Quotes

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I’ve been into gear for a long time, but I never saw myself as a producer because I didn’t have the patience to finish things in a professional way  (Producer Quotes) It’s such a normal thing for a dance producer to make music and try it out in the club, but that was relatively new to me. I wanted to make a good album that felt like it had a point  (Producer Quotes) I’m still a hip-hop producer. I never put a label on what I can do as a producer or a DJ  (Producer Quotes) I’m not even a trained producer. I just keep following my ear and working on stuff until it sounds the way I like it  (Producer Quotes) I’d been on all the television programs as an actor, as a writer, as a director, as a producer  (Producer Quotes) I’m obviously really opinionated, but as a producer, you don’t necessarily want the person you’re working with to try to impress you - you want them to just be themselves  (Producer Quotes) I had this producer who became a friend, named Lou [Stellato]. Maybe it was a budget thing, but he never wanted to do any retakes. The more I would have a mental breakdown on the air  (Producer Quotes) On Belle de Jour, the producer was very protective. It was very hard for me  (Producer Quotes) Are you a producer or a looter? If diversity were always and everywhere good we would be clamoring for more midgets in the NBA  (Producer Quotes) I can’t believe what I said about myself. What I said in my own private conversations with myself to an ESPN producer are my business, and I had no business saying them to someone else  (Producer Quotes) I am very filmmaker oriented, as a producer. I think the most important thing is that you have to really choose the players carefully  (Producer Quotes) As a producer, I probably am a little stronger than most, since I was a director originally  (Producer Quotes) A producer is someone who actually calls the shots. An executive producer is just a guy that eats more food at craft service  (Producer Quotes) Well, a lot of politics is communicating with people, and obviously comedy has something to do with that. I’ve been a producer and led people. Also, being a comedian, you’re under pressure  (Producer Quotes) As a DJ, people expect a certain sound and a certain danceability for the music. As a producer, I really like to let go of any rules that may exist  (Producer Quotes) I am not a rock producer. I don’t see that. I once turned down Guns N’ Roses. I don’t like shouting. I’m a melody guy. I love great melody  (Producer Quotes) I never liked the whole thing about pictures with the artists. You look back at an Elvis Presley record, and you don’t see any producer credits, because the audience is not supposed to know about the producer credit  (Producer Quotes) Executive producers don’t have to do anything. Nor do any kind of producers. They just sit around on deck chairs watching stuff, and if it gets cold, they leave. Actually I suppose as a producer you’ve got to be involved in helping out with solving problems  (Producer Quotes) Isn’t Timbaland a make of shoe? It’s a producer? I don’t know who that is. Oh well  (Producer Quotes) One of the things that gives me a lot of pleasure about both the solo show and the book is that it tells people about my dad. He really was an important man. He was a kind of pioneer of regional theater. He was the first American producer to ever produce all of Shakespeare plays  (Producer Quotes) Honestly, I had a kid, so you watch the movies your kids want to watch. I’m also a producer, so when I watch movies, I look at them from the genre they are, the budget they had, and the time they had to produce it. That’s how I evaluate their success  (Producer Quotes) Any part I do is a marriage of the words - what the playwright or producer or show runner’s vision is - to how I would play it. It took me a while to get rid of ‘Oh, they want it this way, so I’m going to do it how they want it.’  (Producer Quotes) I think a lot of people who watch TV don’t realize when they’re watch TV shows and it says ‘produced by’ and producer, producer... there are all these producers. What the hell does a producer do? It’s funny how much you have to worry about as a producer  (Producer Quotes) I think one of the reasons movies are the quintessential modern art form is that it is partially a business. The director needs a crew - the writer, the producer, etcetera - and to have that, he needs money  (Producer Quotes) When I got home from school, I never knew which mood of my mom was gonna be on the other side of the door. I didn’t know what I was gonna get when I turned the doorknob. That’s very good preparation if you want to be a producer  (Producer Quotes) Now it’s somewhat easier for a woman to be a film producer or something like that if she wants, though it’s not that easy. But to be any kind of successful woman took a lot of doing in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s... in the 70s it’s getting simpler  (Producer Quotes) If the producer doesn’t like you, consequently he reads the script with a very negative view. But I wouldn’t preoccupy myself with that, I don’t give a damn. You can be a hunchback and a dwarf and whatall  (Producer Quotes) Ted Templeman, the producer, and Donn Landee, the engineer, are the same team that signed Van Halen, when they were called Mammoth. Donn convinced them to change it to the last name of the guitar player and drummer  (Producer Quotes) Intrapreneurs work and lead with the Producer mindset. They run their department, team, or company with an abundance mentality, an attachment to true principles, and a fearless and informed faith in people and quality  (Producer Quotes) Acting has been my first passion, and turning a producer was a natural progression  (Producer Quotes)
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