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Every corner of the public psyche is canvassed by some of the most talented citizens to see if the desire for some merchandisable product can be cultivated  (Product Quotes) You can spend all the money in the world. If you've got a bad product, it doesn't matter  (Product Quotes) We create a product nobody needs but people want. You spend more for what you really want. Some boring things you need: an ugly old car can wait, but if you have a new fashion item it cannot wait. We live on this whole idea  (Product Quotes) The universe as we know it is a joint product of the observer and the observed  (Product Quotes) Misery, mutilation, destruction, terror, starvation and death characterize the process of war and form a principal part of the product  (Product Quotes) Love is a force. It is not a result; it is a cause. It is not a product; it produces. It is a power, like money or steam or electricity  (Product Quotes) It's still a bottom line business. You can be out of control, and if they want you, they'll pick you. And you can be a mensch, and if you're not the product they want, you won't get it  (Product Quotes) I like to think that I've been a good manager. That fact has been very instrumental in making Linux a successful product  (Product Quotes) Once you start thinking more about where you want to be than about making the best product, you're screwed  (Product Quotes) Love is a force.... It is not a result; it is a cause. It is not a product; it produces  (Product Quotes) We are the accidental result of an unplanned process... the fragile result of an enormous concatenation of improbabilities, not the predictable product of any definite process  (Product Quotes) Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials  (Product Quotes) The mind is a product of experience. It is the result of past thinking and is modified by present thinking  (Product Quotes) I'm a juvenile product of the working class, who's best friend floats in the bottom of a glass  (Product Quotes) I, a product of the New Frontier and Great Society, honestly believed that the world pretty much owed me a living - all I had to do was wait around in order to live better than my parents  (Product Quotes) The schizoid man is the natural product of the technological man. It is one way to live and is increasingly utilized - and it may explode into violence  (Product Quotes) Today's terrorism is not the product of a traditional history of anarchism, nihilism, or fanaticism. It is instead the contemporary partner of globalization  (Product Quotes) Poetry, whose material is language, is perhaps the most human and least worldly of the arts, the one in which the end product remains closest to the thought that inspired it  (Product Quotes) Whatever I am today is a product of that conviction that victory through Christ is victory indeed. The rest is history  (Product Quotes) We have a tendency to want the other person to be a finished product while we give ourselves the grace to evolve  (Product Quotes) The illustrations were woodcuts, executed with that crude haste to see the finished product that marks the amateur. True pornography is given us by vastly patient professionals  (Product Quotes) The government can destroy wealth but it cannot create wealth, which is the product of labor and management working with creation  (Product Quotes) I want to make beautiful clothes for women and men who appreciate detail and quality. The product must be the best but this is almost secondary to the service the customer will receive  (Product Quotes) Those who relish the study of character may profit by the reading of good works of fiction, the product of well established authors  (Product Quotes) A rose is the visible result of an infinitude of complicated goings on in the bosom of the earth and in the air above, and similarly a work of art is the product of strange activities in the human mind  (Product Quotes) All through my life what I’ve loved doing is watching movies. I love the escapism of film, I love stories. So it is incredible to be able to be in them as much as I am, to see them from the first stitch in a costume to the end product  (Product Quotes) But I think technology advertising will have to stop addressing how products are made and concentrate more on what a product will do for the consumer  (Product Quotes) But, when we started our product portfolio, we focused the mixed signal requirements first for image processing devices and then in audio applications, targeting our technology into the growing use of digital technology in consumer markets  (Product Quotes) Companies that pollute should be taxed so that a product’s cost to society is reflected in the price of that product  (Product Quotes) Each is under the most sacred obligation not to squander the material committed to him, not to sap his strength in folly and vice, and to see at the least that he delivers a product worthy the labor and cost which have been expended on him  (Product Quotes)
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