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Anytime I think about a product, I think about my family and friends. Would they be proud of me if I put this out?  (Product Quotes) Order generally was a product of human activity. Chaos existed as a raw material from which to create order  (Product Quotes) The subject may be of first importance to the artist when he starts a picture, but it should be of least importance in the finished product. The subject is of no aesthetic significance  (Product Quotes) I am just a copier, an impostor. I wait, I read magazines. After a while my brain sends me a product  (Product Quotes) I am a product of every other black woman before me who has done or said anything worthwhile. Recognizing that I am part of history is what allows me to soar  (Product Quotes) Ideas are of themselves extraordinarily valuable, but an idea is just an idea. Almost anyone can think up an idea. The thing that counts is developing it into a practical product  (Product Quotes) Successful investment may become substantially a matter of techniques and criteria that are learnable, rather than the product of unique and incommunicable mental powers  (Product Quotes) Advertising and promotion alone will not sustain a bad product or a product that is not right for the times  (Product Quotes) The final product becomes a passionate reflection of all that was revealed to me about my subjects during intense moments of personal clarity  (Product Quotes) Pessimism is the product of a hostile social state. Its answer is the substitution of a friendly social state. If this can be done it will disappear  (Product Quotes) Salt is the only product that changes cuisine. There’s a big difference between food that has salt and food without it. If you don’t believe that, ask people who can’t eat salt  (Product Quotes) The promise of every product and service is a better life. Profits are the prize for delivering on the promise  (Product Quotes) All recognized famous inventors had capable predecessors and successors and made their improvements at a time when society was capable of using their product  (Product Quotes) There is no such thing as a commodity. It is simply a product waiting to be differentiated  (Product Quotes) No one understands another’s grief, no one understands another’s joy... My music is the product of my talent and my misery. And that which I have written in my greatest distress is what the world seems to like best  (Product Quotes) You cannot lie ever, because a lie destroys the credibility of the product, and credibility is more important than anything. Credibility’s even more important than clarity  (Product Quotes) I think its nice to be able to make a product, put it out there and let other people decide what they think  (Product Quotes) A chair is not just a product of decorative art in a space, it is a form and a space in itself  (Product Quotes) Learning is not a product of teaching. kids are born learning. They learn how to walk, how to talk. They’re basically little scientists. If we don’t stop that process, it will continue  (Product Quotes) One clear difference between art and commercial work is that commercial work is exploitive: the work may be high quality but the intention is to sell product or tickets. Art exists with or without ticket sales  (Product Quotes) It’s very hard when the product your selling to an entire country is yourself and you’re just selling the hell out of it all the time. But politicians have a tremendous amount of ego to be able to do it  (Product Quotes) To succeed at selling a losing product, you must develop seriously superior sales techniques. In addition, you have to be massively competitive and incredibly hungry to survive in that environment  (Product Quotes) Within a capitalist consumer society, the cult of personality has the power to subsume ideas, to make the person, the personality into the product and not the work itself  (Product Quotes) The two things are synergistic, the health care crisis and the food crisis. Right now, to a large extent, the food industry’s biggest product is patients for the health care industry and we have to break that  (Product Quotes) Capitalism is about producing a better product at a better price. As individuals, we have to keep producing better products at a better price, also, or we’re obsolete  (Product Quotes) It was important, I know, for my father as a product of his times not to be vulnerable, so he chose, and I can’t say that I blame him, to live his life rather than create it  (Product Quotes) The future never takes care of itself; it is taken car of, shaped, molded, and colored by the present. Our todays are what our yesterdays made them; our tomorrows must inevitably be the product of our todays  (Product Quotes) If someone doesn’t believe enough in your product to put money in to it, then you should rethink how good the product is  (Product Quotes) Petroleum is the product of a distillation from great depth and issues from the primitive rocks beneath which the forces of all volcanic action lie  (Product Quotes) People will realize that software is not a product; you use it to build a product  (Product Quotes)
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