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No work of literature is the product of only one or two conscious ideas. A story is mysteriously dense of meaning  (Product Quotes) If your marketing is not delivering consumers to the cash register with their wallets in their hands to buy your product, don’t do it  (Product Quotes) I write human stories. I write about people. Not as a product of their environment. But from the stance that everybody is made of the same thing  (Product Quotes) There is no pulse so sure of the state of a nation as its characteristic art product which has nothing to do with its material life  (Product Quotes) When you have a product that has zero sales, it is easy for people to say whatever they want about it and almost fantasize about it  (Product Quotes) The aim of industrialization has always been to replace people with machines or other technology, to make the cost of production as low as possible, to sell the product as high as possible, and to move the wealth into fewer and fewer hands  (Product Quotes) I was a boarding school product from the age of eight, and I hated it. Though I do have a theory that boarding school is good training for writers because its so desperately lacking in privacy: you make space for yourself by having an interior life  (Product Quotes) I think the success around any product is really about subtle insights. You need a great product and a bigger vision to execute against, but its really those small things that make the big difference  (Product Quotes) Customers can tell you how to evolve a product, but they can’t show you how to make a leap  (Product Quotes) Scientists will forever have to live with the fact that their product is, in the end, impersonal  (Product Quotes) I started making music with my band in the 80s, so I am more product of post punk than classical music, and I have always carried on this way  (Product Quotes) What you find is, you have to deliver a product that has value to the customer. When you do, and I think the wind community is getting much closer to that, customers will want it  (Product Quotes) I love taking an idea... to a prototype and then to a product that millions of people use  (Product Quotes) The notion that journalism can regularly produce a product that violates the fundamental interests of media owners and advertisers... is absurd  (Product Quotes) There’s no great mystery to satisfying your customers. Build them a quality product and treat them with respect. It’s that simple  (Product Quotes) To create something you want to sell, you first study and research the market, then you develop the product to the best of your ability  (Product Quotes) The biggest thing is to create a product that consumers find useful. As more and more people like something, it becomes harder and harder to have a conspiracy theory about it  (Product Quotes) Vision, the hallmark of leadership, is less a derivative of spreadsheets and more a product of the mind called imagination  (Product Quotes) I just want to do movies, and I want to sell them. I don’t want to link up with some product  (Product Quotes) So, always start with a product, always start with a customer, always start with a service and how this product or service will dramatically improve the quality of the life or the work of the customer  (Product Quotes) Everybody has a need for speed and you actually make your product, or service, or services more attractive when you do them fast  (Product Quotes) I think anybody, not just children, is a product of a great environment. If you put them in a better environment from a sad situation, nine times out of 10, they’ll go in the right direction  (Product Quotes) I don’t like watching myself in the movies because I don’t like being aware of the product. I like the process. I enjoy that  (Product Quotes) Humour is the describing the ludicrous as it is in itself; wit is the exposing it, by comparing or contrasting it with something else. Humour is, as it were, the growth of nature and accident; wit is the product of art and fancy  (Product Quotes) Of course, it is not the employer who pays wages. He only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages and it is the management that arranges the production so that the product may pay the wages  (Product Quotes) Good sense and good nature are never separated; and good nature is the product of right reason  (Product Quotes) Product of a myriad various minds and contending tongues, compact of obscure and minute association, a language has its own abundant and often recondite laws, in the habitual and summary recognition of which scholarship consists  (Product Quotes) If you hear my idea but don’t believe it, that’s not your fault; it’s mine. If you see my new product but don’t buy it, that’s my failure, not yours. If you attend my presentation and you’re bored, that’s my fault too  (Product Quotes) It is my conviction that in general women are more snobbish and class conscious than men and that these ignoble traits are a product of men’s attitude toward women and women’s passive acceptance of this attitude  (Product Quotes) That which endures is not one or another association of living forms, but the process of which the cosmos is the product, and of which these are among the transitory expressions  (Product Quotes)
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