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The system has for its object an increase of persons that are to intervene between the producer and the consumer, living on the product of the land and labour of others, diminishing the power of the first, and increasing the number of the last  (Product Quotes) Only as long as a company can produce a desired, worthwhile, and needed product or service, and can command the public, will it receive the public dollar and succeed  (Product Quotes) Standardization of our educational systems is apt to stamp out individualism and defeat the very ends of education by leveling the product down rather than up  (Product Quotes) The problem, for me, with the writing programs is that they produce a terrible uniformity of product  (Product Quotes) A gentleman opposed to their enfranchisement once said to me, women have never produced anything of any value to the world. I told him the chief product of the women had been the men, and left it to him to decide whether the product was of any value  (Product Quotes) The finished product is often of less importance than the skills and confidence gained through the process and the way in which the community is strengthened through people in it work and are brought together  (Product Quotes) Well, you’ll find the most boring part of it is the waiting, at least if it’s in films anyway. Television’s a lot faster, but the product... I don’t think it’s as good as a film  (Product Quotes) I think it’s going to deliver on the promises we’ve said it’s going to and it is going to be the most successful product ever to come into the handheld environment, and it just happens to have a number of different functions  (Product Quotes) Pricing is actually a pretty simple and straight forward thing. Customers will not pay literally a penny more than the true value of the product  (Product Quotes) I know I always worked hard on making sure we came out with the best possible product and of course we were working with four other people, you have to balance that as well  (Product Quotes) Now on the other hand, if someone is selling a product, opening a dance studio, or has some other aim to help themselves, then I tend to look askance at some of these strange stories from outer space  (Product Quotes) The only distribution of wealth which is the product of labor, which will be honest, will come through a more equal distribution of the productive capacity of men  (Product Quotes) Every intellectual product must be judged from the point of view of the age and the people in which it was produced  (Product Quotes) The achievement of nationhood is a product not only of time and circumstance but usually of war and suffering as well  (Product Quotes) It is an altogether wrong idea that the modern product of civilization is less susceptible to love. I sometimes think it is the other way  (Product Quotes) For the classics philosophical insight was the product of a life of leisure; for me a life of leisure is the product of philosophical insight  (Product Quotes) I don’t know any other business that tells you not to go in and buy their product  (Product Quotes) Organizations get invested into a particular product. and sometimes the best thing is to stop making that product, even though it’s profitable, because it has optimized at a local peak  (Product Quotes) I’m a songwriter first, have always been, and probably always will be. Making the demo is a natural product of writing a song; after that, I’m happy to hear other people do it in other ways  (Product Quotes) Not offering this kind of guarantee means that they do not believe in their product enough, and they do not care about if a salesman is over promising or over selling their product  (Product Quotes) It is acceptable to bring someone to tears if it explains to them in an emotional way why a product, a service, or a candidate is the right person, is the right thing to do  (Product Quotes) The advantage of working for a corporation is that it has only one message, because a product or a service doesn’t speak; it’s just there, and you can advertise it  (Product Quotes) He’s part of the product and will make no bones about creating that image to bring the value up in his product, bring the value up in everything he touches  (Product Quotes) I had a vision how it should sound and I put all my knowledge into this product and it is a fantastic product. People still tell me that I have the best musical thing there  (Product Quotes) It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re fulfilling that inner need, and for me the need is more the process than the finished product. My photographs are stories of the process  (Product Quotes) When you do a good job, you’ll feel like people are bothering you. If you have a product that’s interesting enough, then people will come to you  (Product Quotes) The key part of your brand is a quality product. Creating exceptional content is the number one thing  (Product Quotes) If people aren’t going to talk about your product, then it’s not good enough  (Product Quotes) Our language is the product of … extraordinary thought and philosophical greatness. … there is a lifetime and more of study here, which would turn our impoverishing certitudes into humanizing doubts  (Product Quotes) Heroes and victims are the product of the mood they were in when opportunity came or when circumstances were at their worst  (Product Quotes)
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