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Apart from cheese and tulips, the main product of the country is advocaat, a drink made from lawyers  (Product Quotes) Every product and service is sold on the promise of a better future. The purpose of business is to deliver on the promise, and profit is the reward for doing so  (Product Quotes) It may sound paradoxical, but verbal fluency is the product of many hours spent writing about nothing, just as musical fluency is the product of hours spent repeating scales  (Product Quotes) I believe that man is the product of natural evolution that is born from the conflict of being a prisoner and separated from nature, and from the need to find unity and harmony with it  (Product Quotes) Maybe war is an inevitable product of human nature. Maybe to get rid of war, we have to become something other than human  (Product Quotes) Businesses may come and go, but religion will last forever, for in no other endeavor does the consumer blame himself for product failure  (Product Quotes) Ours is the country where, in order to sell your product, you don’t so much point out its merits as you first work like hell to sell yourself  (Product Quotes) With man more and more ubiquitous, with nature transformed from a mysterious given into a product of the human will, divinity is in crisis  (Product Quotes) Abortion is a skillfully marketed product sold to women at a crisis time in their life. If the product is defective, she can’t return it for a refund  (Product Quotes) Let no man measure by a scale of perfection the meager product of reality in this poor world of ours  (Product Quotes) How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality?  (Product Quotes) The worth of any educational process is to be measured by its product. Health teaching in the school is successful to the degree that it conserves and promotes the health of the school child  (Product Quotes) Some people steal from others, or defraud them, or enslave them, seizing their product and preventing them from living as they choose, or forcibly exclude others from competing in exchanges. None of these are permissible modes of transition from one situation to another  (Product Quotes) If you think the products don’t match what you want from a product, don’t buy it  (Product Quotes) But I think it’s always difficult when a product that you’re using and accustomed to changes  (Product Quotes) No sale is really complete until the product is worn out, and the customer is satisfied  (Product Quotes) We provide many options in many product areas that they seem to want to adopt, and that’s working well for us  (Product Quotes) The American work ethic is something to be admired. Our workforce, regardless of position, works hard to produce the best product and serve customers to the best of their ability  (Product Quotes) Humanity’s become a product and when humanity is a product, you get Auschwitz and you get Chair  (Product Quotes) First and foremost, I’m a decorator and product designer. Everything I do, the television shows, the books, that comes from the design work. It’s what I love  (Product Quotes) Focusing on the long term and building a great product that is scalable ultimately leads to a great company  (Product Quotes) I’m a compassionate person, so if a product is 15 percent more than what I typically pay, and I see the purpose, I’ll foster that kind of sustainability for the farmers/fishers  (Product Quotes) I think architecture is rarely the product of a single ideology. It’s more like it can be shaped by a really big idea. It can accommodate a lot of life forms  (Product Quotes) When you do everything to make the very best product, it also means you’re very focused on just a few products  (Product Quotes) What you get when you put all your resources behind a product, is you get everyone to join in  (Product Quotes) I did a lot of commercials early on, and I remember the first commercial I ever got was for a product called Funyuns. I had to eat these chips for, like, 12 hours straight  (Product Quotes) I am a traditional man. I’m a product of a traditional man. He sacrificed everything for his family  (Product Quotes) A script is a unique literary form, because it’s not the end product; it’s a blueprint. If you’re not thinking of that end product, there’s going to be a disconnect  (Product Quotes) Windows is probably the most important product in the entire PC industry. Everything we do in terms of supporting touch, new hardware, accessibility has incredible impact  (Product Quotes) The ability of a successful company to add functionality to its product has long been upheld  (Product Quotes)
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