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Anger, depression, guilt, and shame are the product of the thinking that is at the base of violence on our planet.  (Product Quotes) Many small businesses would rather face an angry barbarian horde than tackle their cash flow statement or price a new product.  (Product Quotes) Anyone who wants simple, pat stories should buy another author’s product. The real universe ain’t that way, and neither are my fictive ones.  (Product Quotes) I don’t know of a single foreign product that enters this country untaxed, except the answer to prayer.  (Product Quotes) Don’t focus all your time and effort on creating the templates and perfecting the documents. Answering key product questions is more critical.  (Product Quotes) I never saw anything funny in a car commercial - but that’s OK. Whatever they wanted to do - it’s their product and I’m the spokesperson, and I’m going to deliver.  (Product Quotes) We are proposing that there is value in a totally new product category and a totally new set of questions. Just like the Apple II proposed, ‘Would you reasonably want a computer in your home if you weren’t an accountant or professional?’ That is the question Glass is asking, and I hope in the end that is how it will be judged.  (Product Quotes) The iPad remains Apple’s second bestselling product - all the more reason why the iPad Pro needs to be big in every sense of the word.  (Product Quotes) The iPod is a proprietary integrated product, although that is becoming quite modular. You can download your music from Amazon as easily as you can from iTunes. You also see modularity organized around the Android operating system that is growing much faster than the iPhone. So I worry that modularity will do its work on Apple.  (Product Quotes) I’m looking for best practices constantly. Apple has beautiful design, beautiful product, incredibly functional. But mostly it’s about picking product, getting behind it, marketing it and introducing it to a customer. What they’ve done just inspires me.  (Product Quotes) Not every Apple product makes a big enough difference to me to get instantly, although many do  (Product Quotes) I knew a lot about product design before coming to Apple, but I didn’t understand a lot about consumer experience design, which is really Apple’s forte.  (Product Quotes) I didn’t appreciate, coming out of corporate America... what it meant to a founder, the creator of the Macintosh, to be asked to step down from the very division that he created to lead the very product that he believed was going to change the world.  (Product Quotes) You don’t ever want to devalue music. Music is important; it’s necessary product. I always try to make sure that there’s a value - that people appreciate music and realize that there’s a value to it.  (Product Quotes) When you build a product, you make a lot of assumptions about the state of the art of technology, the best business practices, and potential customer usage/behavior.  (Product Quotes) Why do we make records? Because we want to say something. Why are you in art? Because you want to say something. The second you don’t have anything to say, you stop making art - you might start making product. And I’m interested in being an artist.  (Product Quotes) Seeing your work go into storage in an art museum is obviously a tragedy of any cultural product - which doesn’t mean I am anti-institutional.  (Product Quotes) Frankly, with HBO and Showtime and cable shows, the DVD box sets and all, you can have a product that doesn’t make you feel like as soon as it’s projected, it’s thrown away. It’s really a piece of art.  (Product Quotes) Art is more than a product of your efforts - it should be about feeling, life, attitude, soul  (Product Quotes) We can do better in higher education. And it is more than just technology. It’s also an attitude on the part of faculty. We need to think through how we can produce a better quality product at less cost.  (Product Quotes) Your values, as guiding principles, will influence your attitude towards yourself, life, other people, work and even challenges or success itself. Your values are a product of your beliefs.  (Product Quotes) Sure there is a sexy attitude, and when they say, ‘Give me a sexy look with your eyes,’ you give it to them. It doesn’t have to relate to the product. People are just drawn to it.  (Product Quotes) The questions of today’s average young person, who is the product of America’s intellectual bastions, have been virtually unaddressed by the church.  (Product Quotes) Back when ‘social’ had a broad definition, you could almost say that Yahoo Finance chat was the first social product.  (Product Quotes) My cooking philosophy, what I try to do, is to make a cuisine where the produce and the product shines, compared to some current trends that are maybe more adding additional things, like molecular cuisine, with a lot of additives and chemicals, which are now showing that they could be bad for your health.  (Product Quotes) We’ve always known you can gain circulation or viewers by cheapening the product, and now you’re finding the bad driving out the good.  (Product Quotes) Why is it when we have a bad experience with a product, we assume it is us, but a bad experience with food, we blame the food?!  (Product Quotes) No amount of tools can help a bad product. You have to remain genuine in your product development innovation and quality.  (Product Quotes) Patriarchy is a fundamental imbalance underlying society And it’s one we rarely address because it’s so universal. But as I get older, I see that peace is a product of balance.  (Product Quotes) I am a basketball junkie, and as a product of the great basketball state of Kansas, I have watched many a ball game between the University of Kansas Jayhawks and the Tar Heels.  (Product Quotes)
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