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The close relationships we form between researchers and product groups have already shown we can move the great ideas as they come along, without a schedule, into the products.  (Product Quotes) A well-conceived product excels at what it does. It’s close to being functionally flawless - like a Ziploc bag, a radio from Tivoli Audio, a Philips Sonicare toothbrush, a Nespresso coffee maker or Google’s home page.  (Product Quotes) Get your product in front of actual, living, breathing strangers. Your college roommate’s approval does not mean there’s market demand.  (Product Quotes) The most common mistakes are showing people your product- don’t show them your product, it’s sort of like telling them bout a feature.  (Product Quotes) It is very different trying to help a community organization than trying to sell yourself or sell a product.  (Product Quotes) As the founder of your company, you must be in love with your brand and inspired by your brand’s mission if you have any hope of getting press for your product.  (Product Quotes) By far, the most determining factor of any brand is the product or the service the company produces. Branding companies have very rarely any significant influence on that, but it is, of course, in their interest to amplify their importance.  (Product Quotes) A rule of thumb: If the company you work for provides a product or service that’s pretty much the same as what was offered last year and a few years before that, it might be time to start looking for something new.  (Product Quotes) You need to focus on creating the actual value of the company, not just the theoretical value. The actual value comes from a great product that sells well and is ultimately profitable.  (Product Quotes) When you found a company, you have the original vision, you make all the original decisions, you know every employee, you kind of know every aspect of the product architecture and its limitations.  (Product Quotes) Being able to compete for consumers’ attention and dollars over the preciousness of access is a thing of the past. Everyone is using the Internet to globally market a product.  (Product Quotes) It is when the product is not good enough that proprietary integration gives you a competitive edge. You cannot outsource and be competitively successful in this situation. But at the other end, where standard components assembled in standard ways can yield acceptable performance, you must outsource.  (Product Quotes) What I try to do is factor in how people use computers, what people’s problems are, and how these technologies can get applied to those problems. Then I try to direct the various product groups to act on this information.  (Product Quotes) I do read licenses, and they aggravate me, but a computer isn’t much good without software. When I need a product, I hold my nose and click ‘agree.’  (Product Quotes) I won’t put a product out that I don’t 100 percent believe in. All of my products are made from the best ingredients and are made to make a woman feel like herself, only prettier and more confident.  (Product Quotes) Resolution, like responsibility, is a product of ownership, and kids can’t resolve a conflict until they figure out how they contributed to it.  (Product Quotes) Higher states of awareness is a by product of mental development and conscious evolution  (Product Quotes) One of the things that I really like about young adult fiction is that you can explore the relationships between teens and their parents. I definitely think that teens are a product of their parents. You either end up just like them or you consciously make the decision to be unlike them.  (Product Quotes) A consumer society is about simplfying and degrading the consumer as well as the product  (Product Quotes) Label celebrity a consumer society’s most precious consumer product, and eventually it becomes the hero with a thousand faces, the packaging of the society’s art and politics, the framework of its commerce, and the stuff of its religion.  (Product Quotes) I have more contact with people who consume, for lack of a better word, my product than any other performers.  (Product Quotes) On the other hand, if people are made safer, more efficient, more comfortable ” or just plain happier ” by contact with the product, then the designer has succeeded.  (Product Quotes) The worst evil is - and that’s the product of censorship - is the self-censorship, because that twists spines, that destroys my character because I have to think something else and say something else, I have to always control myself.  (Product Quotes) Detachment is what interests me, seeing how people couldn’t have been any other way, how they were the product of forces that they had no control over.  (Product Quotes) To discuss a Martin Amis book, you must first discuss the orchestrated release of a Martin Amis book. In London, which rightly prides itself on the vibrancy of its literary cottage industry, Amis is the Steve Jobs of book promoters, and his product rollouts are as carefully managed as anything Apple dreams up.  (Product Quotes) I’m a country boy, and we’re the product of our upbringing. As a boy, I was told that men don’t cry.  (Product Quotes) Apparent confusion is a product of good order; apparent cowardice, of courage; apparent weakness, of strength.  (Product Quotes) An unedited manuscript is a first draft of story; but is not a finished product. Too many writers study the craft of writing but do not acquire the skills of an editor.  (Product Quotes) When you are having fun and creating something you love, it shows in the product. So when a woman is sifting through a rack of clothes, somehow that piece of clothing that you had so much fun designing speaks to her; she responds to it and buys it. I believe you can actually transfer that energy to material things as you’re creating them.  (Product Quotes) There’s a few in our history, where the person who creates it becomes almost the product itself. Jobs is one of those.  (Product Quotes)
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