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The Biblical world view sees Earth and its ecosystems as the effect of a wise God’s creation and... therefore robust, resilient, and self-regulating, like the product of any good engineer.  (Product Quotes) The profusion of fonts is one more product of the digital revolution. Beginning in the mid- 80s and accelerating in the 1990s, type design weathered the sort of radical, technology-driven transformation that other creative industries, including music, publishing, and movies, now face.  (Product Quotes) Bootstrapping allows you total creative freedom. For example, if you decide to approach your business in a certain way that makes it a two- or three-year process to get to your first product, you can do that, versus being rushed into it by investors.  (Product Quotes) A creative mindset is in increasingly high demand: employers are vying for workers who are able to dream big and deliver big with the next must-have product. Creative thinking fuels innovation, it leads to new goods and services, creates jobs and delivers substantial economic rewards.  (Product Quotes) The most advanced, creative and original thinking is always a product of historical context and the influences of previous geniuses, mentors, and collaborators on the mind of the originator.  (Product Quotes) Young black men are guilty of criminal behavior not because of the alleged crimes they might commit but because they are the product of a collective imagination paralyzed by the racism of a white supremacist culture they can only view them as a dangerous nightmare.  (Product Quotes) When talking to first-time entrepreneurs, I often ask them: ‘How do you know that people want your product or service?’ As you can expect, the answer is often that they don’t yet, but will know once they launch. And they’re right. That’s why it’s critical to launch as quickly as possible so you can get that feedback.  (Product Quotes) One thing matters more than anything else for a dating product, and that is the quantity and quality of the people who use the product. It’s really freaking hard to get critical mass.  (Product Quotes) Public-policy-wise, if you want to be consistent, crude oil is a bulk commodity, and you should be able to export it. I would rather the crude go to U.S. refineries to get refined and then export the refined product because we get double, triple the money.  (Product Quotes) Cultural objects have no notable identity outside of that which we confer upon them. Their value is entirely a product of the interaction that we have with them.  (Product Quotes) I will continue to focus on global strategy and to do everything I can to help Yahoo! realize its full potential and enhance its leading culture of technology and product excellence and innovation.  (Product Quotes) I’m a product of my Irish culture, and I could no more lose that than I could my sense of identity.  (Product Quotes) I don’t play roles everybody likes. I’d rather have a career I’m proud of. Like everyone else, I need to eat. But I’m a very unbusinesslike person, and I keep my price low. I’m not a mass product. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.  (Product Quotes) Auctomatic was a compressed start-up experience, going from start to launch to acquisition in under a year. We spent a long time building the product before getting our first customer, whereas with Stripe we made sure we had paying customers from the very start.  (Product Quotes) The payoff of a customer-centric approach to software and digital product design is substantial and long-lasting for both companies and their customers.  (Product Quotes) Every entrepreneur needs ideas, vision, and creativity - no matter what the product or service. Not only that, but the product should truly delight customers and become an essential part of their lives.  (Product Quotes) If you understand cause and effect, it brings about a set of insights that leads you to a very different place. The knowledge will persuade you that the market isn’t organized by customer category or by product category. If you understand the job that consumers need to complete, you can articulate all of the experiences in that job.  (Product Quotes) We need to reengineer companies to focus on figuring out who the customer is, what’s the market and what kind of product you should build.  (Product Quotes) Each brand leader is focused on ensuring that the brand relationship with its customer is strong and differentiated. To accomplish this differentiation, we plan to offer her even more unique product and talk with her in new and exciting ways.  (Product Quotes) During the early stages of an industry, when the functionality and reliability of a product isn’t yet adequate to meet customer’s needs, a proprietary solution is almost always the right solution - because it allows you to knit all the pieces together in an optimized way.  (Product Quotes) When you’re thinking about your next product or current product and wondering how to make it different so you don’t have competition, understand the job the customer needs to get done.  (Product Quotes) What the customer buys and considers value is never a product. It is always utility, that is, what a product or a service does for the customer.  (Product Quotes) Does the customer invent new product or service? The customer generates nothing. No customer asked for electric lights. There was gas and gas mantles, which gave good light.  (Product Quotes) It doesn’t matter much where your company sits in its industry ecosystem, nor how vertically or horizontally integrated it is - what matters is its relative ‘share of customer value’ in the final product or solution, and its cost of producing that value.  (Product Quotes) I’m a product of good nutrition, cutting edge supplementation and hard training, and I’m an old guy.  (Product Quotes) I often can’t remember which scenes are and aren’t in the final product, because I saw so many different versions of the Lemony Snicket that I forget which ended up on the cutting-room floor.  (Product Quotes) We know everything about what you know and how you learn best because we get so much data. And education is the highest-stakes media product in your life. It’s infinitely more important than your Facebook friends’ status updates or your Google search results because it’s your future.  (Product Quotes) Google, Facebook, and other consumer web companies violate our privacy. But that’s only because they have an ad-based business model. They can only make money by selling your data - and degrading the product experience with ads.  (Product Quotes) When you’re adopted, no matter what, you’ve got issues with unconditional love. And you find out you’re the product of the worst situation for a young girl to be in and start her life, and I’m so grateful that my birth mom made the decision she made. She came from a rough situation.  (Product Quotes) It’s a product of the fractal laws that govern the world at an informational level. There is no deeper truth.  (Product Quotes)
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