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We may win when we lose, if we have done what we can; for by so doing we have made real at least some part of that finished product in whose fabrication we are most concerned: ourselves.  (Product Quotes) A lot of people don’t get it, but I design from the inside out so that the finished product looks inevitable somehow. I think it’s important to create spaces that people like to be in, that are humanistic.  (Product Quotes) The journey matters as much as the destination. By engaging in the moment on set, I’ve stopped rushing and now find pleasure in the collaborative process - the characters, the costumes - rather than worrying about the finished product.  (Product Quotes) With a stage play, they can’t cut a word; you can be in rehearsals every day, you cast it, you cast the director, too; the amount of control for a playwright is almost infinite, so you have that control over the finished product.  (Product Quotes) The biggest thing about me, as an actor, is I’m never a finished product, you know? I always want to try something or be in a new genre because, one, it’s much more fun to do that because you’re not doing the same thing over and over.  (Product Quotes) I don’t concern myself with thinking ahead to the finished product. I focus more specifically on what the character is experiencing. Once you relieve yourself of the very arbitrary and always punishing pressure of what an audience is expecting you to do, acting becomes a lot more fun and pure.  (Product Quotes) Movies are great fun and wonderful when they’re good. But you never get to see them till six months after they’re finished. So you never get a sense of whether they’re really well liked or how good they are. And you don’t really know what the finished product is going to be like, because it’s a director’s medium.  (Product Quotes) Take the platypus - that is not a finished product. It is clearly still in beta.  (Product Quotes) It’s just satisfying for me to be able to write kind of like a finished, nice product  (Product Quotes) It’s funny to see the finished product of a movie, stuff that’s so beautiful, and to remember the particulars.  (Product Quotes) I love the finished product, but I find working in the studio a chore - I use an old-fashioned setup, so the recording process can be frustrating.  (Product Quotes) Life is not a finished product, it is only what we make of it, and if we make nothing of it, someone else will, and we will be his slave.  (Product Quotes) You have to decide what is extraneous and what is central. There is always more to tell. If you want to have a finished product, at some point you have to say enough.  (Product Quotes) It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re fulfilling that inner need, and for me the need is more the process than the finished product. My photographs are stories of the process.  (Product Quotes) I’m a firm believer in quality > quantity, and I think it’s important to have high standards in any product creation product.  (Product Quotes) I remember back in the early days of Microsoft that from the day that you decided that you were just going to put out an ad to a customer - and all you were usually able to tell them was that a new product was available - it was about nine months before you could actually reach the first customer.  (Product Quotes) At my first job in the mid-to-late 90s, almost every product was from Microsoft. Everything was designed to work together - Windows for workgroups, shared M drives, etc., etc.  (Product Quotes) First and foremost, I’m a decorator and product designer. Everything I do, the television shows, the books, that comes from the design work. It’s what I love.  (Product Quotes) Every time a consumer walks into a retail store, experiences the Nokia experience for the first time and purchases that product. Those are the moments where you say, ‘We’ve hit it. We’ve nailed it.’  (Product Quotes) Then, as the day progresses, depending on how the product is coming in - for instance, the fish man will fax us and say black bass is great - throughout the day, we’ll also make judgment calls and adapt to what’s available.  (Product Quotes) Fitness has to be fun. If it is not play there will be no fitness. Play, you see, is where the process. Fitness is merely the product.  (Product Quotes) Just because you have kids doesn’t mean to say you need time off. I have a lot of time off anyway. If I’m promoting my book, like, for the next two weeks, I’m flat out. But then I’m off again. And when you’ve got the next product, it’s the same; you just condense it into a couple of weeks.  (Product Quotes) Don’t accuse me of being morbid when I’m merely the product of a culture that buries the bones of the ones they love in pretty, manicured flower gardens so they can keep them nearby and go talk to them whenever they feel troubled or depressed. That’s morbid. Not to mention bizarre. Dogs bury bones, too.  (Product Quotes) The times I’ve been most successful have been the product of hard work and focus, but there’s also been an ease and flow to it that’s unmistakable.  (Product Quotes) Putting together a sustainable budget requires that we all work together, that we focus our scarce resources on key priorities, and that we strengthen our capacity to deliver the best product we can for the American people. And that takes money.  (Product Quotes) The two things are synergistic, the health care crisis and the food crisis. Right now, to a large extent, the food industry’s biggest product is patients for the health care industry and we have to break that.  (Product Quotes) The limitation upon this mode of promoting peace lies in the fact that it consists in an appeal to the civilized side of man, while war is the product of forces proceeding from man’s original savage nature.  (Product Quotes) I searched for years I found no love. I’m sure that love will never be a product of plasticity.  (Product Quotes) The ‘free market’ is the product of laws and rules continuously emanating from legislatures, executive departments, and courts.  (Product Quotes) While I personally believe strongly in the philosophy and ideology of the Free Software movement, you can’t win people over just on philosophy; you have to have a better product, too.  (Product Quotes)
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