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The only barrier to entry you can create is to consistently build a great product  (Product Quotes) Obsess about the quality of the product  (Product Quotes) Nonsmokers should be banned from buying any product a smoker created  (Product Quotes) People’s interest is in the product, not in its authorship  (Product Quotes) Product quality has almost nothing to do with defects or their lack  (Product Quotes) Building a product is easy. But building the company that builds the product is hard  (Product Quotes) Watch the product life cycle; but more important, watch the market life cycle  (Product Quotes) Bad government is the natural product of rule by those who believe government is bad  (Product Quotes) Design is the only thing that differentiates one product from another in the marketplace  (Product Quotes) To the user, the interface is the product  (Product Quotes) If you continue to improve a product enough, you’ll eventually ruin it  (Product Quotes) Think of yourself as an insensitive, nitpicking, irritable fool to use the product  (Product Quotes) No successful company has had ever been the product of just one person  (Product Quotes) I try to keep the meetings small, especially when we’re doing product design  (Product Quotes) Making a product better often requires removing features  (Product Quotes) You have to specialize the product  (Product Quotes) A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or organization  (Product Quotes) Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising  (Product Quotes) Sell the interview before you attempt to sell the product  (Product Quotes) Most of our oldest memories are the product of repeated rehearsal and reconstruction  (Product Quotes) The end product of child raising is not the child but the parent  (Product Quotes) A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir  (Product Quotes) Shipping is a feature. A really important feature. Your product must have it  (Product Quotes) A great brand starts with a hero product  (Product Quotes) Where can we take no the product, but the idea?  (Product Quotes) Sell the benefit, not your company or the product. People buy results, not features  (Product Quotes) A formally harmonious product needs no decoration, it should be elevated through pure form  (Product Quotes) Greatest risk is not development of new product, but development of customers and markets  (Product Quotes) Your goal is to launch an imperfect product and let people laugh at you  (Product Quotes) Just having a great product won’t take you anywhere  (Product Quotes)
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