Profound Quotes

Text Quotes
I love French films, and European films. They’re not any bigger, but there’s just a sort of definition, and a confidence, and strength to them. I’d always, given the option, go and see a French drama. Obviously, we probably get the better ones. But they’re just sophisticated on many levels, and grown up, and quite profound - and we don’t make films like that (Profound Quotes)
Fundamental systemic crises are often associated with the decline of the dominant imperial power and its increasing inability to sustain the system over which it had previously presided. The profound instability of the interwar period owed much to Britains inability to maintain its role (Profound Quotes)
The realization that I may have only a few good years remaining has hit me with real force, and I have done a lot of thinking as a result. I would like to have come up with something profound, but I haven’t (Profound Quotes)
I don’t think I’ve done any profound work yet... People ask me, ‘How would you want to be remembered?’ I tell them I don’t want to be remembered! I’m not here to become a Madhubala or receive a Lifetime Achievement Award. I’m not that kind of a person. And I’m not brash about it; it’s just the way I am (Profound Quotes)
My grandfather died in the war, my family went through the war, and it affected my parents in really profound ways. I’ve always wanted to write about that period - in some ways to digest it for myself, something that defined me but that I didn’t go through (Profound Quotes)
If you want to say something profound, writing from your heartbeat is different than writing from the loud voices you get from music. If they’re rapping from noise, it’s about robbing people. It’s that simple (Profound Quotes)
Our generation delimited the definition and horizon of Love in a box that mainly refers to love between a boy and a girl. Love has a broader and profound meaning beyond this box. Surely, the highest state of love is Love of God, a love between creations and the Creator (Profound Quotes)
Profound question is how do you measure the non-skills component of what goes on in schools: values, curiosity, critical thinking, and so on. That’s very tough. Maybe everything worthwhile can’t be measured (Profound Quotes)
I think most interesting people are socially awkward even if they’re able to hide it most of the time. If Henry Darger hadn’t been a shut-in would we love him so much? Any act that we do in private is amazing and profound because it is private. You don’t have to worry about being socially awkward in the privacy of your own home... well, unless I show up (Profound Quotes)
What’s profound and exciting is the way young people are taking advantage of the fact that the Internet enables everyone to have a megaphone. It enables everyone to stand up and say, ‘I deserve to be heard, and I demand that you listen.’ (Profound Quotes)
I’m extremely surprised to learn that a story, which has become familiar to children through the medium of comic strips and many succeeding novels and adventure stories, should have had such an immediate and profound effect upon radio listeners. (Profound Quotes)
I think the difference is that when we drink tea, we just drink tea. But if you’re in the presence of a genuine master, they don’t have to do anything but drink their tea, and yet it affects you at an incredibly profound level. (Profound Quotes)
I think there are profound differences between the civil rights struggle for African Americans and the civil rights struggle for gay Americans. (Profound Quotes)
Meditation is a simple yet powerful tool that takes us to a state of profound relaxation that dissolves fatigue and the accumulated stress that accelerates the aging process. (Profound Quotes)
Economists agree about economics - and that’s a science - and they disagree about economic policy because that’s a value judgment... I’ve had profound disagreements on policy with the famous Milton Friedman. But, on economics, we agree. (Profound Quotes)
Conceptual writing is looking for that Aha! moment, when something so simple, right under our noses, is revealed as being awe- inspiring, profound, and transcendent. (Profound Quotes)
I’m not the type to turn to drugs and alcohol, but I do have a profound devotion to art and music - and children. (Profound Quotes)
It’s all kinds of these profound things crashing on you when your child arrives into the world. It’s like you’ve met your reason to live. (Profound Quotes)
Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone. (Profound Quotes)
The bottom line is that this author, a practicing neurologist dealing with Alzheimer’s disease on a daily basis, believes we need to expand the public awareness that modifiable lifestyle factors have a profound role to play in determining who will or won’t get this disease. (Profound Quotes)
Maia Sharp is one of America’s great singer-songwriters. Her storytelling runs profound and (Profound Quotes)
Look, I worked with American Republican presidents and Democratic presidents, all of them, and each of them has shown a deep and profound friendship to Israel, you know? I can’t remember anybody who was in that sense negative as far as Israel is concerned. (Profound Quotes)
When an animal dies, it gives you the chance to love another animal. That’s an insightful and profound way to look at it. (Profound Quotes)
The angels in heaven covered their eyes with their hands and sobbed loudly, because that is what they always do when a man hits his wife. A profound sadness settled over the earth...God was silent in every language. The angels tried to dry their tears, but their handkerchiefs were so soaked through that is started raining even in the deserts. (Profound Quotes)
I love New York City in the fall, and one of my favorite events of the season is the annual World of Children Award Gala, at which I have the profound pleasure of meeting the newest class of changemakers for children who are there to receive their World of Children Award. (Profound Quotes)
What we ask of music, first and last, is that it communicate experience - experience of all kinds, vital and profound at its greatest, amusing or entertaining at another level. (Profound Quotes)
Music is the answer to the mystery of life. The most profound of all the arts, It expresses the deepest thoughts of life. (Profound Quotes)
Apocalypse Now’ poses questions without any attempt to provide definitive answers, and the film’s profound ambiguities are integral to its enduring magic. (Profound Quotes)
I have many friends and family members who have served (or are currently serving) in our nation’s Armed Forces. I have such a profound respect for what they do day in and day out. (Profound Quotes)
By the general process of epic poetry, I mean the way this form of art has constantly responded to the profound needs of the society in which it was made. (Profound Quotes)