Progress Quotes

Text Quotes
And we owe science to the combined energies of individual men of genius, rather than to any tendency to progress inherent in civilization (Progress Quotes)
The existing principle of selfish interest and competition has been carried to its extreme point; and, in its progress, has isolated the heart of man, blunted the edge of his finest sensibilities, and annihilated all his most generous impulses and sympathies (Progress Quotes)
The economic, social and cultural progress of a nation depends on citizens counting for more and having more rights (Progress Quotes)
If you love your life, you have to fight. If you believe in life and progress and possibilities, you have no choice (Progress Quotes)
If our animosities are born out of fear, then confident generosity is born out of hope. One of the central lessons I have learned after a half century of working in the developing world is that the replacement of fear by hope is probably the single most powerful trampoline of progress (Progress Quotes)
In the experimental sciences, the epochs of the most brilliant progress are almost always separated by long intervals of almost absolute repose (Progress Quotes)
As long as young people feel they have got no hope but to blow themselves up you are never going to make progress (Progress Quotes)
There can be no permanent progress in the battle against hunger until the agencies that fight for increased food production and those that fight for population control unite in a common effort (Progress Quotes)
Scientific progress on a broad front results from the free play of free intellects, working on subjects of their own choice, in the manner dictated by their curiosity for exploration of the unknown (Progress Quotes)
I believe it safe to say that all progress must lead, not to further progress, but finally to the negation of progress, a return to the point of departure (Progress Quotes)
Finished things cease to be a shelter for the spirit; but work in progress is a delight (Progress Quotes)
This is what aesthetics, development and progress depend upon: that we go out on thin ice (Progress Quotes)
Despite all our toil and progress, the art of medicine still falls somewhere between trout casting and spook writing (Progress Quotes)
As every parent knows, children go through an adolescent growth spurt, during which they put on inches at an alarming rate. Humans are unique in this respect: most mammalian species, including apes, progress almost directly from infancy to adulthood (Progress Quotes)
Every country should realize that its turn at world domination, domination because its rights coincided more or less with the character or progress of the epoch, must terminate with the change brought about by this progress (Progress Quotes)
The new growth in the plant swelling against the sheath, which at the same time imprisons and protects it, must still be the truest type of progress (Progress Quotes)
It is not only by the questions we have answered that progress may be measured, but also by those we are still asking (Progress Quotes)
Martyrs are needed to create incidents. Incidents are needed to create revolutions. Revolutions are needed to create progress (Progress Quotes)
I see nothing in the present situation that is either menacing or warrants pessimism... I have every confidence that there will be a revival of activity in the spring, and that during this coming year the country will make steady progress (Progress Quotes)
Compare society to a boat. Her progress through the water will not depend upon the exertion of her crew, but upon the exertion devoted to propelling her. This will be lessened by any expenditure of force in fighting among themselves, or in pulling in different directions (Progress Quotes)
I shall speak of how melancholy and utopia preclude one another. How they fertilize one another... of the revulsion that follows one insight and precedes the next... of superabundance and surfeit. Of stasis in progress. And of myself, for whom melancholy and utopia are heads and tails of the same coin (Progress Quotes)
Progress of a marriage: There was a time when you couldn’t make me happy. Now the time has come when you can make me unhappy (Progress Quotes)
Rapidity does not always mean progress, and hurry is akin to waste. The old fable of the hare and the tortoise is just as good now, and just as true, as when it was first written (Progress Quotes)
History can show you that it was one pile of bad stuff after another. It can also show you that there’s been tremendous progress in knowledge, behaviour, laws, civilisation. It cannot show you that there was a meaning behind it (Progress Quotes)
There has been so much recent talk of progress in the areas of curriculum innovation and textbook revision that few people outside the field of teaching understand how bad most of our elementary school materials still are (Progress Quotes)
Human beings, we have dark sides; we have dark issues in our lives. To progress anywhere in life, you have to face your demons (Progress Quotes)
If to live is to progress, if you are lucky, from foolishness to wisdom, then to write novels is to broadcast the various stages of your foolishness (Progress Quotes)
I think we’ve made tremendous progress on racism. We’ve even made progress on war. We’ve made almost no progress on poverty (Progress Quotes)
Control is as much an effect as a cause, and the idea that control is something you exert is a real handicap to progress (Progress Quotes)
Perhaps this is how you know you’re doing the thing you’re intended to: No matter how slow or how slight your progress, you never feel that it’s a waste of time (Progress Quotes)