Progress Quotes

Text Quotes
Truth should be the very breath of our life. When once this state in the pilgrim’s progress is reached, all other rules of correct living will come without any effort, and obedience to them will be instinctive (Progress Quotes)
Guilt’s just your ego’s way of tricking you into thinking that you’re making moral progress. Don’t fall for it, my dear (Progress Quotes)
When you are able to shift your inner awareness to how you can serve others, and when you make this the central focus of your life, you will then be in a position to know true miracles in your progress toward prosperity (Progress Quotes)
It is when those who are not strong enough have made some moderate amount of progress that they fail and give up (Progress Quotes)
There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns (Progress Quotes)
Often the losing of a battle leads to the winning of progress. Less glory but greater liberty: the drum is silent and the voices of reason can be heard (Progress Quotes)
Daring is the price of progress. All splendid conquests are the prize of boldness, more or less (Progress Quotes)
Collective wisdom, alas, is no adequate substitute for the intelligence of individuals. Individuals who opposed received opinions have been the source of all progress, both moral and intellectual. They have been unpopular, as was natural (Progress Quotes)
Like winds and sunsets, wild things were taken for granted until progress began to do away with them (Progress Quotes)
My own experience and development deepen every day my conviction that our moral progress may be measured by the degree in which we sympathize with individual suffering and individual joy (Progress Quotes)
There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge and wisdom. Shall we instead choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? I appeal as a human being to human beings; remember your humanity, and forget the rest (Progress Quotes)
Don’t follow someone else’s map. You should glean teachings from all directions, keeping true to those that bring progress yet remaining open to changes in yourself (Progress Quotes)
Without man and his potential for moral progress, the whole of reality would be a mere wilderness, a thing in vain, and have no final purpose (Progress Quotes)
Age had taught him patience. Youth had taught me to get frustrated at the lack of progress (Progress Quotes)
Feelings aren’t forever. Time waits for no one, but progress waits for man to enact it (Progress Quotes)
Do you want to make progress? If so, then take each problem not as a challenging rival, but as an encouraging friend of yours, who is helping you to arrive at your ultimate destination (Progress Quotes)
First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the notion of progress remains only a notion and not an achievement (Progress Quotes)
There was always a quest for more minutes, more hours, faster progress to accomplish more in each day. The simple joy of living between summers was gone (Progress Quotes)
Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved, or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders progress (Progress Quotes)
If we are to make progress, we must not repeat history but make new history. We must add to inheritance left by our ancestors (Progress Quotes)
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind (Progress Quotes)
It is a striving to attain the best. To throttle it would mean to stop all progress. Certain men do not need to compete. They are pioneers (Progress Quotes)
The march of intellect is proceeding at quick time; and if its progress be not accompanied by a corresponding improvement in morals and religion, the faster it proceeds, with the more violence will you be hurried down the road to ruin (Progress Quotes)
It ought not to be unpleasant to say that which one honestly believes or disbelieves. That it so constantly is painful to do so, is quite enough obstacle to the progress of mankind in that most valuable of all qualities, honesty of word or of deed (Progress Quotes)
As practice makes perfect, I cannot but make progress; each drawing one makes, each study one paints, is a step forward (Progress Quotes)
Man is an animal with primary instincts of survival. Consequently his ingenuity has developed first and his soul afterwards. The progress of science is far ahead of man’s ethical behavior (Progress Quotes)
Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages (Progress Quotes)
You progress not through what has been done, but reaching towards what has yet to be done (Progress Quotes)
I made the greater progress, from that clearness of head and quicker apprehension which generally attend temperance in eating and drinking (Progress Quotes)
Spiritual progress is like detoxification. Things have to come up in order to be released. Once we have asked to be healed, then our unhealed places are forced to the surface (Progress Quotes)