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Promising Quotes

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Whom the gods wish to destroy they first call promising  (Promising Quotes) A happy childhood has spoiled many a promising life  (Promising Quotes) You should make great things, not promising great things  (Promising Quotes) Nature is as wasteful of promising young men as she is of fish spawn  (Promising Quotes) Every politician is emphatically a promising politician  (Promising Quotes) Promising too much can be as cruel as caring too little  (Promising Quotes) Birth control is effecting, and promising to effect, many functions in our social life  (Promising Quotes) Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first call promising  (Promising Quotes) There was no particular point at which I stopped being promising  (Promising Quotes) I remember promising myself that should I live I would prove myself deserving of life  (Promising Quotes) Sleep tries to seduce me by promising a more reasonable tomorrow  (Promising Quotes) A fatal recovery from a promising illness  (Promising Quotes) Don’t ask me for promises until I know what I am promising  (Promising Quotes) Many a promising career has been wrecked by marrying the wrong sort of woman  (Promising Quotes) Exchange love for hate... Thereby, making the present comfortable and the future promising  (Promising Quotes) I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris wheel  (Promising Quotes) Promising is the eve of giving  (Promising Quotes) As it somehow always manages before the winter solstice, but never after, the early darkness was cheerful and promising, even for those who had nothing  (Promising Quotes) Many a promising career has been wrecked by marrying the wrong sort of woman. The right sort of woman can distinguish between Creative Lassitude and plain shiftlessness  (Promising Quotes) I came to office promising major ethics reform to end the culture of self-dealing. And today, that ethics reform is a law. While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the governor's office that I didn't believe our citizens should have to pay for. That luxury jet was over-the-top. I put it on eBay  (Promising Quotes) Morning signifies a new beginning. So this morning start by forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you made yesterday and look forward to the promising day that lies ahead of you. Have a good morning!  (Promising Quotes) Kaufman almost smiled at the perfection of its horror. He felt an offer of insanity tickling the base of his skull, tempting him into oblivion, promising a blank indifference to the world  (Promising Quotes) If you start by promising what you don't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work towards getting it  (Promising Quotes) A development deal is where they're giving you recording time and money to record, but not promising that they'll put an album out  (Promising Quotes) Government is, by it's very nature, a destroyer of liberties; the Obama administration, specifically, is promising to interfere with the economy and the health care system so profoundly that Washington will soon have us all in chains  (Promising Quotes) Young people are threatened. By the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire  (Promising Quotes) We believe that peace is not just signed papers, but rather a contract between generations for the building of a more promising and less threatening future  (Promising Quotes) The most promising words ever written on the maps of human knowledge are terra incognita, unknown territory  (Promising Quotes) Nutrition science is where surgery was in about 1650, you know, really interesting and promising, but would you want to have them operate on you yet? I don't think so  (Promising Quotes) These are the reasons that help to explain the perversity of an adult who prefers the company of youths to that of grownups. He prefers the promising might be to the defective is  (Promising Quotes)
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