Prosperity Quotes

Text Quotes
Bills are simply invoices for blessings you’ve already received. Pay them with gratitude and circulate prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
It is in adversity that the good show their friendship most clearly; prosperity always finds friends (Prosperity Quotes)
To ensure continuing prosperity in the global economy, nothing is more important than the development and application of knowledge and skills (Prosperity Quotes)
I cannot believe there is caste system in society; I cannot believe people are judged on the basis of their prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
Prosperity has brought complications. Our lives are busier, faster, more stressful. They’re nostalgic for a simpler, slower time (Prosperity Quotes)
I wish all men to be free. I wish the material prosperity of the already free which I feel sure the extinction of slavery would bring (Prosperity Quotes)
You cannot create prosperity by law. Sustained thrift, industry, application, intelligence, are the only things that ever do, or ever will, create prosperity. But you can very easily destroy prosperity by law (Prosperity Quotes)
In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; In time of adversity not one in twenty (Prosperity Quotes)
It is the custom of the immortal gods to grant temporary prosperity and a fairly long period of impunity to those whom they plan to punish for their crimes, so that they may feel it all the more keenly as a result of the change in their fortunes (Prosperity Quotes)
Everyone who believes in freedom must work diligently for sound money, fully redeemable. Nothing else is compatible with the humanitarian goals of peace and prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
Peace, prosperity, and democracy cannot endure if imposed from the outside. We should cease to make false distinctions between peacekeeping and prevention; they are in fact inextricably linked (Prosperity Quotes)
The reason we have few friends in adversity, is, because we have no true ones in prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
Of course, there’s been a real debate about where to invest and where to cut, and I’m committed to working with members of both parties to cut our deficits and debt. But we can’t simply cut our way to prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
The prosperity of a country can be seen simply in how it treats its old people (Prosperity Quotes)
Prosperity: that condition which attracts the lively interest of lawyers, and warrants your being sued for damages, or indicted, or both (Prosperity Quotes)
Your prosperity and happiness will ultimately be determined by the enrichment you create for others in this world. If whatever you are doing does not enrich your life, or that of others, then it’s time to do something else (Prosperity Quotes)
It would drive a person crazy to dope out really what does divide the two parties. Prosperity don’t divide the two parties, for under either administration the poor get poorer and the rich get richer (Prosperity Quotes)
Books are a better investment in our future than bullets. Books, not bullets, will pave the path towards peace and prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
Not every man can carry a full cup. Sudden elevation frequently leads to pride and a fall. The most exacting test of all to survive is prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
Seest thou good days? Prepare for evil times. No summer but hath its winter. He never reaped comfort in adversity that sowed not in prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
Trees loaded with fruit are bent down; the clouds when charged with fresh rain hang down near the earth: even so good men are not uplifted through prosperity. Such is the natural character of the liberal (Prosperity Quotes)
Mentally, you must believe it before you physically start it, or else you will never reach prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
The man who is in the highest state of prosperity, and who thinks his fortune is most secure, knows not if it will remain unchanged till the evening (Prosperity Quotes)
Open markets offer the only realistic hope of pulling billions of people in developing countries out of abject poverty, while sustaining prosperity in the industrialized world (Prosperity Quotes)
What is the conservative movement? It’s pretty straightforward. We believe that the way prosperity is created is when people have the freedom and the opportunity to pursue their dreams (Prosperity Quotes)
The weather and my mood have little connection. I have my foggy and my fine days within me; my prosperity or misfortune has little to do with the matter (Prosperity Quotes)
Only when a man’s life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pronounce him happy (Prosperity Quotes)
It is, generally, in the season of prosperity that men discover their real temper, principles, and designs (Prosperity Quotes)
We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own (Prosperity Quotes)
If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another (Prosperity Quotes)