Prosperity Quotes

Text Quotes
Genuine, morality is preserved only in the school of adversity, and a state of continuous prosperity may easily prove a quicksand to virtue (Prosperity Quotes)
A weak mind sinks under prosperity as well as under adversity. A strong and deep one has two highest tides, when the moon is at the full, and when there is no moon (Prosperity Quotes)
In prosperity it is very easy to find a friend; but in adversity it is the most difficult of all things (Prosperity Quotes)
The increase of a great number of citizens in prosperity is a necessary element to the security, and even to the existence, of a civilized people (Prosperity Quotes)
In adversity be spirited and firm, and with equal prudence lessen your sail when filled with a too fortunate gale of prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
As the flint contains the spark, unknown to itself, which the steel alone can awaken to life, so adversity often reveals to us hidden gems, which prosperity or negligence would forever have hidden (Prosperity Quotes)
The temptations of prosperity insinuate themselves after a gentle, but very powerful manner; so that we are but little aware of them and less able to withstand them (Prosperity Quotes)
To speak in a mean, the virtue of prosperity is temperance, the virtue of adversity is fortitude, which in morals is the more heroic virtue (Prosperity Quotes)
To know a people’s character, we must see it at its homes, and look chiefly to the humbler abodes where that portion of the people dwells which makes the broad basis of the national prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
The mind of man is ignorant of fate and future destiny, and can not keep within due bounds when elated by prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
A summer friendship, whose flattering leaves, that shadowed us in our prosperity, with the least gust drop off in the autumn of adversity (Prosperity Quotes)
Friendship throws a greater luster on prosperity, while it lightens adversity by sharing in its griefs and anxieties (Prosperity Quotes)
God will not suffer man to have the knowledge of things to come; for if he had prescience of his prosperity, he would be careless; and, understanding of his adversity, he would be senseless (Prosperity Quotes)
The question of peace, progress and prosperity, it’s a motherhood statement, all of us like it (Prosperity Quotes)
Higher income taxes are a razor guillotine poised to descend on the bare neck of prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
If prosperity is regarded as the reward of virtue it will be regarded as the symptom of virtue (Prosperity Quotes)
Take care to be an economist in prosperity. There is no fear of your being one in adversity (Prosperity Quotes)
Prosperous farmers mean more employment, more prosperity for the workers and the business men of every industrial area in the whole country (Prosperity Quotes)
Investment in education and economic prosperity is the best way to cure fanaticism and for establishing a just peace in the Middle East (Prosperity Quotes)
There is in every woman’s heart a spark of heavenly fire which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity (Prosperity Quotes)
Agreeing to share prosperity, rather than let it divide us, is infinitely preferable to the alternative (Prosperity Quotes)
Educational opportunities have supported the rise of the African middle class, the professional cadre of young people who are now willing and able to contribute to Africa’s future prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
The Zimbabwean people, like everyone else, have a right to live in freedom and prosperity and to select their leaders through fair and democratic elections (Prosperity Quotes)
The faith in reason insists that the poverty of democracy offers a greater hope for mankind than the prosperity that attaches itself to aristocracy or despotism (Prosperity Quotes)
The secret of happiness and prosperity in this world, as in the world to come, lies in thinking of the welfare of others first, and not taking one’s self too seriously (Prosperity Quotes)
Prosperity knits a man to the world. He feels that he is finding his place in it, while really it is finding its place in him (Prosperity Quotes)
In the broader sense, work is the means to achieve happiness, prosperity. and salvation. When work and duty and joy are commingled, then man is at his best (Prosperity Quotes)
If we want to invest in the prosperity of our nation, we must invest in the education of our children so that their talents may be fully employed (Prosperity Quotes)
A real friend will not visit you in prosperity unless he is invited, but when you are in adversity he will call without invitation (Prosperity Quotes)
Our nation’s continued prosperity hinges on our ability to solve environmental problems and sustain the natural resources on which we all depend (Prosperity Quotes)