Prosperity Quotes

Text Quotes
In today’s world, learning has become the key to economic prosperity, social cohesion and personal fulfillment. We can no longer afford to educate the few to think, and the many to do. (Prosperity Quotes)
Those of us who lived under communism for most of our lives were looking toward the Western world because of its values, emphasis on democracy, individual liberties and freedom, and economic prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
I see the liberty of the individual not only as a great moral good in itself (or, with Lord Acton, as the highest political good), but also as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
Our Government is fostering economic growth in Kitchener, Cambridge and all of the Waterloo Region by investing in our innovative businesses. Today’s announcement is a great example of how we are helping high-potential companies bring great ideas to market faster. Helping our entrepreneurs and original thinkers export their products and services to the rest of the world creates jobs, growth and economic prosperity here at home. (Prosperity Quotes)
The Egyptian society needs to include its women if it wants to have economic prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
Education is the most powerful tool countries have for boosting economic growth, increasing prosperity, and forging more just, peaceful and equitable societies. (Prosperity Quotes)
How can I convert the enthusiasm of voters into a practical programme of action that meets their desire for economic security and greater prosperity? (Prosperity Quotes)
The bond between the United States and Britain has always been strong. It has survived through war and peace, periods of prosperity and economic hardship. (Prosperity Quotes)
Young Chinese, who have grown up in an age of prosperity and stability, are typically the most passionate defenders of the Chinese political and economic way. (Prosperity Quotes)
We have the capacity to create a remarkably different economy: one that can restore ecosystems and protect the environment while bringing forth innovation, prosperity, meaningful work, and true security. (Prosperity Quotes)
Few things are more important to each individual’s future success or to our nation’s prosperity than education. (Prosperity Quotes)
If we want to invest in the prosperity of our nation, we must invest in the education of our children so that their talents may be fully employed. (Prosperity Quotes)
I call for a march from exploitation to education, from poverty to shared prosperity, a march from slavery to liberty, and a march from violence to peace. (Prosperity Quotes)
Real security, in other words, is inseparable from issues of energy policy; education; public health; preservation of soils, forests, and waters; and broadly based, sustainable prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
Educational opportunities have supported the rise of the African middle class, the professional cadre of young people who are now willing and able to contribute to Africa’s future prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
Prosperity is a by-product of an effective management of whatever God provides (Prosperity Quotes)
Real prosperity comes from everybody in the country working together in a growth mode. Real prosperity comes as a result of people’s own initiative and efforts and so forth. Prosperity, if it comes from the government, is not prosperity. It’s an existence or a subsistence or whatever, but it isn’t prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
Even though a high IQ is no guarantee of prosperity, prestige, or happiness in life, our schools and our culture fixate on academic abilities, ignoring the emotional intelligence that also matters immensely for our personal destiny. (Prosperity Quotes)
Financial inclusion matters not only because it promotes growth, but because it helps ensure prosperity is widely shared. Access to financial services plays a critical role in lifting people out of poverty, in empowering women, and in helping governments deliver services to their people. (Prosperity Quotes)
Our nation’s continued prosperity hinges on our ability to solve environmental problems and sustain the natural resources on which we all depend. (Prosperity Quotes)
Give us equality of enjoyment, equal right to expansion - it is as necessary to our prosperity as yours. (Prosperity Quotes)
The future of peace and prosperity that we seek for all the world’s peoples needs a foundation of tolerance, security, equality and justice. (Prosperity Quotes)
Today the main, over-riding purpose of the European Union is different: not to win peace, but to secure prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
We experience prosperity in our relationships as we learn to love, forgive, and receive love and forgiveness. (Prosperity Quotes)
Of all the failed technologies that litter the onward march of science - steam carriages, zeppelins, armoured trains - none has been so catastrophic to prosperity as the last century’s attempt to generate electricity from nuclear fission. (Prosperity Quotes)
Future peace, prosperity and confidence depend not just on ourselves but on the success of all nations. Hence, we are all partners, no matter what our backgrounds, cultures, faiths and histories. (Prosperity Quotes)
What I count as real prosperity... is the growth in a knowledge of God, and in a testimony, and in the power to live the gospel and to inspire our families to do the same. That is prosperity of the truest kind. (Prosperity Quotes)
Laying the groundwork for smaller, smarter government, especially at the federal level, is going to be tough. But it is essential for getting us back on the path to long-term prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
Are Americans afraid to face the reality that there is a significant portion of this world’s population that hates America, hates what freedom represents, hates the fact that we fight for freedom worldwide, hates our prosperity, hates our way of life? Have we been unwilling to face that very difficult reality? (Prosperity Quotes)
Financial prosperity is impossible without constant planning and management of money (Prosperity Quotes)