Prosperity Quotes

Text Quotes
God’s will concerning financial prosperity and abundance is clearly revealed in the Scriptures (Prosperity Quotes)
Our prosperity as a nation depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals. (Prosperity Quotes)
The participation of our country in the eurozone is a guarantee for the country’s monetary stability. It is a driver of financial prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
Today I AM grateful for wealth. There are many seeds planted inside me that are growing and pouring endless financial prosperity onto my life. (Prosperity Quotes)
If you don’t care about the people around you or treat them as if they don’t matter, you’ll stop the flow of possibilities. This includes your financial prosperity. Creating a vehicle for good that you feel passionate about is the final step toward true prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
I appeal to the Latter-day Saints to be honest with the Lord, and I promise them that peace, prosperity and financial success will attend those who are honest with our Heavenly Father. (Prosperity Quotes)
When I came to the West, I saw many, many things for the first time. But I also saw the prosperity of the West critically. It wasn’t really Heaven. (Prosperity Quotes)
Although Shanghai is on the sea, it long lacked the prosperity that Hong Kong enjoyed, so while Hong Kong became known for its exotic ocean creatures, Shanghai built its diet around more commonplace river and sea fish. (Prosperity Quotes)
Remember your true self. You are more than just flesh and bones; you are unlimited energy and power. Knowing this, you will understand why happiness and prosperity are your birth right. (Prosperity Quotes)
In the meantime, cling tooth and nail to the following rule: not to give in to adversity, not to trust prosperity, and always take full note of fortune’s habit of behaving just as she pleases. (Prosperity Quotes)
Cling tooth and nail to the following rule: Not to give in to adversity, never to trust prosperity, and always to take full note of fortune’s habit of behaving just as she pleases, treating her as if she were actually going to do everything it is in her power to do. Whatever you have been expecting for some time comes as less of a shock. (Prosperity Quotes)
I do believe in the power of freedom. The power of freedom is the mightiest force of history. Once that power unleashes, it ultimately leads to peace and prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
The vast upheaval of the World War set in motion forces that will either destroy civilization or raise mankind to undreamed of heights of human welfare and prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
For years now, long before I became House majority leader, I have been passionate about foreign affairs because I believe that anyone who leads in Washington must appreciate the significance of America’s role in providing for global security and prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
The Founding Fathers and our fathers are rolling over in their graves as this great country voluntarily abandons its dreams of equal opportunity, achievement and prosperity and sows the seeds of its own destruction. (Prosperity Quotes)
I believe that the free enterprise system is the greatest engine of prosperity the world’s ever known. (Prosperity Quotes)
Governments never supply prosperity. At best, they can facilitate it, by allowing the free enterprise system to work. Usually they (Prosperity Quotes)
Governments never supply prosperity. At best, they can facilitate it, by allowing the free enterprise system to work. Usually they suppress it. (Prosperity Quotes)
We who live in free market societies believe that growth, prosperity and ultimately human fulfillment, are created from the bottom up, not the government down. (Prosperity Quotes)
What is the conservative movement? It’s pretty straightforward. We believe that the way prosperity is created is when people have the freedom and the opportunity to pursue their dreams. (Prosperity Quotes)
Prosperity or egalitarianism -- you have to choose. I favor freedom -- you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion. (Prosperity Quotes)
The historic nature of Israel’s struggle for self-determination, freedom, and prosperity underscores the gravity of their circumstances and fortifies my commitment to America’s responsibility as their ally. (Prosperity Quotes)
Each time we make a choice we are either moving toward freedom and prosperity or bondage and misery. (Prosperity Quotes)
It has been always held for a special principle in friendship that prosperity provideth but adversity proveth friends ... (Prosperity Quotes)
Patriotism is the intelligent appreciation that one’s own welfare is inseparably connected with the general welfare and that to prosper personally one must intelligently do his utmost to maintain the general prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
One problem with politics is that it is a zero sum game, i.e. politicians argue how to cut the pie smaller and smaller, by reshuffling pieces of the pie. I think this is destructive. Instead, we should be creating a bigger pie, i.e. funding the science that is the source of all our prosperity. Science is not a zero sum game. (Prosperity Quotes)
Four years of Jimmy Carter gave us two titanic Reagan landslides, peace and prosperity for eight blessed years - and even a third term for his feckless vice president, George H.W. Bush. (Prosperity Quotes)
Getting up for sadhana in the morning is a totally selfish act - for personal strength, for personal intuition, for personal sharpness, for personal discipline, and overall for absolute personal prosperity. (Prosperity Quotes)
When we make purchases on credit, they give us only an illusion of prosperity (Prosperity Quotes)
The prosperity of a person is directly proportional to the level of his giving (Prosperity Quotes)