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I do know that I’ve read somewhere that it’s been statistically proven that in times of war, horror films are much more popular. I don’t know why that is. You’d think it’d be the opposite. You’d think people would want to escape from it.  (Proven Quotes) Pap Machinery uses LubeMate products to keep our truck fleet moving so we can provide timely service to our customers. LubeMate has proven they manufacture quality products that meet our daily demands. The LubeMate team at Valley Industries has provided excellent service and their products are an exceptional value.  (Proven Quotes) I think, if you can prove the existence of God, it can only be proven through love  (Proven Quotes) The truth of a theory can never be proven, for one never knows if future experience will contradict its conclusions.  (Proven Quotes) Some people have facts; these can be proven. Some people have theories; these can be disproven. But people with opinions are mindless and have their minds made up about it.  (Proven Quotes) Whether it was turning around failing companies, rescuing the Olympics, or improving the business climate in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney has proven that he is ready to be president on Day One.  (Proven Quotes) The funny thing is, I sometimes get the impression that some people outside of the field think that there’s some element of security that we have in working on a theory that hasn’t made any predictions that can be proven false. In a sense, we’re working on something unfalsifiable.  (Proven Quotes) Hillary Clinton has aligned herself with Barack Obama on ISIS, Iran and the economy. It’s an alliance doomed to fail. My proven record suggests that - my detailed plans will fortify our national and economic security. And my proven record as governor makes - will give you a sense that I don’t make false promises.  (Proven Quotes) To far too many, science is a four-letter word, and under the modern media’s false equivalency standards, a handful of skeptics are viewed as counterweights to the vast majority of scientists who acknowledge mankind’s proven role in global warming.  (Proven Quotes) Few people are aware of the severe human rights violations committed daily by family court judges across the country. These courts are siding over and over again with proven sexual abusers of children and batterers of women. I wouldn’t believe it myself if I hadn’t done so much investigating.  (Proven Quotes) My family claims I think I’m always right, although I’m always willing to be proven wrong. I hold my opinions dearly, but you can always try to convince me differently, and if you do, I will hold that opinion dearly. I am decidedly stubborn and have been described as not having a type-A personality, but a quadruple-A personality.  (Proven Quotes) The pervasive idea is that if you’re a man in the fashion industry, you’re gay until proven otherwise. And of course there are lots of men who aren’t. But people make certain assumptions.  (Proven Quotes) The egotistical ambition to always want to earn more money harms both the company and the individual himself. That is the biggest weakness of many managers - the financial crisis has proven this.  (Proven Quotes) Growing up in a group home, and with an undiagnosed learning disability to boot, the odds of success were not on my side. But when I joined the high school football team, I learned the value of discipline, focus, persistence, and teamwork - all skills that have proven vital to my career as a C.E.O. and social entrepreneur.  (Proven Quotes) Rather than following through on the proven crime and violence prevention techniques that work, we are back to tough-talking sound byte policies that have been proven to not only fail to reduce crime but actually increase crime, waste taxpayers’ money and discriminate against minorities.  (Proven Quotes) What I have to do now is figure where my passion is, and follow my heart; I’ve proven that if I have the passion for something then I can succeed. I haven’t been listening to my heart in the last little while.  (Proven Quotes) I’ve long thought that Marco Rubio would make a strong G.O.P. candidate for president. While he was brought into office by surfing on the Tea Party wave, he has proven himself not to be wedded to the frequent lunacy of those folks.  (Proven Quotes) Soccer’s not a game that you can restrict players, especially creative players and players who have proven themselves at that level.  (Proven Quotes) Mexico has proven by now that it’s a strong electoral democracy. Now we have to build a democracy that produces better results; if not, then you get a democracy of disenchantment.  (Proven Quotes) But people in masks were always assholes. It was a scientific law. Give someone anonymity and all social niceties break down. The Internet had proven that.  (Proven Quotes) Giving up control and just trying to be happy at the moment has proven to be the best thing for me  (Proven Quotes) The Internet’s proven to be a pretty big deal for global society, and Bitcoin could basically be thought of as the Internet, applied to money.  (Proven Quotes) What I’ve learned is there’s a scientifically proven phenomenon that’s attached to gratitude, and that if you consciously take note of what is good in your life, quantifiable benefits happen.  (Proven Quotes) A good manager instills staff with self-confidence, teaches them to believe in themselves and helps them to realise their brilliance. Do not ever treat your staff with disrespect. It is competent until proven incompetent; not incompetent til proven competent.  (Proven Quotes) People can criticise all day long, I think I’ve proven myself, I think I deliver. And I agree, box office does not mean a movie’s good, but I feel like I’m making good movies and I’m delivering in box office.  (Proven Quotes) If parents had children who were good sleepers, they assumed this was due to their good parenting, not good luck. They followed the rules, and the rules had been proven to work. Celeste must therefore not be following the rules. And you could never prove it to them! They would die smug in their beds.  (Proven Quotes) Good science is all about following the data as it shows up and letting yourself be proven wrong, and letting everything change while you’re working on it - and I think writing is the same way.  (Proven Quotes) Catherine Tate was a proven comedy actress from a comedy background with great taste. I knew her work, and was an incredible fan.  (Proven Quotes) The great Sugambrian shrugged. I did. I supposed you’ve proven your worth. But no man should have to kill his own father. I should know.  (Proven Quotes) When the economy goes sour, there are three different kinds of restaurants that do well: the smaller-scale neighborhood restaurants that don’t ask much of you; those that have banked enormous goodwill by offering great value during the boom; and those with proven records of excellence, a sure thing.  (Proven Quotes)
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