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I am supposed to worry about oceans rising 70 years from now, on climate models that have already proven to be utterly flawed?  (Proven Quotes) The gospel frees us from the relentless pressure of having to prove ourselves, for we are already proven and secure  (Proven Quotes) I’ve had moments where I didn’t hit the ball very good coming in, and you’ve got to turn it around. That’s the whole idea of practicing and really working on being focused on what I’m doing and being committed to what I’m doing. I know what the fix is and I’ve proven it to myself, and it’s just a matter of going out there and executing it consistently over 72 holes  (Proven Quotes) Not yet have I found any better method to prosper during the future financial chaos, which is likely to last many years, than to keep your net worth in shares of those corporations that have proven to have the widest profit margins and the most rapidly increasing profits. Earning power is likely to continue to be valuable, especially if diversified among many nations  (Proven Quotes) Raising minimum wage doesn’t just benefit the workers behind me, it creates a proven ripple effect that increases wages all the way up the scale... Let’s get the facts straight, only 20 percent of people making the minimum wage are teenagers. The rest are hardworking adults, many of them with families, and I mean hardworking  (Proven Quotes) I can still play this game at a high level; I’ve proven that. I want to be home. I want to be close to my family. I want to be close to my foundation and my business interests  (Proven Quotes) When rough times have fallen upon our state in the past, texans have always responded with generosity and an eagerness to help. The compassionate response to the fires has proven that this community spirit is alive and well  (Proven Quotes) What we’ve proven is that you can protect the environment, use it wisely and grow the economy and that there is no conflict between the two  (Proven Quotes) Here is my theory on this one. If you write things down, if there is a mystery and you try and explain it, once you’ve written it down for permanent, in due time, it’ll be proven stupid  (Proven Quotes) It could be that people just want to be connected to something that’s bigger than they are that can’t be proven. I don’t know, I don’t think that’s it  (Proven Quotes) Einstein’s results again turned the tables and now very few philosophers or scientists still think that scientific knowledge is, or can be, proven knowledge  (Proven Quotes) You’re guilty until proven innocent. Perception is reality, that’s the way that it is in this world  (Proven Quotes) I don’t really know that anybody’s proven that a random collection of people doing their own thing actually creates value  (Proven Quotes) A proven theorem of game theory states that every game with complete information possesses a saddle point and therefore a solution  (Proven Quotes) In the long run, the pessimist may be proven right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip  (Proven Quotes) You don’t need numbers; you need passion, and this is proven by the history of the world!  (Proven Quotes) Knowledge has come to be defined as what can be proven by secular evidence and arguments  (Proven Quotes) Medical science has proven time and again that when the resources are provided, great progress in the treatment, cure, and prevention of disease can occur  (Proven Quotes) I said to myself, where are we living? In the United States of America where you’re innocent until proven guilty, or Nazi Germany with the Gestapo calling?  (Proven Quotes) Reducing caloric intake is the only proven method of extending life. If caloric intake is reduced to 20 percent below maintenance, you can extend your lifespan considerably  (Proven Quotes) The Internet’s proven to be a pretty big deal for global society, and Bitcoin could basically be thought of as the Internet, applied to money  (Proven Quotes) If there’s one thing that ‘No Child Left Behind’ has proven, it’s that more academics don’t make for smarter children - or even higher test scores. And yet we somehow refuse to accept this reality  (Proven Quotes) Investing is a business where you can look very silly for a long period of time before you are proven right  (Proven Quotes) But I knew the truth and that’s why I was so sad. Every moment before this one depends on this one. Everything in the history of the world can be proven wrong in one moment  (Proven Quotes) Without a doubt, psychological warfare has proven its right to a place of dignity in our military arsenal  (Proven Quotes) My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals  (Proven Quotes) Laboratories can reduce risk by implementing a proven and internationally accepted quality assurance technology that is applicable across the globe  (Proven Quotes) We know that this man has a proven record of being a ‘strict constructionist.’ Our President has given us his word that he will interpret the Constitution rather than make new laws from the bench  (Proven Quotes) With everything it has to offer, las Vegas is an obvious destination for tourists, as proven by the over 40 million visitors the city welcomes per year  (Proven Quotes) It’s scientifically proven that chocolate improves your mood. There is something in it that can make you happier and I stand by that theory. Milk chocolate. It’s so good!  (Proven Quotes)
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