Proverb Quotes

Text Quotes
Many seek good nights and lose good days (Proverb Quotes)
Pride is the mask of one's own faults (Proverb Quotes)
A pig that has two owners is sure to die of hunger (Proverb Quotes)
Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault (Proverb Quotes)
Nothing is so burdensome as a secret (Proverb Quotes)
Men count up the faults of those who keep them waiting (Proverb Quotes)
Beat your child once a day. If you don't know why, he does (Proverb Quotes)
Even workhouses have their aristocracy (Proverb Quotes)
The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it (Proverb Quotes)
Better a friendly denial than unwilling compliance (Proverb Quotes)
No man's religion ever survived his morals (Proverb Quotes)
Everybody's business is nobody's business (Proverb Quotes)
He who would rule must hear and be deaf, see and be blind (Proverb Quotes)
Everyone thinks that all the bells echo his own thoughts (Proverb Quotes)
If you want good service, serve yourself (Proverb Quotes)
He who divides gets the worst share (Proverb Quotes)
Sleep to the sick is half health (Proverb Quotes)
Show him death, and he'll be content with fever (Proverb Quotes)
Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose (Proverb Quotes)
In the ant's house the dew is a flood (Proverb Quotes)
Who will not feed the cats, must feed the mice and rats (Proverb Quotes)
When a finger points at the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger (Proverb Quotes)
An hour of pain is as long as a day of pleasure (Proverb Quotes)
The heaviest baggage for a traveler is an empty purse (Proverb Quotes)
Men trip not on mountains, they stumble on stones (Proverb Quotes)
Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount (Proverb Quotes)
All are good maids, but whence come the bad wives? (Proverb Quotes)
A woman prefers a man without money to money without a man (Proverb Quotes)
Man is the head of the family, woman the neck that turns the head (Proverb Quotes)
A great fortune depends on luck, a small one on diligence (Proverb Quotes)