Proverb Quotes

Text Quotes
The proverb answers where the sermon fails (Proverb Quotes)
Like, according to the old proverb, naturally goes with like (Proverb Quotes)
May dawn, as the proverb goes, bring happy tidings coming from her mother night (Proverb Quotes)
A proverb has three characteristics: few words, good sense, and a fine image (Proverb Quotes)
There is often more spiritual force in a proverb than in whole philosophical systems (Proverb Quotes)
An old woman is always uneasy when dry bones are mentioned in a proverb (Proverb Quotes)
If you don’t have time to do it right, you must have time to do it over (Proverb Quotes)
Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time (Proverb Quotes)
It is a common proverb, beauteous princess, that diligence is the mother of good fortune (Proverb Quotes)
Good advice is like a proverb: the meaning depends on the interpretation (Proverb Quotes)
There is no proverb that is not true (Proverb Quotes)
There is no pillow so soft as clear conscience : French proverb (Proverb Quotes)
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race (Proverb Quotes)
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race (Proverb Quotes)
There is a Russian proverb which says that misfortune is nest door to stupidity; and it will generally be found that men who are constantly lamenting their ill luck are only reaping the consequences of their own neglect, mismanagement, improvidence, or want of application (Proverb Quotes)
A fig-tree looking on a fig-tree becometh fruitful, says the Arabian proverb. And so it is with children; their first great instructor is example (Proverb Quotes)
The old proverb about having too many irons in the fire is an abominable old lie. Have all in, shovel, tongs, and poker (Proverb Quotes)
Better ride safe in the dark, says the proverb, than in the daylight with a cut throat at your elbow (Proverb Quotes)
Caveat emptor is the only motto going, and the worst proverb that ever came from the dishonest stony hearted Rome (Proverb Quotes)
I believe there's no proverb but what is true; they are all so many sentences and maxims drawn from experience, the universal mother of sciences (Proverb Quotes)
I do not say a proverb is amiss when aptly and reasonably applied, but to be forever discharging them, right or wrong, hit or miss, renders conversation insipid and vulgar (Proverb Quotes)
Attend to me, sancho, I do not say a proverb is amiss when aptly and seasonably applied; but to be for ever discharging them, right or wrong, hit or miss, renders conversation insipid and vulgar (Proverb Quotes)
I am of opinion that there is no proverb which is not true, because they are all sentences drawn from experience itself, the mother of all the sciences (Proverb Quotes)
You are the hare of whom the proverb goes, whose valor plucks dead lions by the beard (Proverb Quotes)
There is an italian proverb which saith, from my enemy let me defend myself; but from a pretensed friend lord deliver me (Proverb Quotes)
Those who hear and do not understand are like the deaf. Of them the proverb says: “Present, they are absent.” (Proverb Quotes)
Until a friend or relative has applied a particular proverb to your own life, or until you’ve watched him apply the proverb to his own life, it has no power to sway you (Proverb Quotes)
Time is money says the proverb, but turn it around and you get a precious truth. Money is time (Proverb Quotes)
There is hardly a mistake which in the course of our lives we have committed, but some proverb, had we known and attended to its lesson, might have saved us from it (Proverb Quotes)
If our education had included training to bear unpleasantness and to let the first shock pass until we could think more calmly, many an unbearable situation would become manageable, and many a nervous illness avoided. There is proverb expressing this. It says, trouble is a tunnel thorough which we pass and not a brick wall against which we must break our head (Proverb Quotes)